Senior Syllabus


Prerequisites for Grading

• Ko-Budo Level 4 assessment pass

•Human Anatomy & Physiology written test pass (questions 1 to 30)

Grading Syllabus

  1. Left Handed Throws (10)
  2. Circle Training
  3. Defence Against Left and Right Punches/Kicks/Grabs (Randori Style)
  4. 1 to 11 Advanced Locking Techniques – EMBO (11)
  5. 1 to 11 Wrist and Arm Locks, Plus Applications
  6. Baton Techniques (14)
  7. Knife Defence (16)
  8. Gun Defence (9)
  9. Syllabus Revision
  10. Modules (1 from each grade)
  11. Novice Kata
  12. Short Stance Kata
  13. 3 Person Kata
  14. Yellow to Green Belt Kata
  15. Long Stance Kata
  16. Locking Hands Kata

Weapons Kata

1.Nunchaku Kata 1

2.Tonfa Kata

3.Sai Kata 1 &2

4.Bo Pairs kata

5.Walking the Bo

6.Katana Presentation

7.Long Standing Katana Kata

8.Katana Finish

Left Handed Throws (10)

The student's selection of at least 12 left handed throws, showing a good range of technique and finish. Marks will be awarded on the Best 10.

Circle Training

Defend from Right and Left punches from opponents standing in a circle-by numbers, block and counter strike. Good technique and control must be shown at all times.(Randori Style)


Defence against all full power attacks with counter strikes or throws.

1 to 11 Advanced Locking Techniques – EMBO (11)

1.Both wrists held from behind, step forward right, step back and body strike, into gunfighter stance, clap hands, step left, right hand takes left and step under into wrist lock. Left block to right punch, and right hand around back for Body Drop, right forearm block to kick. Right punch to face, execute Cross Over Lock, on right then left sides, turn into Bent Arm and Wrist Lock. Left leg clear, right leg around back of head and into armpit, sit in. Wind opponent over onto front then ease up onto knee with left leg under chin for low and high Shoulder Locks, bend arm and tuck into hip, lean forward to lock sit down. Scoop left arm into Back Hammer, lean forward to apply Double Shoulder Lock and pull on hair.

2.Both wrists held from behind, step forward right, step back and body strike, into gunfighter stance, clap hands, Step under and right, wind into Arm and Shoulder Lock. Step around for Bent Arm and Wrist Lock, left hand through to wind into Back Hammer Lock. Take to ground, lean over to scoop left arm with own right keep lock on. Turn opponent over by placing right hand behind neck and to floor and place left knee on fingers. Sit beside keeping Back Hammer up high behind back, left arm around opponent's neck, lock opponent's left arm under left leg, lift and turn head for lock.

3.Both wrists held from behind, step forward right, step back and body strike, into gunfighter stance, clap hands, Step under and right, apply Arm and Shoulder Lock. Step right leg behind and perform Single Leg Scissors Throw. Left back fist to groin, push left leg strongly through between opponent's legs, take opponent's left ankle and lock behind his right knee push right foot under and hook own left leg through to apply Leg Lock. Left hand pins opponent's right to floor. Right kick to face, use right throat grip, as swinging right leg over, stand to apply lock and drop back onto right knee to finish.

4.Right goose-neck block to right straight punch and take, Right Snap kick to solar plexus, twist into Wrist Lock, left downward forearm block to left uppercut and take, turn in to release opponent's right arm, strike upwards to opponent's left elbow with right arm and apply Straight Arm lock. Step under right and throw using Wrist lock as pushing left leg out into Dropping Body Drop. Twist into Straight Arm Lock on floor, left pinch to inside thigh, left hand over to block, hop over body onto other side, push arm across body to attempt Scarf Hold, opponent turns, turn over with him and wind into Back Hammer, sit on top and finish lock by left heel in front or right then left shoulder.

1 to 11 Advanced Locking Techniques – EMBO (11) cont.

5.Right goose-neck block to right straight punch and take, Right Snap kick to solar plexus, twist into Wrist Lock, left downward forearm block to left uppercut and take, turn in to release opponent's right arm, strike upwards to opponent's left elbow with right arm and apply Straight Arm lock. Right arm around opponent's neck and perform Dropping Version Of Full Shoulder Throw, lift opponent into sitting position with right arm, left leg traps opponent's left arm as left hand grasps right lapel to choke, right arm under opponent's right and behind head. Sit back and onto left side, right leg over and behind opponent's head to apply severe choke, pull down with right on opponent's right arm for Straight Arm lock, then apply Bent Arm and Wrist Lock. Straighten right leg strongly to push opponent away, spin to left to rise on stance.

