Subject to approval at the Committee on Planning and Assessment Meeting on March 20, 2001.

Attachment 1

P&A Meeting

March 20, 2001



January 9, 2001

S. C. Commission on Higher Education

Large Conference Room

Committee Members Present

Ms. Lorraine DimeryM. G. Thomas R. Olsen, Sr.

Mr. Dalton B. Floyd, Jr.Mr. Dan Ravenel

Mr. Lawrence M. Gressette, Jr.

Ms. Cathy B. Harvin

M. G. Thomas R. Olsen, Sr. opened the meeting at 10:30 a.m. Each person in the room proceeded to introduce himself or herself and his or her institutional affiliation. He indicated that he would proceed with the agenda as outlined.

  1. Consideration of the Minutes of the December 7, 2000 Meeting

It was moved (Harvin), seconded (Floyd) and voted to adopt the minutes as distributed.

  1. Consideration of revised institutional mission statements for Greenville Technical College and York Technical College

Dr. Michael Smith explained that Greenville Technical College and York Technical College had submitted revised mission statements (Attachment 2).

It was moved (Gressette), seconded (Harvin) and voted to approve the proposed mission statements for Indicator 1C as presented by the CHE staff.

  1. Consideration of revisions of indicators measured and scored for annual performance funding assessment

General Olsen gave a brief overview of the recommendations regarding performance funding indicators (Attachment 3). He explained that action was deferred at the December 7th meeting.

Dr. Smith explained the process that was used to formulate the recommendations. He also discussed the timeline for developing measures related to changes in indicators (Attachment 3.a). Dr. Smith stated that the staff will work with the institutions to develop a time for implementation, including the development of revised measures and the collection of supporting data. Also, he indicated that data collection of the institutions will most likely go beyond April.

After a brief discussion, it was moved (Ravenel), seconded (Dimery) and voted to accept the revisions as indicated in assessing annual performance funding, with the understanding that the proposed timeline would be followed for implementation in 2001 –2002 affecting the Spring 2002 scoring process and that for some indicators revised measures will need to be developed.

Mr. Dalton Floyd encouraged participation with staff and institutions to come up with ways to measure the indicators.

  1. Consideration of Indicator 1D Proposal for the Technical College of the Lowcountry.

This item was a handout at the meeting (Attachment 4) and was added to the agenda as an action item. The definition for Indicator 1D, Goal 2 for Technical College of the Lowcountry was being resolved as of the meeting on December 7th. Since that time the institution submitted a new Goal 2, which was recommended for approval by CHE staff.

It was moved (Gressette), seconded (Harvin) and voted to approve Goal 2 as submitted for Technical College of the Lowcountry.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Attachments referenced in minutes are available upon request.

Respectfully submitted,

Saundra E. Carr

Recording Secretary

Subject to the approval at the Committee on Planning and Assessment Meeting on March 20, 2001 1