VISION: The Oregon National Guard – soldiers, airmen and civilians, striving for excellence and focused on readiness.

MISSION: Promote an understanding of diversity and behavior that reflects strong organizational values, while establishing a climate of diversity within the ORNG, and in the communities it serves.

DATE/LOCATION: Friday, 18 April 14, 0900-1500 hrs

Charles Diebert Aviation Facility, Salem, OR

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Theresa Hinges, BG Steve Beach, LTC Mik Kim, Maj Dawn Choy, Maj Lisa Scott, MAJ Ray Aqullana, SGM Rodney Galloway, SMSgt Mark Schackart, MSgt Nick Choy, SFC Henry Kakaruk, TSgt James Batdorff, TSgt Jennifer Hibbs (afternoon), SSgt Carl Green, SSgt Waylon Munson.

CHAIR: Maj Dawn Choy VICE-CHAIR: (SEEM) Ms. Theresa Hinges

RECORDER: Maj Lisa Scott FACILITATOR: selected as needed


COUNCIL ADVISORS: BG Steve Beach & Col Stuart Mathew

GUEST SPEAKERS: Mr Greg Caldwell, Consul to the Korean Society of Oregon.


·  Welcome, Introductions

·  Agenda Overview and Announcements

·  Review Prior meeting minutes

·  Recognition Presentations

·  Advisor and ARNG/ANG Recruiting Update

·  Presentations/Guest Speakers

·  Quarterly Taskers

·  Group Photo

·  Holocaust video and discussion

·  Diversity Leaders Guide overview and usage

·  Round room updates

·  Future Meetings, Agenda, and/or Action Items

MINUTES REVIEW: Minutes from 10 Jan 14 were reviewed and approved.


ICEBREAKER: “Getting to know each other in meetings, will help engage with each other outside of meetings” No ice breaker this meeting.


Theresa Hinges –

1.  SGM Rodney Galloway was presented with the Diversity Champion “Clock” for his contributions to the State Diversity Council since 2011. SGM Galloway has been assigned a new position. Thank you Rodney for all your dedication and perspective to enhance the council. We wish you all the best in your next endeavors.

2.  Col Jim Gregory was presented the Diversity Champion “Clock” for his contributions to the State Diversity Council since 2009 as a senior advisor. Thank you for your dedication, guidance and words of wisdom over the years. We wish you all the best in your new position.

3.  Review of previous minutes – Any changes, revisions, and/or corrections please let Theresa know so we accurately reflect our efforts.

4.  Welcome BG Beach to the Council as an advisor. We look forward to his involvement and his support to the Diversity Council. Through Gen Stencel’s efforts, Gen Hokanson is supportive of additional Army Guard representation in Council’s efforts.

Dawn Choy –

1.  DEOMI has no training available currently. Only EO/EOL realm training offered and limited senior leadership training opportunities. Please refer to the DEOMI website for resources and announcements for additional training opportunities. www.deomi.org

2.  Quarterly Taskers:

a.  As council members you’re committed to coming to each council meeting and to accomplish taskers to move forward the goals of the Diversity Council charter.

i.  Diversity Leaders Guide – do something with the information provided to improve diversity education and awareness.

ii.  Invite another person to attend the council meetings.

iii.  Write an article about Diversity for publications such as Sentinal and HRO newsletter.

iv.  Recruiters need assistance for events to enhance impact

v.  Oct 2014 (potential date) – Carl Green assistance with Disability Awareness event

vi.  May 21, 2014 – Asian Pacific Heritage cultural/food event at the Mil Dep encourages participation.

vii.  April – Sexual Assault Awareness

viii.  June – LGBT Awareness Month

Mik Kim –

1.  Need leadership support for securing leadership program and training for our state. “Train the Trainer” course: NGB can send mobile training teams to Oregon for senior leadership training if we collaborate our efforts and communication. NGB promoting the program that ORNG needs to utilize and recommend we host the class here in Oregon. TAG can direct this 2 ½ day course with 20-30 ideal attendance that really highlights the needs so leaders can optimally support Diversity Initiatives.

2.  We need to always be asking – How do we immerse and deliberately develop our ORNG leaders in Diversity Initiatives. Awareness and appreciation to ensure diversity is a part of the ORNG climate is a great start.

3.  41st almost trained up for deployment. Most students for next EOLC will be from 82nd with max 30 students per course.

4.  Just returned from NGB Diversity meeting at NGB. Dr. Wiley from Vermont NG leadership talked about the triangle approach of Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusion.

ORNG Recruiting report –

1.  See report handout for details and update on current ORNG recruiting numbers, strengths, and stats.

2.  Numbers report of diverse recruits steadily climbing since 2012

3.  Retention is up and reporting is green!

Guest Speaker – Greg Caldwell, Ministry of South Korea

1.  Mr. Caldwell is 1 of 16 in USA that has been nominated as honorary consul for South Korea for Northern Oregon. He is representing the President of the Korean Society of Oregon who couldn’t attend. His role is to assist Korean citizens and visitors from Korea to Oregon and improve ties between Oregon and Korea. His “love affair” with Korea started in 1971 when he was a Peace Corp volunteer for 3 years, living with a Korean family. He taught English to middle school boys, 6 classes a week for 72 boys.

2.  South Korea has the 12th strongest economy in world.

3.  Korea follow Confucianism = needing harmony in society, everyone knows their place, and society ranking is important. Age is ruler and dominates and age is very important. Some airline crashes were due to the fact that co-pilot can’t question the pilot due to rankings, even though they could have prevented a crash due to seeing something the pilot didn’t. There is also the inside group vs. outside group.

a.  Ruler

b.  Ruled

c.  Father-son

d.  Husband – wife

e.  Older brother to youngest brother

f.  Friend to Friend

4.  Obligations to the relationships and how they interact within each other.

5.  #3 in world of hierarchy culture.

