UWMF / SMPH Integrated Financials

UWMF Mission Coding – Questions Answers (updated July 1, 2014)

Please refer to UWMF & SMPH document Integrated Financials-Mission Reporting and Coding (4.10.14)

Integrated Financials.UWMF and SMPH are jointly working to consolidate each Academic Department’s financials into an integrated database. Activity will also be identified by mission (clinical, teaching and research) to allow for insight and transparencyto each Department’s sources and uses of funds by mission and to identify when subsidization between missions takes place.

Q1. What is the basis for determining each physician’s mission?

  • Effort. This may involve evaluation of each provider’s clinical and academic schedules. Templates should be submitted to UWMF payroll if effort changes materially during the year. There will also be a final review at year end.
  • Do not use source of funds as the basis because it would negate the accuracy of the mission-based reports.

Q2. What is the basis for determining each UWMF employed APP and staff’s mission?

  • Effort.It is presumed that the vast majority of UWMF employed APPs and staff areentirely clinical and coded with fund 000.
  • UWMF employed staff solely supporting teaching or research missions need fund 200 or 400 included with their payroll coding, respectively. Documentation may be requested to explain teaching and research staff onUWMF’s payroll.
  • General Administrative positions that support all missions are identified with fund 600 which should be attached to a UWMF employee’s payroll coding.

Q3. If a UWMF employee is combination administrative assistant supporting all missions and clinic scheduler can their salary have split coding?

  • Yes. Make your best estimate of the percentage effort applied to the administrative and clinic roles and use fund 600-administrative and fund 000-clinical, respectively. Remember to update if change is made.

Q4. How should Coder salaries be coded in UWMF payroll?

  • Coder salaries and expenses should be coded with fund 000-clinical.
  • There are different program options available for Coder salaries and expenses:
  • 604-Administration, 633-Clinic Management or 677-Coders have been designated as department administration programs. The use of these program numbers in conjunction with fund 000 indicates to Integrated Financials that the activity should be allocated to all clinical programs (subdepartments) within the clinical mission.
  • Coder costs can also be expensed directly to a clinical program (i.e. 620-Cardiology). A clinical program used in conjunction with fund 000 indicates to Integrated Financials that the expense remain within the Cardiology program, clinical mission (no allocation needed).

Q5. How should conferences, memberships and other professional development costs be coded?

  • It will depend on the nature of the expense (i.e. the purpose of the conference or meeting). If activity is primarily for clinical purposes then code to clinical (000). If activity is primarily for teaching purposes then code to teaching (200). If activity is primarily for research purposes then code to research (400). You do not need to split-code these invoices (i.e. do not code a % to clinical, a % to teaching and a % to research).
  • When the definitions of clinical, teaching & research were developed it was understood there would be overlap. It was determined that activity with elements of both clinical and teaching should be categorized as “clinical.”

Q6. How should resident expenses be coded?

  • Residency programs are primarily for training purposes, so in general, resident expenses will be coded to teaching (200). However, if a certain expense is primarily related to clinical work (000) or research work (400), it should be coded as such.

Q7. Can program 000 continue to be used in FY15?

  • Onlyon a limited basis. Department centralized activity not part of department general administration can be coded to program 000 upon agreement with UWMF Finance Department.The SIF/PIF assessment is an acceptable use of program 000.

Q8. Do funds 200-teaching, 400-research or 600-general administration need to be attached to the SMPH transfer accounts (#79110-79590)?

  • Not required but accepted in system. The UWMF transferred funds will be eliminated in the Integrated Financials to avoid double counting. These dollars will be report inIntegrated Financials using the SMPH mission coding.

Q9. What fund coding should be used with transfers to UW Foundation for R&D (#79600)?

  • Fund 405.
  • Integrated Financial reports need the “4xx” to identify as research mission.
  • UWMF needs the “x05” to identify UWMF R&D expenditures, which must be minimum of 2.5% of professional revenue.

Q10. What mission coding should be applied to the UWMF Managed Clinic expenses?

  • Since it is presumed that UWMF managed clinic operations support the clinical mission as defined, fund 000will be coded to vast majority of clinic expenses in UWMF PeopleSoft.
  • However, if there is a situation when a UWMF clinic expense is to exclusively support the Teaching (200) or Research (400) mission, the expense should be coded accordingly. The Finance Department can work with the Academic Department and Clinic manager on the coding.

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