Board Minutes

November 8th, 2017


25 West Jefferson Street, Jefferson, OH 44047


Wednesday November 8th, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of the Ashtabula County Metroparks Board of Commissioners was held at the Board Office meeting room at 91 N. Chestnut Street in Jefferson, Ohio and called to order at 6:00pmby Bob Best, VicePresident.Board Members attending and completing a quorum were: Paul Carpenter, President; (arrived late)Bob Best, Vice President;and Marie Lane,TerryBerkey, Charlie Kohli; Members. Larry Frimerman, Executive Director; Brett Bellas, Operations Manager; andPam Blough, Office Manager; were also in attendance. Guests: Members of Scout Troop 41, Ruth Howell of OHC, Denise Weinmann, Friends of Harpersfield Park.

Business at Hand:

1.Agenda was reviewed; move to approveby Kohli, second by Berkey. All in favor.

2.The October 11th and October 25th Minutes were reviewed. Motion to approve minutes by Kohli, second by Lane. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

3.Expense worksheet for November reviewed. Motion to accept by Berkey. Second by Kohli. All in favor.

4.The October Financials were reviewed. Motion by Kohli to approve. Second by Lane. All approved.

Audience Participation is limited to three minutes each and the Board thanks them for their input:

Scout Troop 41-Proposed a Community Service Project and Fundraiser for the Jefferson Area Scouts. The Scouts would pick up used Christmas trees from the community at $5 per tree, turn them into woodchips, and then deliver them to various Metroparks to be used for paths and trails. The Scoutmaster and adults will be the only persons running the chipper. Mr. Berkey motioned to allow the project, seconded by Ms. Lane. All Board Members were in favor.

Denise Weinmann-Friends of the Covered Bridge Metropark have been holding fundraisers for the purpose of purchasing playground equipment for Harpersfield Covered Bridge Metropark. Denise would like to open a conversation regarding other funding sources. Would the Metroparks assist in writing grants? What type of play materials should be used? Discussion of types of play areas, cost sharing and grant opportunities ensued. Next Friends meeting will be at 7pm on November 15th at the Old Harpersfield Town Hall. Mr. Frimerman will attend.

Ruth Howell-The Ohio Horseman’s Council handed in their volunteer forms and hours from their October 28th project at Hatches Corners. They have tabled any further volunteer work until spring; at which time they would like to promote a soft opening at Hatches Corners Metropark to introduce the new bridle path.

Doug/Dolly Anderson-Would like to volunteer for the Metroparks.

Bob handed meeting over to Paul at 6:20pm

Moved by Lane at 6:48pm to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Second by Kohli. Call of the Roll: Berkey, aye; Best, aye; Kohli, aye; Lane, aye; Carpenter, aye. Board moved into Executive session by unanimous vote. Back into regular session at 7:22pm.

Director’s Report:

  • Rock Creek Easement: language adjustment; in process.
  • NST RFQ- Kohli, Frimerman and Bellas will meet at 10am on Monday as the Planning Committee to review applications.
  • Ranger Plans-January hire. Ms. Lane and Mr. Frimerman will meet with Sheriff Johnson to establish a process for dispatch and arrest.
  • Mr. Frimerman presented a draft RFP to the Board for a Parks Master Plan.
  • Trails and County wide Trail Plan Initiative with Andrea Ireland-Mr. Frimerman and Mr. Kohli met withAndrea last week.
  • Gateway Church is proposing to sponsor a rest area adjacent to the Greenway Trail. Possible camping area as well. The Board would like the Gateway Church representatives to attend a Board Meeting and present their ideas.
  • Mr. Kohli attended the Legislative Trails Initiative in Columbus last week. It involves the creation and funding of trail networks in Ohio. Next meeting is December 4th.
  • Camp Peet pavilion is almost complete. The installation of the vault toilet will have to wait for spring due to weather.
  • Redbrook-still waiting on a purchase agreement. Many persons are interested in forming a “ Friends of Redbrook” group, according to Ms. Lane

Ms. Lane moved to go into executive session at 8:10pm for purposes of Real Estate and Legal Issues discussion. Second by Mr. Kohli. All were in favor on call of the roll.So moved. Back into regular session at 8:21pm.

Upcoming Dates:

  • There will be a Special Meeting of the Board on November 20, 2017 at 6pm to discuss Real Estate. Meeting will be held at the Board Office.

New Business:

1.Motion by Berkey to resolve to move forward on creating a Park Master plan, and authorizing the Executive Director to pursue funding options to supplement payment of the Plan. Second by Kohli. Call of the Roll: all approved.

Resolution 2017-017 so passed.

2.There will be a Recognition event for Trail Volunteers on or about November 29th. Mr. Berkey will make the arrangements. The Board authorizes the Foundation to reimburse Mr. Berkey from the Friends account for the event.

3.Ms. Lane moved that the Board approve and execute the hunting agreement with ODNR for the Turkey Creek Metropark. Second by Mr. Berkey. All in favor. Motion carried.

Adjourn: There being no further business; Mr. Kohli moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:28pm.Mr. Berkeyseconded the motion. All in favor. Meeting Adjourned.

Next Board Meetings:Special: November 20th, 6pm @ Board Office for Executive Session Land

Regular: December 13th, 2017 6:30pm @ 91 N Chestnut St Jefferson

January 10, 2018 @ 6:30pm

Minutes to be approved: December 2017


Paul Carpenter, President (or representative) Pam Blough, Clerk