6.  All Americans veterans who fought in Korean War can go back all expense paid to re-visit the country.

7.  South Korea known to be a giving nation and not a recipient nation – they’re helping other countries. Korea sends the Korean War memorial in Washington D.C. flowers daily.

BG Beech –

1.  Very enthusiastic to be a part of the council and he truly wants continued efforts in “valuing each individual in organization.”

Carl Green -

1.  Focus on the ability and not the disability!

2.  Solicit people power for disability awareness, especially with your wounded and disabled veterans

Rey Agullana –

1.  26 new EOL’s graduated the EOL course on 16-21 March. The one week/60 hour course for Sergeant’s and above will serve their commander and respective units as EO/Diversity Subject Matter Experts, provide data and report monthly, be front line responder to issues, and encourage education and awareness among their organizations. EOL reports are at TAG level.

Lisa Scott –

1.  142 FW efforts and contributions are:

a.  Continuous education/awareness/event opportunities posted on SharePoint, briefed in CC calls, and shared with key personnel.

b.  SSgt Beltran and Maj Scott involved in the EOLC course as instructors. Amazing collaboration for the ORNG.

c.  Implemented mandated EO/Diversity questions into all high level 142 FW Promotion boards.

d.  Diversity Council on agenda to be revitalized.

e.  4 Lenses training will be getting pushed out to wing members in near future.

f.  ADR briefing to key leadership to promote cohesion, collaboration, and maintain relationships in the workplace.

Video: Holocaust “Never Again”

1.  Awareness is key to understanding how genocide happens so we don’t repeat history.

2.  Discussion of how we can generate change and inclusive environment everyday to limit and eliminate even the smallest versions of these occurrences.


a.  Challenge: All council members read/utilize and report at next council what accomplishment or effort you did to: recruit someone new to council, promote council and diversity initiatives, or bring about awareness and education of diversity within your organization. Utilize the Diversity Leaders Guide.

b.  Write an article about Diversity for publications such as Sentinal and HRO newsletter.

c.  Find creative approach to spread the message such as sharing resources.

d.  Advertise the program.


Dawn Choy’s title updated to be: Diversity & Inclusion Advisor and Diversity Council Chair

Remove US mint email from Ijay Beltran’s contact info. Need new work email.

Jennifer Hibbs is now represents 142 SFS/JTAP

Update Mark Schackart email to:

Remove from contact list: Laurie Kimmel, Jamal Rankins


o  Out of respect and courtesy to Council members and mission, please refrain from texting while someone is talking or briefing. When in doubt, take it outside the room.

Council membership/attendance

o  OPEN to all OR Military Department members and family

o  Representative from each brigade, wing, and recruiting to be in regular attendance at the meetings. Send rep in your place if can’t attend.

a.  Encourage members to get involved. Please utilize HRO/TAG’s letter, 27 Sep 12,

i.  Memo directed toward Commanders and Supervisors

ii.  Subject: Diversity Council Collateral Duty

iii.  Memo highlights council’s purpose, goals, accomplishments, and commitment of council members

iv.  Enforces TAG’s support and encourages fellow ORNG leaders for mutual support

“Call in” Meeting option

o  Available for all meetings. Coordinate with Theresa Hinges to use the option.

Diversity Articles & Information

o  Sentinel, send to (MSgt Nick Choy has guidance)

o  Use MilBook/MilSuite and Facebook for more NGB Diversity information.

o  Goals are to have action items to take forward, increase/match our surrounding areas demographics and increase our community outreach.

o  Training

o  Special Emphasis Program Manager positions open - let Ms Hinges know if you are interested in becoming a SEP manager. Some of the duties: holding observances, analyzing data, identifying shortfalls/barriers, look at recruiting/retention efforts, bring awareness and education to all members/employees of the ORNG.

o  Get information to Theresa Hinges of any successes, outreach opportunities and contacts you make between meetings

o  ORNGA/EANGUS Yearly Conference: Strive to submit Diversity update/info to be briefed at conference.

o  CGO Yearly State Workshop (Army and Air): What do we want briefed on Diversity and who is to do the briefings?


1.  Continue to work our individual groups and goals! Make sure to update Theresa Hinges as you progress for accurate reporting and recognition of Council’s efforts.

2.  Updated Diversity council brochure (Theresa and Dawn)

3.  Recruiting/train/integrate/retain goal plan: how council fits? Official name of the council “TAG State Diversity Council” or “TSDC” to go along with NGB directives (Gregory)

4.  Diversity stats go to status briefs monthly (Army, Air and joint).

5.  Diversity data to command.

6.  Diversity Retreat- can be as long as 1-3 days.

7.  Unity Day, try for summer/fall 2014. Work with State HRO for possible coordination with Health Fair.

8.  Council Picture and Sentinel articles

NEXT DIVERSITY COUNCIL MEETING: Friday, 8 August 2014, 0900-1230, Location: AFRC, Camp Withycombe, Clackamas, Oregon.




-African Amercian/Black History Month


-Women’s History Month


-Holocaust Remembrance Day


-Pacific Islander Heritage Month


- No DOD specific observance

-“Juneteenth” Celebration (Cherolyn Benton-Lee)


-Women’s Equality Day (26th)

-Hispanic Heritage Month (15 Sep-15 Oct)

-National Disability Employment Awareness Month

-National American Indian Heritage Month