
Conflict Minerals and Diamonds Webquest

You are investigating what is happening in Africa because of the quest for minerals and diamonds. You will go to the sites directed to learn about the area, the people and the conflicts and will use this information on your paper/project. Do not copy anyone else’s answers, or you will both receive a zero. ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Go to or if you Google “conflict mining” it will be one of the first sites that pops up.

What area is being most affected by conflict mining?

Find this area on a map, and describe to me where it is in the world, in other words, what is around this area?

How do the armed groups in this area terrorize the citizens?

What sorts of electronics most commonly have these minerals in them?

Next, go to the link to the YouTube video called “Conflict Minerals 101”. Watch the video and answer the following questions.

The violence in this area is the worst since what worldwide event?

What are the four minerals that are in high demand?

Describe at least three to four things you learned in the video.




Along the side of YouTube should be a link to the video “ Young Hollywood speaks up for Congo” (otherwise just search for it).

According to the video, how many people have died in the Congo since this all began?

What do the actors suggest is one thing that we can do to make a change?

Next, go back to the “Raise Hope for Congo” website and scroll down to the link to the pictures, titled “Consuming the Congo.” Click on the first link that says “Congo at War” and look through the pictures. You can listen to the audio as the pictures scroll through or you can scroll through them yourself, by hitting the white arrow on the right side of the screen (BEWARE: Some of the pictures are very graphic)

Describe two different pictures to me and tell me your reaction to what you see.



Go back to the main site and click on the link to “Resource Exploitation.” Do the same thing that you did above.



Go back to the main site and click on the last link to “Rape as a War Crime.” Do the same thing that you did above.



Next, I would like for you to do some research of your own on blood or conflict diamonds. You should search this topic and use reputable sites (.org, .gov, or .edu) to figure out what blood diamonds are, where they are primarily from and what is being done around the world to both help and hurt this cause. Discuss it in a paragraph or two below. You may use bullets instead.

Finally, discuss (in 1-2 detailed paragraphs) why you think we, as Americans, may not hear so much about these conflicts. You may do some more research on your own, which will not only help you with this question, but with your overall project as well. You may write down some of the sites below, so that you can refer back to them at a later time.