
The JPO will be received and assisted within the framework of the UNICEF Junior Professional Programme that emphasizes the focus on acquiring experience in a development field under close direction of UNICEF senior staff. The learning process also contributes to the implementation of the WES programme. The proposal presented below is not final and will be reviewed with the JPO. This is important as the plan needs to be in line with the inclinations and career plans of the officer.

It will be thus open to further discussion and negotiation. This submission focuses primarily on the way supervision will be conducted by the direct supervisor and the second reporting officer, the learning opportunities to be made available to the JPO, and what arrangements the office has in place. It should be read in conjunction with the job description.


To ensure that the experience of the JPO working at UNICEF …… is administered in accordance with the JPO Guidelines, with particular emphasis on the supervision and learning components of the assignment.

Planning for the Assignment

Before arrival at the duty station, the office (supervisor and Operations staff) will share with the selected JPO some reading material on the country programme, the duty station, etc. The JPO will also be asked to complete two learning CDs .. on PPP Training and Staff Security.

Upon arrival, the supervisor and the JPO will discuss the assignment and prepare the yearly plan as part of the PER discussions. Both will then agree on a short proposal on their expectations and the areas of interest they would like to pursue. This will be used to finalise the plans set out below, within the framework of the major projects being undertaken in ……. in the field of WES. A good balance will be struck between the expectations of the JPO from a learning/career perspective and the programme work at the duty station.

The Learning Programme

The learning programme will be finalizedwithin the first two months of the assignment. The plan will have aims or objectives, how the learning process will be conducted; how it will be supervised and what its output will be. This part is best done jointly by the supervisor and the JPO as it may not be useful for the office to be prescriptive. Experience shows that some JPOs prefer to do their own proposals while others require more guidance.

It is essential to finalise the learning plan early, otherwise there will be a tendency to drift and with no structure it may be difficult to maximize the opportunity. A large responsibility for the success of the learning component will fall on the JPO.


The Head of WES who will supervise the post will be available for discussion any time, as there is an open door policy in the section. The same applies to the other members of the team.

The WES Section holds weekly planning and review meetings. Individual meetings with the supervisor are not scheduled and can be requested any time. The officer will take part in the office Technical Working Group meetings, and the choice of group will depend on depend on background, competence and inclination of the JPO.

Field travel

This is another opportunity to learn. Travel is planned at the beginning of each month and provides the JPO an opportunity to plan and trips that are both useful to her/him and to the Section. Field trips are multi purpose – monitoring, quality control, participating in meetings/workshops. From a learning perspective, the JPO will be expected to plan her trips with that in mind and strive to take advantage of the trip to discuss with Malawians outside the office. Trips that have learing elements in them will be charged to the learning budget of the JPO. Trips that are made by the JPO to monitor field activities or to participate in a routine programme meeting outside the duty station will be funded by the office project funds.

Key Learning Avenues

(These are in addition to what was submitted in the JD)

Guided Reading

The JPO will be expected to read widely throughout the stay at the duty station. Initial readings will focus on key policy and situation analysis documents re the duty station; UNICEF documents relating to programmes and WES in particular, including rules and regulations of the organization; related literature on programming; emerging issues in the duty station and the environs and the JPO’s own areas of interest.

Thereafter the JPO can combine programme related reading and her/his own project.


The officer will be expected to be directly involved in at least one research project from inception to completion, either as one of the key researchers or at least as a leading assistant in order to appreciate the insights and challenges of field research in the region.

The JPO could also undertake a project of choice that is relevant to WES (supervisor and other officers will gladly assist). This could be for publication or in fulfillment of some university requirements.

What is critical is for the officer to learn how to undertake research, how to consume research and how to critique the same in a development work setting. The officer will be expected to learn the habit of evidence based decision making and the concept of celebrating diversity of opinion or approach.

Planning Management and Evaluation

The duration of the officers’ allows for him/her to go through at least one annual cycle with the UNICEF office. The officer will learn through participation in meetings both within UNICEF and with counterparts, and get to see how decisions are made and how the implementation may not go according to plan. This is an opportunity to debate issues of development or the lack of it in Malawi and the challenges facing a nation such as Malawi and others in a similar position from regional and global perspectives.

The local languages, culture and traditions

The JPO will learn depending on interest. The office will organize structured visits that will allow the officer to meet a diversity of Malawian people, traditional settings and cultural festivals.

Regional Dynamics

Malawi is a part of regional groupings. These include the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), AU (African Union), New Partnership for the Development of Africa (NEPAD) along with its membership to the UN and as signatory to numerous global conventions. These will be important to an understanding of the education developments and development of Malawi in general. These associations and conventions have a bearing on socio-economic and political decision making in Malawi.

Planning for the Assignment

The JPO is welcome to communicate with the office once selected, so that detailed planning for the assignment can commence early. It will be useful to forward a CV of the officer and a rough outline of expectations.


The officer will enjoy the same facilities as other staff when on field travel, have access to an office (sharing) and computer/internet facilities.

Simon Mphisa (PhD)

Head, Education and Youth Development
