Council Meeting Minutes 10-06-2015

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Town of Mountainair

Regular Council Meeting Minutes

October 6th, 2015

Mountainair Council Meeting Room

107 ½ N. Roosevelt Avenue

Mountainair, New Mexico 87036

1. Called to order by: Mayor Riley

2. Invocation: Moment of Silence

3. Pledge of Allegiance: Kathy Anglin

4. Roll Call:

Members Present: Mayor Chester Riley

Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr

Councilperson Juanita Carrillo

Councilperson Barbara Chung

Councilperson Larry Zamora

Members Absent:

5. Approval/Disapproval of Consent Agenda:

Approval/Disapproval, of Agenda, Final Budget and Minutes for the Regular Town Meeting on October 6th, 2015 Councilperson Larry Zamora made the motion to approve the agenda and minutes. This was followed by a second from Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr with one correction. All in favor and motion carried. There was discussion from Councilperson Barbara Chung on the agenda to have item “e” to be tabled until there was clarification on what there was to speak about. There was a motion by Councilperson Barbara Chung to table item “e” followed by a second from Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr. Mayor Riley took a roll call vote; Juanita – yes, Barbara – no, George – no, Larry – yes. Two voted for and two voted against, Mayor Riley broke the tie with a vote of for to let Mr. Embree speak when it was his turn for three minutes.


a.  Police Department – Chief Chung stated that he and the Mayor had interviewed three applicants this week and everything else was going pretty smooth. Chief Chung did want the Council to consider approval to advertise for the Animal Control/Code Enforcement position. With that request the meeting moved on.

b.  Utility Department – Richard Torres was not at the meeting to give a report.

c.  EMS and Fire Department – The EMS and Fire Department report was given by Wayne Jones. Mr. Jones presented three bids for radios for the department and requested permission to go ahead and purchase them at this time. There was a motion from Councilperson Larry Zamora to proceed and a second from Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr. All in favor and motion carried. There was also some discussion on the needed repairs to the Fire Department Building.

d.  Financial Administration- Suzan Brazil was not at the meeting due to eye surgery and Kathy Anglin gave a report of everything going pretty good at the City Hall.

e.  Announcements from Mayor and Council. Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr stated that the EMWT was having a meeting on October 27th at 6:30pm.


a.  Approval of the Comprehensive Plan – Bohannan Huston. At this time Bohannan Huston was not present but assured Mayor Riley that the funding was available if the Council wanted to go ahead and approve the Comprehensive Plan. There was motion by Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr to approve the revised version of the Comprehensive Plan and a second from Councilperson Larry Zamora. All in favor and motion carried.


a.  Approval to advertise for two Certified Police Officers. A motion by Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr and a second from Councilperson Larry Zamora. All in favor and motion carried.

b.  Approval to advertise for Animal Control/Code Enforcement Officer. Motion from Councilperson Barbara Chung to advertise for this position and a second from Councilperson Juanita Carrillo. All in favor and motion carried.

c.  Approval of Proposal to Paint Maintenance Building on Broadway. After some discussion Councilperson Larry Zamora made a motion to advertise again for more bids after specs were drawn up for the Building. A second from Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr. All in favor and motion carried.

d.  Approval of Lodger’s Tax Funds. Kevin Turner presented proposed funding for several groups. There was discussion on the distribution of the funds and it was suggested that the Council vote on each item separately. Councilperson Barbara Chung made a motion to vote on the first two items and that there be an across the board vote for each disbursement. Councilperson Juanita Carrillo stated that it would be better to vote on all of them at the same time. At this point Mayor Riley ask for a second to the motion on the floor which came from Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr. Roll call vote was taken by Mayor Riley. Juanita – No, Barbara – Yes, George – Yes, Larry –Yes on the Brackets for the Banners for $2000.00 and Advertise on Face Book for $100.00. The next item three and four was for the Manzano Arts and Chamber of Commerce for the Sunflower Festival $1500.00 and Signs for $2500.00. The Mayor again asked for a roll call vote from the Council. Juanita – Yes, Barbara – No, George – No, Larry – Yes. There was a tie vote of two for and two against. Mayor Riley recused himself from the vote due to the fact his wife is serving on the Lodger’s Tax Board. So, therefore when there is a tie vote without the Mayor’s vote, and the Mayor has abstained and gave reason, the result is thereby tied and the motion is lost.

e.  Dan Embree to speak “on a matter of current council business” for three minutes. Mr. Embree addressed the Mayor and Council to remind them and the public that it has been seven weeks since they had voted to have a letter sent to the AG’s office requesting an investigation on him. He went on to state there was no basis for such allegations and no such letter and is expecting an official and public retraction and apology.


a. Executive Session was called by motion from Mayor Pro-Tem George for the purpose of discussing the police department. A second from Councilperson Larry Zamora followed by a roll call vote from Mayor Riley of all for. Motion carried and executive session began at 6:32 pm.

b.  Reconvene from Executive Session. Motion from Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr to go back to regular session at 7:17 pm. A second from Councilperson Larry Zamora. Mayor Riley ask for a roll call vote, being all for with no decision made.


1). Next scheduled meeting October 20th, 2015 at 6:00 pm.

2). October 10th, 2015 Fisher’s of Men – Dr. Saul Community Center – TBA

3). October 14th, 2015 Soil Conservation Annual Meeting – Dr. Saul Community Center 10:00 am.

4). October 16th, 2015 – MMAC – Flamenco de Abo 6:00 pm – Dr. Saul Community Center

Adjournment: A motion was made by Mayor Pro-Tem George Immerwahr to adjourn the meeting 7:18 pm. It was followed by a second from Councilperson Larry Zamora. All in favor and motion carried.



Mayor Chester Riley

Attest: ______

Suzan E. Brazil, Town Clerk