Name ______Period ______Date ______

World History CP Final Review

The exam will include content on the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Exploration, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Absolutism, French Revolution, Nationalism, Imperialism, WWI, the Russian Revolution, WWII, and the start of the Cold War.

In addition to this review sheet, you should study all of your notes, handouts, worksheets, readings, to prepare for this exam.

Multiple Choice Practice

1.  In what practice did Calvin differ from Luther?

A.  belief in the Bible

B.  predestination

C.  community of believers

D.  dismissal of Catholic Church

2.  During the reign of what English king did the Protestant Reformation sweep over England?

A.  Mary I

B.  William III

C.  Henry VIII

D.  Edward VI

3.  During the Renaissance, non-religious works of art are known as…

A.  Fresco

B.  Secular

C.  Traditional

D.  All of the above

4.  The Renaissance was

A.  a resurrection of French manners.

B.  a revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman ideals.

C.  an integration of Christian and Egyptian cultures.

D.  a rejection of all past artistic styles.

5.  Which of the following scientists presented a theory of universal gravitation?

A.  Kepler

B.  Galileo

C.  Newton

D.  Descartes

6.  What actions did the Catholic Church pursue concerning Galileo and his ideas?

A.  authorities reluctantly agreed to his theories

B.  allowed Galileo to “change his mind” concerning his theories

C.  gave him permission to publish his ideas as long as he admitted God inspired him

D.  forced him to recant his ideas before sentencing him to house arrest

7.  Unlike the Renaissance, the Enlightenment was

A.  past-oriented.

B.  future-oriented.

C.  organized by the Catholic Church.

D.  revolutionary.

8.  The impact of the Enlightenment was

A.  felt at all levels of society.

B.  short-lived.

C.  limited to the French.

D.  only applied to intellectuals at universities.

9.  Which of the following figures rejected absolutism?

A.  John Locke

B.  Ivan the Terrible

C.  Louis XIV

D.  Thomas Hobbes

10.  Which event occurred first?

A.  James II ascended the throne.

B.  William and Mary were invited to rule England.

C.  William and Mary accepted the English Bill of Rights.

D.  Parliamentarians won the English Civil War.


·  “Rebirth”

·  Fascination with ancient world (Greece & Rome)

·  Art techniques

o  Perspective

o  Realism

·  Machiavelli & “The Prince”

·  Humanism

·  Secular

Protestant Reformation

·  Martin Luther

o  95 Theses

o  Diet of Worms

o  Indulgences

·  John Calvin

o  Predestination

·  Henry VIII and Elizabeth I

o  Annulment v. divorce

o  Anglican Church/Church of England

o  Act of Supremacy

·  Influence of the printing press


·  Motivations to explore (God, gold and glory)

·  Major explorers and supporting countries (Columbus, Magellan, da Gama, etc.)

·  Triangle trade

o  Atlantic slave trade

o  Middle passage

o  Columbian Exchange

Scientific Revolution

·  Scientific method: Know the 5 steps.

·  Geocentric and heliocentric theories

·  Major scientists

o  Copernicus

o  Galileo

o  Newton

o  Bacon

·  Important discoveries

o  Calculus

o  Gravity

o  Astronomy


·  Characteristics of Enlightenment thought

·  Major philosophers

o  Hobbes

o  Locke

o  Montesquieu

o  Voltaire

o  Rousseau

·  Revolutionary concepts

o  Freedom of speech

o  Self-government

o  Democracy

o  Checks and balances

·  Influence on United States of America


·  Divine right

·  Constitutional monarchy

·  Military dictatorship

·  English Civil War

o  Parliament

o  Oliver Cromwell

·  Czars/Tsars of Russia

o  Ivan IV (Terrible)

o  Peter I (Great) and St. Petersburg

o  Catherine II (Great)

French Revolution

·  Causes: Taxes, Poverty, etc

·  Social Hierarchy

·  Three Estates & Estates General

·  Rights of Man & Citizen

·  Reign of Terror & Robespierre

Industrial Revolution

·  Capitalism

·  Socialism / Communism

Please recognize these review activities encompasses main ideas from each unit studied in MP3 and MP4. You should still review all your notes, handouts, and readings before the final exam. Make an appointment to stay after school and go over trouble spots with your teacher.

Unit: Nationalism, Unification. and Imperialism

Essential Questions:

1.  Why is a national identity important?

2.  How can nationalism encourage change in a society?

3.  What are the consequences of nationalism?

4.  How does foreign domination affect colonized peoples?

5.  What economic, political and social consequences result from imperialism?

6.  How does imperialism encourage nationalism?

Making Connections Activity: Answer the questions that follow to better understand how ideas of nationalism and imperialism spread throughout Europe right before the beginning of WWI.