6.Right goose-neck block to right straight punch and take, Right Snap kick to solar plexus, twist into Wrist Lock, left downward forearm block to left uppercut and take, turn in to release opponent's right arm, strike upwards to opponent's left elbow with right arm and apply Straight Arm lock. Right arm around opponent's neck and perform Dropping Version Of Full Shoulder Throw, lift opponent into sitting position with right arm, left leg traps opponent's left arm as left hand grasps right lapel to choke, right arm under opponent's right and behind head. Left arm around opponent's right arm and to left side of head to grasp right lapel, take opponent's belt with right hand and sit back, place right leg between opponent's legs to trap. Right hand behind opponent's head to join left, release left leg and use both arms to turn opponent over onto front, continue to roll up into Shoulder Lock.

7.From right push/grab and left punch. Right S block and take, grasp opponent's right hand with left, turn right and step through to apply Shoulder Lock, release opponent's left and turn to place right arm over head and across throat, turn to choke as claiming left arm with own left. Take down into sitting position, tuck opponent's left arm behind own left knee and kneel on, place right arm around throat for Naked Choke Hold, and push head forward with left, left hand around to take Gi for strangle. Right arm under opponents right and behind head, left arm around opponent's right arm and to left side of head, grasp right lapel, release opponent's left arm with leg and pull to floor. Right block to left punch and force to floor, right arm around back of opponents neck, force opponent's right arm over own right leg and place own left foot on wrist for Straight Arm Lock, lean forward as left hand pressures down on nose.

8.Right outside block to right straight punch, left upward forearm block to following back elbow. Double Kidney Punch, Double Ankle Shoulder Thrust, Right Axe Kick to Brachial Plexus, pick up both arms at wrists and step right leg through. Drop onto right knee trapping opponent's arm, take left leg across as tucking left foot behind head, apply Arm, Shoulder and Wrist Lock. Roll to left to turn opponent over, come up on left knee and apply Straight Arm Lock between legs with left foot across back of opponent's neck, turn left to bend arm and go down on both knees. Apply Wrist Lock on left arm, left block to right back elbow strike and apply Reverse Shoulder Lock on right arm. Quarter turn left to apply pressure to opponent's arms with left arm and left leg rise into stance.

1 to 11 Advanced Locking Techniques – EMBO (11) cont.

9.From ground strangle between legs. Left Palm Heel Strike to jaw, as right hand takes right, place right foot into attacker's left hip, left leg over and lock into opponent's throat, use right hand to release strangle hold on right, change hands and apply Straight Arm Lock with left, roll left and continue Straight Arm Lock with right leg as coming up on left knee. Left foot across opponent's throat, turn left on both knees applying Arm Lock, block left strike with left, Right Hammer Fist Strike to groin, continue round into Hold Down with Double Arm Lock, lean forward.

10.From Half Nelson Lock on right arm with left hand held. Step forward right and bring right arm down sharply. Turn left guarding against knee strike and turn into Back Hammer Lock, right hand takes opponent's left as turning through, push on elbow with left, perform Rice Bale Throw. Left kick to groin, apply Leg Scissors to head, sit up and turn opponent over with Figure Four Arm Lock, head between knees, keep lock on and sit round into Back Hammer Lock, trap with right leg. Apply Wrist Lock, sit on top and finish lock by heel in front of left, then right shoulder.

11.Left downward block to right uppercut to midriff, take with right, left cross block to following left hook to face. Apply Double Wrap Straight Arm Lock, turn left into Arm and Shoulder Lock, step out into Bent Arm and Wrist Lock, turn over into Straight Arm Lock and take to floor, kneel on right leg, place left leg behind opponent's head and lean forward with arm trapped against chest to apply Shoulder Lock.

1 to 11 Wrist and Arm Locks, Plus Applications

Wrist locks to be performed both left and right sides.

1.Circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, pull in to chest and lock wrist and thumb, lean in to lock.


Right S block to left punch to head, pull left hand in to chest. Right kick to inside knee, circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, and lock wrist and thumb in to lock. Turn right to force opponent down with elbow to elbow pressure, turn right and change hands, apply Wrist Lock with left as right arm goes over head and across throat for Straight Arm Lock and Choke, turn opponent round, trap left arm and sit opponent down. Trap left arm with left leg, turn left and kneel to apply Arm Lock, force opponent face down to floor, press on back, step around to front before rising.

