Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA)

PO Box 1107 N. Highway 5 & NW 16th Avenue

Ava, Mo 65608 (417) 683-5611

Bishop Rev. Dr. Gerald Mansholt

Central States Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

21 North 12th Street

Suite 210

Kansas City, KS 66102

RE: Synod approval of homosexuality, homosexual relationships, and the ordination of homosexual clergy.

Dear Bishop Mansholt:

Elected delegates from our congregation recently attended the Synod meeting in Lindsborg, Kansas. As you recall, certain resolutions were approved by the Synod assembly.

Included in these approved resolutions were: (1) a resolution to adopt the ELCA committee-proposed Sexuality Statement, which essentially finds no sin in homosexuality; (2) a resolution that the ELCA recognize and perform same-sex marriages; and (3) a resolution that the ELCA ordain homosexual clergy. These resolutions passed by large margins, in spite of sound Bible-based argument by both clergy and laymen.

Scripture clearly and unambiguously contradicts and prohibits these resolutions. Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 are but a few of the Biblical proscriptions against homosexuality.

That an overwhelming majority of this Synod’s delegates voted for these resolutions illustrates that the votes were not simply mistakes; the votes evidence willful disobedience to the Word of God. Furthermore, the constitution of the Central States Synod holds that the Bible is to be the ultimate rule and law of the Synod.

On July 12, 2009, after due prayer, meditation, and deliberation, our congregation voted to withhold all future funding from the Central States Synod. We realize that our small congregation’s contributions are but a meager percentage to the Synod. However, with this vote, our congregation’s intentions include the following:

1.  To ensure that our congregation’s tithe does not fund purposes that are clearly prohibited by Scripture,

2.  To confess and profess our belief that the resolutions passed by the Central States Synod are contrary to the Word of our Lord,

3.  To show those persons and congregations that support those resolutions their error, in hope of their remediation thereof,

4.  To illustrate to the Lord’s children, both inside and outside this Synod, that there are and must be repercussions to willful violation of Scripture, and

5.  To highlight that Christ’s Church must, first and foremost, confess that its foundation, for now and all eternity, is the Holy Bible.

It is with heavy hearts that our congregation must take such drastic action. However, our actions must be guided by the Lord’s Word, and this congregation cannot be yoked with those who willfully ignore clear, relevant Scripture. Stated differently, a Christian Church that refuses to be bound by the Bible is, simply, not a Christian Church.

Sadly, this has happened at the singular instance when an opportunity exists for a great Christian victory. Homosexuals, long persecuted and forced “underground”, are now more open than they have been in centuries. Accordingly, Christ’s church is presented with an historic opportunity; the possibility of locating His children who are under the sin of homosexuality, and the opportunity to minister His Word and Love thereto. Unfortunately, the resolutions passed by this Synod have utterly destroyed its ability to provide a Christian, Scripture-based witness to this sub-culture of the Lord’s children.

Many members of our congregation are of an age that they never discussed homosexuality in church, as the issue was hardly relevant. However, the younger generation in Christ’s Church, and their successors, will undoubtedly have to face this sin as His Church moves toward His Second Coming. Do we dare teach our children to ignore Scripture in the face of this sin? What happens with the next sin Satan proposes to the world as “politically correct”?

From the time Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five theses onto a church in Germany, the Lutheran church has relied, first and foremost, on the Holy Bible as the absolute law of its faith. Armed with His Word, the Lutheran Church has, for centuries, faced every problem and tumult Satan and the world have thrown against mankind. That the Central States Synod can now turn its back upon the Word, to follow the lead of the world, illustrates that certain congregations in this Synod do not stand upon a biblical foundation, and that our small congregation’s actions are biblically just.

To our fellow Lutheran congregations that maintain the Holy Bible as their highest law: know that we stand with Christ, and with you. To those Lutheran congregations that wish to change Scripture to legislate homosexuality into a sinless act: you will be in our prayers, but our congregation no longer walks with you. To our fellow Bible-believing Christians in other denominations: we pray that Christ blesses your congregations, and send you this letter that you might prepare for such an onslaught as that which we find our congregation presently embroiled in.

Finally, we pray, not as we should, but as best we can, for the congregations in the Central States Synod, for all of Christ’s Church, and for those facing the sin of homosexuality. We pray that the Christian Church, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America in particular, may be true to His Holy Word. We pray that all of Christ’s Churches may come together, to find ways to effectively minister to His children that are in the sin of homosexuality. Lastly, we praise His Name. Amen.

In Christ,


For the congregation

Trinity Lutheran Church,

Ava, Mo

CC: all congregations within the Central States Synod

Area Christian congregations