Go to Rife’s Web page for current policy and course information at


Grade Scale: 90% + A (top A per class = A+)

80% + B

70% + C Semester grade is an equally weighted average

60% + D of the two component quarter percentages (45% each)

< 60% F plus semester final (10%)

Extra Credit: will be accepted for any work agreed upon between the student and myself.

A meeting must take place to discuss the project and the grading criteria prior to any work being done.

EXTRA CREDIT up to 10 % per grading period grade

Exam Extra Credit – “Self Test” 1 pt per 10 question / answer pairs up to 4 pts. (40 questions)

(2-10% of exam score) must be turned in during exam on or before exam test date.

No “Self Test” extra credit if test not taken on or before exam date.

No “Self Test” extra credit on late exams. No exceptions.

Independent Research and Presentation 7 - 10 %. per one quarter: science fair project entered at the state science

fair OR independent research (CFK or NOSB)

All papers (homework, labs, tests, papers) turned in should have the following heading: student's full name, course name, period, assignment description (Ch 2 Hw 1), and date in the upper right corner. I.e. Bruce Rife

Marine Science Per. 6

Stressors List


Homework will consist of assignments from the text, exercises from the Exercise and Lab Manual, and assignments I give you in class. Homework assignments may often be due prior to coverage of material in class, thus you will have to read and comprehend the textbook. Graded assignments should be kept in your notebook for future reference and notebook grade.


After 5 days an alternative assignment may be done for special circumstances.

Make-up work should be turned in as soon as possible with "Make Up" marked under paper heading.

Follow school policy for days permitted to get work turned in.

Tests will consist of 40 or more questions. The questions will be multiple choice, matching, true/false, fill in the blank, problems, and essay. Test will cover material from text, homework, lectures, labs and field trips. See Test make up under Procedures.

Semester Finals will consist of questions from previous test plus some additional questions over the material covered during the semester. Finals may take two days at the end of each semester.

Notebooks will be kept of all class work. The notebooks will be 3-ring binders with notebook paper of any rule. The notebook may be a section or part of a 3-ring binder used for other classes. The science notebook will consist of three parts: the first part is for notes taken in class, the second part is for all homework assignments, and the third part is for lab reports. Notebooks will be graded 1st and 3rd quarters and unannounced. Keep all material until semester final; Anat. & Phys. Marine Science, and Biology students may wish to save first semester notes for reference during second semester.

Lab worksheets and/or writeups will be completed and graded. These should be kept in your notebook for future reference. Pre-lab quizzes will periodically be given, must pass in order to do lab. Misbehavior during labs will result in immediate removal from room and F grade for that lab. Subsequent misbehavior during labs will result in no further labs for that student. The student may turn in additional pencil and paper assignments for lab credit.

Class Participation is expected every day. Students not participating will be sent to the office.



Parent Signature ______Student Signature ______


1. Respect teacher

2. Respect fellow students

3. Respect property, both school's and private

4. No eating or drinking in classroom

5. Stay on task* at all times (* working on lecture notes, lab, homework)

6. No hats in classroom

Behavior problems will be dealt with the following procedures:

1. Remind the student of the rule and the correct behavior

2. Asked to stay after class (during passing or break period)

3. Asked to stay after school (detention) 15 or more minutes within two days.

4. Record misbehavior in logbook to document “disturbance”

5. Telephone parents

6. Sent to administrator with disruption log

Tardies will be dealt with in the following manner:

1. First tardy * will result in a friendly reminder of school policy. (*per quarter)

2. Second tardy will result in 15 minutes of detention within two days and hall pass.

(May be done before or after school or during break.)

3. Third tardy will result in 30 minutes of detention within two days and hall pass and parent contact.

(May be done before or after school.) OR referral to administrator.

4. Subsequent tardies will result in an automatic referral to administrator.

Hall Passes:

You must sign up on Rife’s Hall Pass and sign and carry the hall pass from your student planner.

