09-11-07MINS PLAN
Minutes of the Meeting of Louth Town Council’s
held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Louth
on Tuesday 11TH SEPTEMBER 2007
Councillor T.F. Marris (in the Chair)
Councillors: B. Burnett, F.G. Coonghe, C. Finch, Mrs. M.W. Finch, J.E. Gains, A. Leonard, J.R. Macdonald, Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, Mrs. M. Ottaway, K.A. Sharp, D.M. Skinner, F.W.P. Treanor, Mrs. P.F. Watson, B.R. Williamson and D.E. Wing
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley and her Secretary, Mrs. L. Phillips were also present.
215. Exclusion of Public and Press
It was RESOLVED that the public and press should be excluded from the meeting during the following item because matters of a private and confidential nature were to be discussed.
216. Presentation by Dr. N. Parkes, Mrs. A. Brown, PCT and Cluster Liaison and Mr. J. Clough, External Consultant
Dr. N. Parkes, Mrs. A. Brown and Mr. J. Clough gave a presentation about the East Lindsey Practice Based Commissioning Cluster’s vision for the future of Louth Hospital.
It was RESOLVED that a letter detailing the Town Council’s support for the East Lindsey Practice Based Commissioning Cluster’s vision for the future of Louth Hospital should be written and the contents of this should be perused by Dr. N. Parkes before being sent to Mrs. B. Hakin, Chief Executive, East Midlands Strategic Health Authority, Mr. J. McIvor, Chief Executive of the LPCT, Mr. G. Walker, Chief Executive of ULHT, Mr. M. McShane, Director of Commissioning at LPCT and Dr. L. Pike, Chair of PBC Cluster.
It was further RESOLVED that nomination of three Council representatives to be involved in any discussions/meetings held by the East Lindsey Practice Based Commissioning Cluster should be a future agenda item.
217. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors F. Robertson, Mrs. E. Ballard JP, A. Gardner-Clarke, J.P. Dean and A.M. Lione. These were approved by the Committee.
218. Chairman’s Remarks
In the absence of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP, the Vice Chairman, Councillor T.F. Marris took the Chair and informed Councillors that a Local Strategic Partnership Meeting has been scheduled for 27th September. He told Councillors that places are limited and asked if anyone would be interested in attending. Councillors J. Makinson-Sanders and B. Burnett expressed an interest and it was agreed that the Town Clerk would endeavour to book them places.
219. Declarations of Interest
The following interests were declared:
a. Councillor D.M. Skinner
i. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 15) Louth, On Street Parking, Provision for Blue Badge Holders – as a blue badge holder
b. Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch and Councillor D.E. Wing
i. Prejudicial Interest – Agenda Item 15) Louth, On Street Parking, Provision for Blue Badge Holders – as a blue badge holders
c. Councillor F.W.P. Treanor
i. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 15) Louth, On Street Parking, Provision for Blue Badge Holders – as the driver of a bus which holds a blue badge
d. Councillors B. Burnett and C. Finch
i. Personal Interest - Agenda Item 10) Correspondence A) From: ELDC - Re: Louth Area Committee, B) From: ELDC – Re: Planning Application N/105/00213/07 - as members of ELDC
ii. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 12) Proposed Work to Trees - as members of ELDC
iii. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 17) Sand Bag Provision - as members of ELDC
iv. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 18) Planning Decisions - as members of ELDC
e. Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson
i. Personal Interest - Agenda Item 10) Correspondence A) From: ELDC - Re: Louth Area Committee, B) From: ELDC – Re: Planning Application N/105/00213/07 - as a member of ELDC
ii. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 12) Proposed Work to Trees - as a member of ELDC
iii. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 17) Sand Bag Provision - as a member of ELDC
iv. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 18) Planning Decisions - as a member of ELDC
v. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 10) Correspondence d) From: LCC – Re: Temporary Road Closure – as a member of LCC
vi. Personal Interest – Agenda Item 15) Louth, On Street Parking, Provision for Blue Badge Holders – as a member of LCC
vii. Personal Interest - Agenda Item 9) Planning Applications 8) 01937/07 – Mrs. J. Fletcher – Land at 51 Crowtree Lane – as an acquaintance of the applicant.
f. Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders
i. Personal Interest - Agenda Item 9) Planning Applications 8) 01937/07 – Mrs. J. Fletcher – Land at 51 Crowtree Lane – as an acquaintance of the applicant.
g. Councillor T.F. Marris
i. Personal Interest - Agenda Item 9) Planning Applications 2) 01510/07 – H.J.W. Developments Ltd – 27 St. Mary’s Lane, Louth; and 8) 01937/07 – Mrs. J. Fletcher – Land at 51 Crowtree Lane – as an acquaintance of the applicants.
220. Committee Minutes
The notes of the Meeting of 28th August 2007 were discussed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of that meeting subject to the following amendments:
a. That reference to Councillor A.M. Lione having failed to give apologies be removed and his name be placed in the list of Councillors who gave apologies.
b. That the third paragraph of Minute 190 be amended to read ‘…Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson informed the Committee that after discussions with the EA they would not be removing any trees from the Charles Street Area and they may not adhere to the statutory time limit usually set for notification/arrangement of road closures (as is their right), in order to facilitate the removal of silt and debris from the river…’
221. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding
The Town Clerk, Mrs. L.J. Blankley announced that she was in receipt of the following documents and she informed the Committee that these documents were available for perusal in the office, should any Councillor require:
a. Southern Area Committee Agenda for 17th September 2007
b. Mablethorpe Area Committee Agenda for 19th September 2007
c. Update from Lincolnshire Coastal Grazing Marsh Project. Councillor C. Finch declared a personal interest in this item as a member of the Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board.
222. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Committee considered the applications listed in the schedule (PA/Sched/09/11/07) and RESOLVED:
a. (1) 01154/07 - Planning Permission – Bank Machine Ltd – 113-115 Eastgate Louth. To object on the grounds that this development will have an unsuitable and serious visual impact in the Conservation Area and the proposed materials are unsuitable in the Conservation Area.
b. (2) 015110/07 – Planning Permission – H.J.W. Developments Ltd – 27 St. Mary’s Lane. To object on the grounds that the development is too large for the plot, it will have a serious visual impact on the existing street scene, the boundary walls are too high and the design is not in keeping with the surrounding area.
c. (3) 01682/07 – Consent to Display – Thurlby Motors Ltd - Thurlby Motors Ltd., Tattershall Way, Louth. To object on the grounds that the proposed sign will be too much of a distraction for motorists and the allowance of the proposed sign may set a precedent.
d. (5) 01782/07 – Planning Permission – Mr. and Mrs. Howden – 16 Florence Wright Avenue, Louth. To object on the grounds that the design of the proposed extension is not in keeping with the existing dwelling.
e. (10) PL/0115/07 – Planning Permission – GBM – GBM Waste Transfer Station, Bolingbroke Road, Louth. To object strongly to the removal of condition number 2 of planning permission N/105/1833/05 (not to construct accesses between plots 54 and 55).
f. To support all remaining applications.
223. Correspondence
The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:
a. From: ELDC - Re: Louth Area Committee – Notification that the next Louth Area Committee Meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th October 2007 in Legbourne Village Hall from 7.30pm. Councillors are reminded that any items for consideration for the Agenda should be sent to the Member Services Office, Legal and Democratic Services Department by Monday 1st October 2007.
b. From: ELDC – Re: Planning Application N/105/00213/07 – Planning Permission – Alterations to an existing dwelling to provide a replacement front door in UPVC., relating to 87 Newmarket. Notification that the appellant has appealed to the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions. Any comments that the Town Council made at the original planning application stage will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate. However, should the Town Council wish to withdraw its comments or make any additional comments three copies of these should be sent to the Planning Inspectorate.
c. From: Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership – Re: Local Safety Schemes 2007/08 – B1520 Louth Grange Bend – Notification that remedial works to treat the B1520 at the bend outside Louth Grange are proposed.
d. From: LCC – Re: Temporary Road Closure – Locations: Mercer Row (Upgate to Queen Street/Aswell Street) – Reason for Closure: Continental Markets – Period of Closure: 06.00hrs to 18.00hrs Sunday 16th December 2007 – Alternative Route: Queen Street Traffic to go up Aswell Street.
e. From: The Planning Inspectorate – Re: N/105/01990/06 – 27 Grimsby Road, Louth – construction of a 2.5 Kilowatt microturbine on a 6.5 metre mast, with cable run. Notification that this appeal has been allowed and planning permission is granted for the above provided that the development shall begin before the expiration of three years from the date of this decision and notwithstanding the details submitted, the proposed mast blades and equipment shall be given a grey colour before the installation is brought into use, in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The turbine shall thereafter be retained in the approved colour.
224. Louth United Charities
It was RESOLVED that Councillor D.E. Wing should be a Louth Town Council representative on Louth United Charities. It was also RESOLVED that a letter should be sent to Mr. Heywood thanking him for his support and for acting on behalf of the Town Council over the years.
225. Proposed Works to Trees
The Committee considered a letter from ELDC regarding ‘Tree Preservtion Order: Louth 1961, Trees within the property El Tucan, Stewton Lane, Louth ref. D/T/2.105.9/10’.
226. No Drinking Zone in Holton Le Clay
Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders told the Committee that Holton Le Clay now have a no drinking zone and she opined that there are areas in Louth e.g., Westgate Fields and Springside and Gatherums which might benefit from such a zone. It was RESOLVED:
a. That the Town Clerk should write to the local police and ask them for their opinion
b. That the public should be asked for their views
227. Boundary Wall, St. Mary’s Church, Upgate
The Committee considered an e-mail from Mr. and Mrs. Howard regarding the above. Councillor B. Burnett spoke as ELDC portfolio holder for The Built Environment and said that he has already raised this issue with the relevant officers at ELDC. It was agreed that he would make some more enquiries and report back to the meeting.
228. Louth, On Street Parking, Provision for Blue Badge Holders
Councillors Mrs. M.W. Finch and D.E. Wing left the room during the following item.
The Committee discussed the above and it was RESOLVED that a letter should be sent to Mr. I. Mickleburgh informing him that the Town Council is of the opinion that Louth does not require extra provision for Blue Badge Holders. It was further RESOLVED that the letter should also ask Mr. Mickleburgh for his comments regarding the placing of red lines on Mercer Row from the police bay to Upgate and from Butchers Lane to Upgate to stop any parking in these areas.
229. Supermarkets
Councillor D.M. Skinner opened the debate by asking if the Committee thought that Louth Town Council should be proactive and write to the larger supermarket chains and ask them if they are interested in coming to Louth and if so what proposals they have. The general consensus was that this should not be done and the Town Council should not become involved until any firm approaches had been made to the District Council. Councillor B. Burnett as the ELDC portfolio holder for The Built Environment informed the Committee that a recent survey had indicated that there was a need for an additional 24,000 square foot retail development. However, he said that ELDC have received no approaches.
230. Sand Bag Provision
The Council considered an offer from ELDC to provide empty sandbags for the Town Council to store for use on a self help basis in times of emergency and it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk should write to ELDC and express the Council’s views that this is a good idea. However, there are many issues such as storage and distribution which would need to be overcome. It was also felt that two storage areas should be considered in the Town, one on each side of the river.
231. Planning Decisions
The Committee noted the following ELDC decisions which were at variance with Louth Town Council’s recommendations: