Practical Ways to Avoid It

I must be very blunt here – for eternal lives depend on my truthfulness. But, I also can say that I speak “thus says Yahuweh!” I speak what is on His heart. You’ll never find direction for your life until you humbly align with what is on His heart, for HIS servants daily carry out His will in the earth. We can’t live to serve ourselves and think we are HIS servants. We only have one Master, who dictates our every step. And, like Elijah’s words on Mt. Carmel, we must make a firm choice now, or our negligence will do it for us.

What I say here is with His love. It is His love that warns His children of coming dangers and coming rewards and how to deal with both. I also give practical advice that will make life easier on the wise.

I speak mainly to Americans and those of western culture, for I am a watchman to the House of Israel in America primarily, but He has taken me all over the world to proclaim His Word to many nations. Tragically it is those in the western nations that are the most dulled into a stupor that they won’t take action, mostly because of love of security, attachment to possessions, convenience, comfort and ease, and their fear of losing these things--which is idolatry--so that most are unable to rationally take personal responsibility and make life-saving choices.

But, also, as an American who grew up in the late 1940s and 50s, I understand the horrendous mind programming that the American people have been subjected to since at least the 1940. However, the roots go as far back as the 1600s in Europe. The birth-death programmed is aimed at controlling the mind, emotions and will, so that people are corralled into a “world brain”--not able to make choices that would take them “up-stream”.

I have studied, taught, and written about, the intense Illuminati mind-programming the American citizens have been subjected to for years. [Refer to: “Mind Programming, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain” and “iet Wars and Silent Weapons”, but also refer to articles like “HAARP”, and “Digital TV-Beware!”]

In my travels in many places of the world, I’ve learned that it is not just the Americans who have been targeted, though Americans have been the most mind-programmed of all. The mind programming also has targeted those in the UK, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan – the money countries.I also speak to mankind in general, for the incredible programming of the mind and emotions, and the breaking down of the physical body in varying ways,has been worldwide--designed to bring

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people into a “world brain”, so that mankind becomes a “collective body” easily controlled--their reasoning and will being controlledso that mankind is unable to think clearly for themselves but are told what to do, what to believe, how to think, and how to act—making zombies, robots, out of people.

There has been a purposed news blackout to the U.S. since at least the 1940s, and unless people do their own research--led by the Spirit of Yahuweh so that they don’t waste time or get sidetracked or told lies—few really know what is going on. Thus He has sent watchmen, but few have heeded the watchmen. I study the whole Word on a given subject FIRST – and learn from the Spirit of Yahuweh, Who is my teacher. THEN He brings the confirmation that I need. “Those that are led by the Spirit of Yahuweh-they are the sons of Elohim”. [Refer to: “Led”]

Those born of the Spirit and led by the Spirit and taught by the Spirit of Abba Yahuweh have a built-in lie-detector. But, those taught by man have shut off their lie detector, so that they only hear what they want to hear. (II Timothy 4:3-4: we are in “that time”)

Tragically, most people in western culture pride themselves on their great intellect. Religious people also pride themselves on their great spirituality, but both are as deceived as the Emperor in the famous story of The Emperor’s New Clothes – their pride has made them think they are clothed in finery,sothey parade themselves in before mankind, but they are really naked. Before the mind-programmers, they are fools.

Messiah to the assembly at Laodicea--Revelation 3:14-19: “And to the assembly of Laodicea write…`I know your works, that you are neither cold or hot. I wish you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say `I am rich…and need nothing at all’ and do not know that you are wretched, and pitiful and poor, and blind, and naked. I advise you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire so that you become rich, and white garments so that you become clothed, so that the shame of your nakedness might not be shown; and anoint your eyes with ointment so that you see. As many as I love, I

reprove and discipline. So be zealous and repent”.

Methodically, western culture and mind-programming has stripped His people of the true spiritual clothing that only Yahuweh can give. Just as following the advice of Lucifer in the Garden stripped Adam and Eve of their spiritual clothing so that they ran to clothe themselves with fig leaves, so it is with mankind as a whole – he seeks to cloth himself with fig leaves to hide his true self.

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Hebrews 4:13: “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all are naked and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account”.