Students leaving class room without signing Rife’s Hall Pass and sign and carrying the hall pass from your student planner

will be considered truant and result in an interaction.

Excessive hall passes (more than one per week) will result in a conference with student and / or parent conference.

Having your student planner hall pass with you is your responsibility.


1. Come to class with assignments, pen/pencil, student planner, notebook, paper, and any other supplies needed for that day's

lesson. You will need a hall pass to get them after the tardy bell rings.

2. If tardy bell rings and you are in the room, go directly to your seat and sit down. If not in the room, go directly to office and get a tardy slip. Place tardy slip on teacher’s desk and sit at your seat . Do not disturb the class.

3. Throw away paper and other debris at the end of the period. Do not throw away material during the lesson.

4. Sit down in seats and work on current or future assignments prior to the lesson. (While I’m taking roll, etc.).

5. Stay on task till the bell rings or I dismiss you, which ever is later. Do not get out of your seat till dismissed.

6. Assignments are due at beginning of lesson unless otherwise stated.

7. All tests will only be made up after school between 2:30 and 4 pm in my class room. No other times.

Parent Signature ______Student Signature ______



1. Create an environment for learning in the classroom.

I will remove students from the classroom that disrupt the learning environment.

2. Provide help and encouragement to students.

a. Students may approach me for help during class or before and after school (2:30-4 pm).

b. I will call parents with any concerns about a student’s productivity.

Parents may call anytime with concerns and/or questions.

3. Communicate clear expectations to students

a. Discuss and handout grading system and opportunities of extra credit.

b. Have students maintain notebook containing all pertinent material. Parents and student to review material may reference this notebook and due dates.

c. Discuss and/or handout exam reviews which inform students about the material to be covered on the upcoming exam or final. AK State Science Standards are linked on Rife web page and on course schedules.

PARENT (parent initial ______) PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS #1:______

1. Provide a learning environment at home. PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS #2:______

a. Provide a time (20 to 30 minutes) per day with no distractions (i.e. TV) to study science.

b. Provide a space to study science. Preferably a table or desk to write on. This space should have adequate lighting and supplies (i.e. paper, pencils, and dictionary)

2. Provide help and encouragement to students.

a. Be aware of student’s work and progress in class.

Review the science notebook for: material covered (notes), current progress (returned graded assignments), and assignment due dates and exam dates (listed at the beginning of each unit). AND accessing Rife web page @

b. Communicate with the teacher on any concerns.

c. Encourage your child on the importance of a good education in today’s world.

Workers with only a High School Diploma pay dropped 22% in the last decade.

College educated workers pay increased 9% in the same decade. (Time magazine)

STUDENT (student initial ______)

1. Maintain a good attitude

a. You only have one opportunity to learn this material, so give it your best effort.

b. Don’t let your feelings about the course or teacher prevent you from doing well.

The permanent record does not state why you got your grade

(I.e. I didn’t like the teacher), it just records the semester grade you earned (i.e. an A or F).

This is a skill that will serve you the rest of your life. No one likes his job or boss all the time, yet he must

maintain good productivity and relations if he is to keep his job.

2. Interact with the material

a. Read the book. Read every word and sentence. Don’t play the “search for the answer” game.

b.  Do all class and homework assignments. This is the first opportunity for your brain to process the new material.

c.  Review the material (i.e. text, notes, assignments, and exam review) daily.

Research states you learn more material and remember it longer with this approach.

3. Study for exams.

a.  Schools, state and federal governments, and many employers evaluate you with tests.

So you will do well to learn how to study and take exams.

b.  The best way to study for exams is to make a self-test. Write questions with their answers over the material to

be covered on the upcoming exam. Take the self-test without looking at the answers and then grade yourself. This will force your brain to recall the material and let you know if you are truly prepared.

Attachment: See Course outline for text(s) used in class and class activities.

Course descriptions, assignments, schedule and policy are available Rife web page @