·  What are the 5 components of nationalism?

·  What are 4 types of imperialism? Be able to explain each and distinguish between them.

·  Why did European nations “Scramble for Africa?”

Unit: World War I and the Russian Revolution

Essential Questions:

1.  What is the difference between underlying causes and immediate causes of conflicts?

2.  How does warfare affect society and the world at large?

3.  How does economic turmoil create public desire for change?

4.  What impact does propaganda have on society’s needs and wants?

5.  What impact does political ideology have on people?

Making Connections Activity: Fill in the blank spaces below using your notes, handouts, and textbook. Be sure you understand the significance of each term.

Long-Term Causes of WWI / Short-Term Causes of WWI / ·  You should be able to fill in the blanks on this chart.
·  You should be able to explain each long-term cause.
·  You should be able to tell the story behind the short-term cause and impending results.
M ______/ Assassination of
A ______
I ______
N ______

·  ______and ______are the two major alliances that existed in Europe BEFORE WWI began.

·  AFTER WWI began and countries began engaging in the conflict, the opposing sides were know as the ______Powers and ______Powers.

·  When WWI began, the United States decided to practice ______and not become involved in the international conflict. However, after the discovery of the ______and the sinking of the ______Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany.

·  During WWI ______warfare became popular on the ______Front, an area between the French and German border.

·  Russian forces withdrew from WWI because Russia was in the midst of a revolution led by ______and his Bolshevik followers.

·  The Red Army of the Bolsheviks overthrew the White Army of the Czar and established the Soviet Union, a country that operated on ______principles, like government ownership of all property.

·  WWI officially ended with the signing of the ______in 1919. This agreement forced Germany to pay ______, leaving them in a state of economic depression and paving the way for Hitler to take power.

Unit: World War II and the Holocaust

Essential Questions:

1.  How do political differences cause war?

2.  What are the causes and effects of genocide?

3.  What is the purpose of deadly weaponry? What are the consequences of its use?

4.  What lessons can be learned from war and its peace efforts?

Making Connections Activity: Read the clues and complete the crossword puzzle to review major terms, concepts, and people involved in WWII.

More Practice Multiple Choice Questions

World History Review 10

1.  Karl Marx is most closely associated with

a.  socialism.

b.  communism.

c.  utilitarianism.

d.  trade unionism.

2.  What was the main purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?

a.  to ensure that African borders would be based on culture and language

b.  to prevent fighting of European nations over the division of Africa

c.  to keep peace between African and European leaders

d.  to give African leaders a chance to be heard by colonial interests

3.  What was the title given to the ruler of the new, unified German empire?

a.  czar

b.  reich

c.  Kaiser

d.  Junker

4.  Which of the following was probably NOT influenced by nationalism during the 1800s?

a.  groups uniting against an oppressive monarchy

b.  an empire that crumbles into independent states

c.  an empire granting social reforms

d.  groups accepting an established form of government

5.  Which nation was part of the Triple Alliance, but NOT part of the Central Powers?

a.  Italy

b.  Germany

c.  Austria-Hungary

d.  Japan

6.  What did WWI become once the participating countries began devoting all of their resources to the war effort?

a.  industrial war

b.  world war

c.  total war

d.  uncontrolled war

7.  What country was forced to assume sole responsibility for WWI under the Treaty of Versailles 1919?

a.  Russia

b.  Italy

c.  Germany

d.  Austria-Hungary

8.  Who were the Bolsheviks?

a.  soldiers in the White Army

b.  radical Russian Marxist revolutionaries

c.  members of the Duma, Russia’s parliament

d.  followers of Rasputin

9.  What impact did Russia’s involvement in WWI have on the Russian government?

a.  It created a window for the Mensheviks to attempt a take over.

b.  It led to the establishment of the Duma as a voice for moderates.

c.  It revealed the weakness of czarist rule and military leadership.

d.  All of the above are true.

10.  All of the following were common to both fascism and communism EXCEPT

a.  a classless society.

b.  a one-party system.

c.  a disregard for individual rights.

d.  supremacy of the state.

11.  Hitler’s main method for achieving lebensraum was to

a.  attack Jews.

b.  conquer other countries.

c.  form a secret police force.

d.  demand dictatorial power.

12.  Which German political party sought to overturn the Treaty of Versailles 1919 and combat communism?

a.  Socialist

b.  Nazi

c.  Fascist

d.  Republican

13.  What was the goal of Hitler’s “Final Solution?”

a.  It was a process to divide up his territories among his generals.

b.  It was a system for winning the war before the Americans entered.

c.  It was a way to amass more soldiers for the invasion of Russia.

d.  It was genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior.

World History Review 10