“Buy” from Him wisdom, truth, understanding,faith, strength, purity, set-apartness, fear of Yahuweh, and blamelessness, for without Him your efforts bear no eternal fruit. “Without set-apartness, no one will see Elohim”. But, most of His people look and act and talk just like the world’s people. There is so little fear of Yahuweh in His people, that they twist His Word, adding to it, subtracting from it, making Him another “god” with a different personality, and still think of themselves as righteous.

We give our time to the employer who rewards us with a wage. It takes time to “buy” from Him what we need to survive through the days ahead, and to continue in eternal life. So, what is price for obtaining these requirements for entering eternal life? –Total faith in Him alone for salvation through the blood of the Lamb of Elohim and in His resurrection, and total obedience to Him daily.

John 3:36: “He who believes in the Son possess everlasting life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Elohim remains on him”. The words for “believe” and “obey” are two different Greek words. True Scriptural faith is taking action in obedience to what we believe!

In the movie Moses(the Bible Collection)Pharaoh says to Moses: “Your people are slaves – that’s all they know. Release them and they will want to return. They do not know how to live in freedom. You will have to look after them and care for them”. He was right, wasn’t he?

The American people have been told they are free. Yes, there arestill some freedoms left in America for a short time longer. But, the freedoms are being slowly taken away, especially since 9/11/2001 in the name of “security”.

In the name of security we are being methodically stripped of our basic rights. Bills are being passed that are never told to us by the news media.

[Refer to: “The New Executive Order”, March 2012] However, it is impossible for the western Greco/Roman culture to give anyone true freedom! True freedom can only be found in laying down one’s life to follow and obey the Master – Yahushua, Messiah of Israel.

The mind programming begins at birth. TV is a major world uniting facility of Satan. They tell you through cartoons, advertising and subtle concepts portrayed in sit-coms and movies, what to buy, what to think, what is right, what is wrong, tolerance of evil, and subjection of the mind to the programming. The thing is, what they teach is opposite of Yahuweh’s nature, ways and thinking. You are told what houses, what cars, what credit cards,

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what clothes (fashions), what medicines, what toothpaste, and etcetera, are good for you. Instead of taking personal responsibility to check things out, most depend on human resources to tell them what is best. The whole culture is rooted in a debt mentality, so that going on vacation with your credit card is a good thing. It teaches no restraint, no discipline--just gratification of your flesh instantly.

Therefore, just like the slaves of Egypt, almost all Americans are slaves in mind, emotions, and will – slaves to the lusts of the body, and slaves to debt, and slaves to fear--programmed tothink we are blessed, when all the time we have been programmed into fantasy – a world of illusions, where we are controlled, and we think we are free.Tragically, the spirit of Cinderella engulfs so many– causing a subliminal thinking that there really is a fairy godmother who will grant all their desires – who many call “God”.

I Corinthians 7:23: “You were bought with a price, do not become slaves of men”. Messiah bought you “with His precious blood”. Only slaves are bought. You were a slave of sin, of the desires of your flesh, and of Satan’s will. Once delivered from the kingdom of darkness by faith in Him, you were translated into the Kingdom of Light. “Walk as children of light”. Once delivered from Satan’s power, we must immediately submit to our new Master who gave His life to buy our freedom, so that you might share in His inheritance forever.He bought our freedom, but most have let the enemy program their mind away from Yahuweh’s freedom into slavery once again to the kingdom of darkness—the world, the flesh, and the Devil.

But, why remain a fool? Look around you. What has all your work bought you? Your position and popularity can go straight down in an instant. All of your possessions can all be destroyed easily in a storm, a fire, a tornado, or a hurricane, or be taken away at the whim of the government. Beautiful homes in the Third World built to last 1,000 years, out of stone, with deep foundations, cost about 1/4th of what the “upper middle class” homes in America cost – which have shallow foundations, and are built of materials that can be destroyed with kerosene and a few matches. Yet, people work their whole lives to pay for such expensive junk. Most buy things that appeal to the eyes -- which tantalize their desires -- and soon these things become idols, and they can’t let go of them. So, most become prisoners of their own self-centered world--slaves to the lusts of their mind and emotions--their will being taken from them, replaced by materialistic “toys”.

Of the freedom of a true disciple of Messiah, who has forsaken all of this futility for the privilege of serving the Master, being free to go wherever He wills. The blameless ones following the Lamb “wherever He goes” (Revelation 14:1-5) This is His Bridal remnant—set-apart to Him exclusively.

