My Work Plan and Performance Review 2016
Professional Staff (Alternate template)
The annual Management for Performance process at ECU enables you and your supervisor to review your progress and to set goals for the year ahead. This form facilitates a two-way conversation that will support clarity around performance expectations and workplace behaviour. You and your supervisor are encouraged to meet regularly throughout the year to discuss how you are going and to identify any changes to your work plan and if further support is required to achieve your goals.
Guidance and support is available online on the Managing your Performance website.
In planning for the year ahead, it is timely to remind staff of the expectations to be diligent, professional, courteous, conscientious and respectful in the performance of their ECU duties and their obligations to our students, colleagues, and community.
Staff are responsible for their own professional behaviour and conduct, and must abide by the provisions of the University’s Code of Conduct, policies of ECU, obligations of Federal and State legislation and relevant terms of the Collective Agreement and their contract of employment.
The University’s values of Respect, Integrity, Rational Inquiry and Personal Excellence should guide our behaviour and decision-making.
Workplace health and safety is of paramount importance at ECU. There is a requirement for all staff to complete a Health and Safety Induction and an Emergency Evacuation and Training module at commencement of employment and then every two years to refresh their knowledge. These are both found on the easy login section of the Staff Portal. In addition, Workplace Health and Safety for Managers and Supervisors training must be undertaken by all managers and supervisors. Staff are encouraged to also maintain their general health and well-being and manage their leave plans.
I have read and understood my obligations and responsibilities as described above.
MY PLANObjective 1 (what) / Expected Outcomes (including evidence and measures)
REVIEW (employee’s assessment) – refer to performance rating definitions on page 4
Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Most Met Expectations
Below Expectations N/A
REVIEW (supervisor’s assessment)
Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Most Met Expectations
Below Expectations N/A
Add Commentary (if needed by Staff member or Supervisor)
Objective 2 (what) / Expected Outcomes (including evidence and measures)
REVIEW (employee’s assessment) – refer to performance rating definitions on page 4
Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Most Met Expectations
Below Expectations N/A
REVIEW (supervisor’s assessment)
Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Most Met Expectations
Below Expectations N/A
Add Commentary (if needed by Staff member or Supervisor)
Objective 3 (what) / Expected Outcomes (including evidence and measures)
REVIEW (employee’s assessment) – refer to performance rating definitions on page 4
Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Most Met Expectations
Below Expectations N/A
REVIEW (supervisor’s assessment)
Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Most Met Expectations
Below Expectations N/A
Add Commentary (if needed by Staff member or Supervisor)
The Role Based Development Framework (RBDF) Web-based Tool is designed to identify developmental needs for your role and longer-term development to support your career aspirations. Developmental needs should be discussed in the planning meeting and the RBDF completed online and attached to this plan.Commentary regarding career developmental (optional)
Staff member’s SignatureDate / Supervisor’s Signature
Use the table below to assess performance in relation to the objectives that was identified, planned and agreed earlier in the My Plan:
Performance Rating – Staff Member / Supervisor’s Assessment4 / Exceeds Expectations: Performance consistently exceeds expectation and is at a higher level than expected. The consistently high standard has earned recognition by others internal and/or external to the University. The level of performance has significantly improved a University process or outcome.
3 / Meets Expectations: Performance consistently delivered all of the agreed work objectives and operating at the expected level, aligned with the relevant University plans.
2 / Mostly Meets Expectations: Performance (in most areas) met the requirements of the work objectives and only operating partially at the expected level. Some capability development required.
1 / Below Expectations: Performance and/or behaviour fell short of the required standard and not operating at the expected level. Capability development required.
N/A / Not Applicable: There has not been enough time (or other factors) to assess the level of performance.
Commentary by Staff Member (optional) / Commentary by Supervisor (optional)Staff member’s Signature
Date / Supervisor’s Signature
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