Ardtornish School Learning Plan 2012 version 2 7th May 2012

Priorities / Key findings in data / Outcomes:
What we will change for students / Strategies:
What we will do to create the change / Evidence and Evaluation
1.To improve the literacy outcomes for all students
and raise our schools mean score to that of DECS in all areas of literacy (where we are under performing) and to like schoolmeans where we are not. / Reading.
From 2010- 11 reading mean scores improved in Yrs 3, but fell slightly in Yr 5 & Yr 7.
Students need to develop more skills in substantiating answers across a range of text types other than narrative e.g. persuasive, procedural, report.
Percentage meeting Regional Targets in 2011:
Rec 64%, Yr1 52%, Yr 2 13%
Yr 3 Proficiency Band 4 and above: 56% Yr 5 Proficiency band 6 and above: 50%
Yr 7 Proficiency band 7 and above: 54% / Develop students comprehension skills with a particular focus on:
  • drawing inferences and
  • Substantiating responses to questions by referring back to the text.
80% of year 1 students with identified literacy difficulties show growth of at least 2 Running Records levels at end of each term.
90% of Rec, Year 1 students, 90% year 2 students and 95% year 3 students (non NEP) achieve the Regional Reading Recovery leveltargets for year R,1,2 /
  1. Develop and document a reading agreement.
  2. Implement effective practices in relation to teaching and assessing comprehension skills. Based on data collected from the PATR Comprehension on line test.
  3. Early intervention program is reviewed and updated and SSO’s trained to confidently deliver it. Processes used are linked to classroom practice.
  4. JP teachers explicitly teach phonograms and Read Write Inc. program used to introduce students to reading.
  1. Classroom programs reflect implementation of agreements.
  2. School using agreed methods to monitor student reading growth and
this information is usedto inform planning.
  1. Base line data for comprehension gathered from the PATR.
  2. SSO’s report confidence in delivering the Yr 1 intervention program and studentgoals are being met.
  3. Percentage of students reaching regional Targets increases by 10%
  4. Students’ automatic phonogram knowledge is tested and improvement over baseline data is shown over year

Writing and Spelling.
2010 to 11 writing mean scores improved in Yrs 3, 5 & 7.
Yr 3 and 5 Students performed below national % levels in respect to:
  • correctly writing and punctuating simple and compound sentences
  • using paragraphs to express a single idea.
  • spelling more common words correctly.
Year 7 students performed below national % levels in respect to:
  • using more precise words or word groups
Students with a spelling age from 6 mths below to above: Yr 3 - 68.6% Yr4 - 68% Yr 5 - 60.5% Yr 6 - 60.4% Yr 7 – 70% Average 3 to 7 - 65.6% / Develop students:
  1. Writing skills with focus on:
  • Paragraphing
  • Writing simple and compound sentences
  • Correctly using punctuation
  • understanding and correctly using pronouns, conjunctions & connectives
  • Using precise words or word groups
  • Editing.
  1. Develop a whole school writing agreement including an assessment and recording system.
  1. Explicitly teach the writing genres and assess and record student development in respect to its specific elements.
  1. All staff focus on persuasive writing in Term 1 and NAPLAN results show an improvement in students’ writing skills.
  1. A Writing Agreement has been developed.
  1. A review of class spelling programs show that they are designed in keeping with the school’s Spelling Agreement.
  1. Funding is allocated and used for purchasing of new resources to support writing and spelling programs.
  1. NAPLAN results in spelling improve.

  1. Develop students’ ability to spell common words.
/ To effectively implement the school’s Spelling Agreement

Ardtornish Primary Site Plan 2012 – 7th May

2.To Improve Maths Outcomes for all students / Key findings in data / Outcomes:
What we will change for students / Strategies:
What we will do to create the change / Evidence and Evaluation
In years 3,5 & 7 school mean scores in NAPLAN were below similar school and National mean scores.
There was not however a particular area of weakness clearly identifiable. /
  1. Students will develop their mathematical skills focused on number and NAPLAN results will show an improvement in this area.
  1. Students will experience a program better linked to their identified needs.
  1. Students will have the ACM delivered to them and be assessed and reported against the achievement standards.
  1. Provide staff with training in the use of ACM with a focus on number.
  1. To implement the PAT Maths online assessment program and analyse the data to inform our practice.
  1. Develop common understandings of quality teaching practices and whole school processes that support the implementation of ACM
  1. Use Mathletics to support student acquisition and teacher assessment of mathematical skills
  1. Develop resources, including online, to support the implementation of the ACM
  1. Staff are confidently using the ACM to plan program and assess students
  1. Teacher programs reflect planning based on the analysis of data.
  1. A whole school maths agreement developed including an assessment and recording system.
  1. Appropriate maths resources are purchased to support change
  1. NAPLAN and PAT Maths results improve.
  1. Parents are paying for access to Mathletics.
  1. Teachers are confidently using assessment tools in Mathletics to track and assess student achievement in maths.

Ardtornish Primary Site Plan 2012 - 7th May

  1. To further develop Quality Teaching practices.
/ Key findings in data / Outcomes:
What we will change for students / Strategies:
What we will do to create the change / Evidence and Evaluation
Staff are seeking a greater level of consistency in practice across the school
Staff would like to have greater opportunities to share practice and jointly problem solves to improve student learning.
The use of ICT to support student engagement varies across the school. /
  1. Students will experience a more consistent approach to learning across year levels and subject areas.
  2. ICT will be used more effectively to support and engage in student learning.
  3. Science lessons will be delivered using the 5 E framework.
  4. Students are becoming more actively involved in self-assessment of their learning
  1. Further develop Professional Learning Teams.
  2. Meet in teams to discuss student learning and moderate work samples eg writing and maths
  3. Develop common understandings of (TFeL) ‘Quality Teaching’practicesand implement them into lessons.
  4. Develop and document performance feedback strategies to more fully support quality teaching.
  5. Provide training to staff in the use of ICT to support student learning.
  6. Provide training to staff in the use the Primary Connections program.
  7. Examine and implement ways for students to become more involved in their own self-assessment.
  1. A range of whole school data collection processes are reviewed, updated and implemented.
  1. Staff report that their professional learning is supported by team work.
  1. Staff are becoming familiar with the Australian Curriculum – scope and sequence and TEFL.
  1. ICT equipment functioning appropriately across all year levels.
  1. Staff demonstrate increased skill in using ICT to support student learning.
  1. All students have participated in at least one unit from Primary Connections (as well as Science NIT)
  1. The Staff opinion survey reflects a greater percentage of people agreeing that the school has consistency of practice in a range of targeted areas of learning.
  1. Staff are confidently using the Primary Connections materials & have completed at least one unit with their students.
  1. Evidence is collected to demonstrate that students have become more involved in their own assessment in some areas of their learning e.g. use of assessment rubrics.
  1. Staff have set and are working on achieving personal learning goals in line with the school site plan.