Spanish 1 Midterm Study Guide

Etapa preliminar– Unidad 2 Etapa 1 (pgs. 1-117)

Your midterm exam will consist of 3 distinct parts to be completed during the scheduled midterm period. Please come prepared to class with specific questions about the topics below because no formal review will be presented. See me before or after school if you need extra help on any of the sections mentioned below.

The exam will be as follows:

1. 65 multiple choice questions (includes 3 reading questions and 5 listening) 65 points

2. 10 short answer questions (10 of the 20 questions given below) 20 points

3. Speaking component (done individually with teacher on or before midterm) 15 points

Study the following material for your upcoming midterm exam in Spanish:


q  Pg. 21

q  Pg. 45

q  Pg. 67

q  Pg. 91

q  Pg. 117


q  La quinceañera pgs 86-87

q  La música tejana pgs. 62-63


q  Familiar & formal greetings pg. 32

q  Subject pronouns pg. 33

q  Ser pg. 33

q  Gustar pg. 37

q  Definite & indefinite articles pgs. 54 & 55

q  Adjective agreement pg. 57 & 58

q  Tener pg. 76

q  Expressing possession using “de” pg. 78

q  Possessive adjectives pg. 80

q  Giving dates pg. 82

q  Conjugating AR verbs pg. 105

q  Expressing frequency with adverbs pg. 107

q  Hay que & tener que pg. 109

You will be given the speaking and the written questions in advance to prepare, however, no notes are allowed on the day of the exam.

Spanish 1 Midterm Writing Exam

The following are questions incorporating the material learned so far this year. For the writing section on the midterm exam, you will be asked 10 of the following questions. Prepare a complete answer for each question. Answers should be as descriptive as possible. You will not be permitted to use notes during your exam.

1. ¿Cómo te llamas? (name)

2. ¿De dónde eres tú? (origen)

3. ¿Cómo estás hoy? (feelings)

4. ¿De dónde es tu familia? ¿De dónde son tus padres? (origen, family)

5. ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? (family)

6.  ¿Cómo se llaman las personas en tu familia? (family)

7. ¿Cómo se llama tu primo (a) favorito (a)? ¿Cómo es? (physical & personality descriptions, family)

8. ¿Cómo eres? ¿Cómo es tu mejor amigo(a)? (physical & personality descriptions)

9. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? (free time)

10. ¿Qué llevas hoy? (clothing, colors)

11. ¿De qué color son tus ojos? ¿Tu pelo? (colors, physical description)

12. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? (colors)

13. ¿Qué tal hoy? (feelings)

14. ¿Cuántos años tienes? (age)

15. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? (birthday)

16. ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿Qué día es hoy? (date, days of the week)

17. ¿Qué cosas necesitas para tus clases? (classroom objects)

18. ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita este año? ¿Por qué? (subjects)

19. ¿Qué tienes que hacer para sacar buenas notas? (obligations)

20. ¿Cúal es tu número de teléfono? (numbers)

Spanish 1 Midterm Speaking Exam

For the speaking portion of the midterm exam, you will meet individually with the teacher and will present ONE of the topics below. Practice all of these prompts in advance because you will randomly select one. Use as much detail and rich vocabulary as possible because this is your chance to demonstrate how much you have learned since September.

1.)  Describe your best friend. Tell me….

·  His / her name

·  His / her age

·  Where he / she is from

·  What he / she looks like (give at least three different adjectives)

·  What his / her personality is like (give at least three different adjectives)

·  His / her birthday

·  What he / she likes to do

2.)  You have a new neighbor who will be going to your school. Describe the following to him / her:

·  The name of your school

·  The subjects you take

·  What your schedule is like

·  What your classes are like

·  How much homework you have

·  Your favorite class

·  Your teachers

3.)  Tell me about your family:

·  What are your parents’ names?

·  How many siblings do you have and what are their names?

·  How old are the people in your family?

·  When are their birthdays?

·  What are the people like?

·  How big / small is your family?

·  What do the people in your family like to do?

Nombre:______Prompt # ______Score______/ 15

Midterm Exam Speaking Rubric

13-15 Demonstrates High Proficiency/Excellent Command of the Language:

Few or no grammatical errors. Extensive use of vocabulary including idiomatic expressions; articulate, flowing speech; thorough response with interesting and pertinent detail.

10-12 Clearly Demonstrates Proficiency/Good Command of the Language:

Minor grammatical errors; adequate use of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions; some gaps in fluency.

7-9 Demonstrates Progress towards Proficiency/Comprehensible Expressions:

Some serious grammatical errors; limited vocabulary marked by frequent Anglicism, unnatural hesitations; some detail, but not sufficient.

4-6 Demonstrates Strong Need for Intervention/Limited Control of the Language:

Serious grammatical errors and limited vocabulary marked by frequent Anglicism that force interpretation by the listener. General, narrow response.

1-3 Unacceptable:

Response falls below the above descriptions or is inappropriate.

0 Unable to respond