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What is true blessing? I am truly blessed beyond measure, because I took Him up on Luke 14:25-33 – and became a disciple (a taught one). He has put me through many tests and trials, and I have failed over and over. But, His mercy has sustained me!

Because the Master knows I will obey Him, He has asked me to do things way beyond my abilities – and I have done them. I have lived most of my life under the American “poverty-level”, though I have not suffered. I’ve worked secular jobs and made money to survive. Physically I am healthy, but not strong in my bones. My strength comes from Yahuweh alone. I am a “senior citizen”. I feel my age. (smile) From an early age, I lived with much pain because of too flexible vertebrae, joints and ligaments that make too many pinched nerves down my back, in my hips, in my knees. My knees and ankles turned out of place, beginning when I was 10. They still do, and now I have to walk very slow and be very careful. Traumas I experiencedfor many years caused severe migraine headaches, until Abba miraculously healed me of them. If it were not for His miraculous healings, I would not be walking at all. But, no, I do not complain about these things, for He has taken me into a life of so many miracles that I am amazed at His goodness. I only mention them to show others that if I can continue to serve Him and obey Him without excuses, in peace and joy, so can they. It is in pressing forward against obstacles that we come to really know Him.

He has also healed me of bitterness, anger, self-hatred, and depression, and deep soul-trauma, and set me free to be filled with His joy, peace, and love. The deep cavern of darkness that was dug in my life has become the deep cavern that holds His immense love that flows through me. He replaced all those negative things with His own nature. This is why I can be so dogmatic about relationship with Him. I have no pride in myself, only in Him.

My son has made a powerful statement. He says that our boldness to step out in faith to obey Him, comes only from our relationship with Him. The depth of the relationship is the depth to which He can pour in His power and authority and boldness to use us as His might warrior-servants in these last days. Yedidah is all about pleading with people to submit their lives to knowing the real Yahuweh and Yahushua of the Scriptures—to seek Him with all their heart, in His Word, so that they fear Him and love Him.

I have been in 36 countries, been on 46 different airlines on about 400-450 flights in the last 20 years, being with the people of various Third World nations most of the time – seeing and experiencing things that few see. I lived in Aqaba, Jordan for 8 years, Panama for nearly 2 years, in and out of Africa for 7 years, and on and on. He is now keeping me more “mobile”.

I’ve seen so many miracles, and experienced so many. Byonly following the direction of the Spirit of Yahuweh, I know His voice well. I know His nature, His ways and His thinking.

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I know Him, and He knows me.

We are such a close relationship that He speaks very much--giving me what is on His heart. He answers my questions. He is tender, gentle, and kind, but also severe – for He is a good Abba! He has tested and trained and disciplined me constantly, but then Hebrews 12 says that this is proof that we are one of His children! Most people fight his teaching, testing, disciplines, hardships to train us – even saying such things are “of the devil”. But, then, they do not know Him. Abba knows I will obey Him. But, I also fear Him. The greatest fear of my life is to be out of His perfect will, and not do what He has told me to do. People marvel at how much I write, but it is because He is always sharing with me. A woman in love is always talking about the one she loves. It is natural. Are you talking about Him all the time? There are secrets I cannot write about, but some I can share with a few. But, I have had experiences in His realm that are priceless.

So, when, in 1998, He asked me to give away all that I had to move to Aqaba, I had joy.It was no problem. I have no home of my own, very few possessions, no car, no lands, and little money. But, I am one of the happiest people I know. My friends and children will tell you.

But, I say sadly, that few hear Him – the reason being that they have heard Him, but do not want to do what He says, so they’ve turned Him “OFF”.

Religion tries to tell you about “God” – but in religion He remains an illusion, a concept, a philosophy, and theology, and sentimental attachment. No one with a religious belief system can know Him. No one dependent on man to teach them can know Him. No one can know Him outside of walking the hard road in suffering, taking up one’s execution stake to obey the Master over self-will. I give Him all the praise and honor and esteem. I can do nothing without Him. [Refer to: “Walking the Hard Road”] I fear making decisions without His input. But, so did Moses (Exodus 33).

If we do not live daily in His Presence, we will lose it. Many will hear at His judgment seat “depart from Me, I do not know you”. Tragedy is on the horizon for most so-called “believers”.

To know Him means “seeking Him with all our heart”. The mind-programming is designed to keep you so busy that you can’t hear Him, and

so know nothing of what is to come. You are not being told what is