2.Circle wrist upward and inward, reach under with other hand, thumb on back, twist out and apply hand blade pressure to lock.

Right S block to left punch to head. Circle wrist upward and inward, reach under with other hand, thumb on back. Right kick to inside knee, twist out and apply hand blade pressure to lock. Perform Wrist Throw, place right knee into shoulder to turn opponent face down. Face toward opponent's feet and wind right leg around arm and kneel into Back Hammer Lock, right upper arm block to back elbow strike, wind into reverse Arm and Shoulder Lock and place hand onto side of chest, and push on hip to prevent opponent turning.

1 to 11 Wrist and Arm Locks, Plus Applications cont.

3.Circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, pull in to chest and lock wrist and thumb, then two handed grip (prayer Lock) and pressure down.

Right S block to left punch to head, pull left hand in to chest. Right kick to inside knee, circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, and lock wrist and thumb. Two handed grip and pressure down. Force opponent down and right, step over arm with left leg and, execute Rice Bale Throw. Turn and double heel kick to sternum / solar plexus, turn onto left hip and place left foot into throat, turn arm into Bent Wrist Lock, place right foot behind head for Leg Scissors and turn onto back, straighten legs to apply choke.

4.Circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, pull in to chest and lock wrist and thumb, other hand to elbow for middle finger pressure to inside of elbow applying Bent Arm and Wrist Lock.

Right S block to left punch to head, pull left hand in to chest. Right kick to inside knee, circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, and lock wrist and thumb. Other hand to elbow for middle finger pressure inside of elbow applying Bent Arm and Wrist Lock, apply hand blade to forearm for additional pressure. Left push up under elbow, place right leg through for Reclining Leg Throw with Strikes.

5.Circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, pull in to chest and lock wrist and thumb, other hand to elbow for middle finger pressure to inside of elbow applying Bent Arm and Wrist Lock, apply hand blade to forearm for additional pressure.

Right S block to left punch to head, pull left hand in to chest. Right kick to inside knee, circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, and lock wrist and thumb. Other hand to elbow for middle finger pressure inside of elbow applying Bent Arm and Wrist Lock, apply hand blade to forearm for additional pressure. Left arm through into Back Hammer Lock, right hand onto back of neck to take to floor, remove left hand and apply Wrist Lock with Back Hammer Lock. Left forearm block to back elbow strike, take wrist and turn into Double Back Hammer Lock, turn opponent onto back and place left knee on collar bone, left forearm block to kick and right punch to face.

6.Circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, pull in to chest and lock wrist and thumb, other hand to elbow for middle finger pressure to inside of elbow applying Bent Arm and Wrist Lock, hand under elbow to turn opponent down with Straight Arm Lock.

Right S block to left punch to head, pull left hand in to chest. Right kick to inside knee, circle wrist downward and outward, take with other hand, thumb to thumb, and lock wrist and thumb. Other hand to elbow for middle finger pressure inside of elbow applying Bent Arm and Wrist Lock, hand under elbow to turn opponent down with straight arm lock. Opponent resists and rises, drop to left knee in front and turn to perform Front Scissors Throw, kick leg away and continue round into leg lock with Left Knee Strike to kidney.

1 to 11 Wrist and Arm Locks, Plus Applications cont ..

7. Double wrist grab. Circle both wrists to strike back of wrists together, push forward, as pushed back, push hand through, under armpit, to take down with Back Hammer Lock.

Left leg into guard position, circle both wrists to strike back of wrists together, push forward, as pushed back, turn wrist downwards and outwards, push hand through under opponent's arm to take down with Back Hammer Lock. Opponent resists and rises, step in and right turning to block punch with left, perform Reverse Inside Hock Throw with right leg to take down, follow opponent to floor showing guard against kicks as Right Back Fist to groin and Right Punch to Face.

8.Make a V with fingers and thumb, take underneath elbow with other hand, push upward into opponent's wrist to free grip, and pull in to lock.

Right S block to left punch to head, pull hand in to chest. Right kick to inside knee, make V with fingers and thumb, push outward then upward into opponent's wrist to free grip, take underneath elbow with other hand and pull into lock. Walk forward to take opponent down backwards, use left leg to turn opponent onto side, wind left leg around arm to turn opponent over as placing hands on opponent's hip for balance. Step over, sit on back facing feet, Right Heel Kick to groin, take right then left legs into Figure 4 Lock, tuck left foot behind own knee and sit back.