MHS Media Center Collaboration Form
Teacher / Click here to enter text. / Date(s) / Click here to enter text. /
Media Specialist / Click here to enter text. / Period(s) / Click here to enter text. /
Course / Click here to enter text. / Grade / Click here to enter text. /
Assignment Title / Click here to enter text. /
Description (or ☐see attachments):Click here to enter text.
How can the Media Center help?
☐ / Workshop: Navigating Online Resources / Time Allotted / Choose an item. /
☐ / GALILEO / ☐ / JSTOR / ☐ / Gale Literature Resource / ☒ / Science in Context
☐ / ABC CLIO / ☐ / SHARPE / ☐ / Gale Virtual References / ☐ / Opposing Viewpoints
☐ / Other: Click here to enter text.
☐ / Workshop: Using Online Research Management Tools / Time Allotted / Choose an item. /
☐ / Noodle Tools / ☐ / Turnitin / ☐ / Other: Click here to enter text.
☐ / Workshop: Print Catalog Navigation & Selection / Time Allotted / Choose an item. /
☐ / Workshop: Web 2.0 Tools / Time Allotted / Choose an item. /
☐ / Workshop: Research, Plagiarism, & Source Citation / Time Allotted / Choose an item. /
☐ / Workshop: General Media Literacy and Online Safety / Time Allotted / Choose an item. /
☐ / References Applicable to the Activity / ☐ / Identify / ☐ / Gather
☐ / Post Links to the Media Center Website / ☐ / Assist in the Creation of an Online Outline
Other/Notes: Click here to enter text.
☐ / Equipment / ☐ / laptops Choose an item. / ☐ / headphonesChoose an item.
☐ / projector/SmartBoard / ☐ / cameraChoose an item. / ☐ / videocameraChoose an item.
☐ / Other:Click here to enter text.
MHS Media Center Feedback Form
Teacher / Click here to enter text. / Date(s) / Click here to enter text. /
Media Specialist / Click here to enter text. / Period(s) / Click here to enter text. /
Course / Click here to enter text. / Grade / Click here to enter text. /
Assignment Title / Click here to enter text. /
Was the lesson objective met by all or most students? / ☐ / Yes / ☐ / Mostly / ☐ / No
What did you value most from this experience?
Click here to enter text.
What happened differently than you had expected?
Click here to enter text. /
What worked best in this session? What would you do differently? (please identify as + or – )
? / time
management / Click here to enter text. /
? / informational
resources / Click here to enter text. /
? / technological
Resources / Click here to enter text. /
? / instructional
clarity / Click here to enter text. /
? / collaborative
planning / Click here to enter text. /
Additional Comments? Click here to enter text.

We hope to see you in theMHS Media Center again soon!

Gary-Michel – VanSickle – Nielson