Learner Resource 7

Phaedra: top of p.28 to p.29 Pea: She’s the queen of the fair.’

Write down everything you can think of about what this passage tells us about Phaedra. You might want to think about:

·  Why Johnny splits logs through their conversation.

·  What we learn about Pea and Tanya from this scene.

·  The significance of Davey’s vampire theory.

·  The significance of the Queen of the Fair role.

Delivery Guide Jerusalem
Version 1 1 Copyright © OCR 2016

Phaedra: bottom of p.101, Phaedra: ‘What you stuck here for anyway?’ to p.104 Suddenly she turns and flees.

Write down everything you can think of about what this passage tells us about Phaedra. You might want to think about:

·  The importance of Phaedra’s questions on pages 101-2.

·  The significance of Johnny and Phaedra’s dance.

·  The significance of the Queen of the Fair role.

Pea and Tanya: top of p.26 to p.27 Tanya: ‘He’s such a tuss.’

Write down everything you can think of about what this passage tells us about Pea and Tanya. You might want to think about:

·  What we learn about Pea and Tanya from this scene.

·  The significance of Phaedra.

·  Their attitude to male authority.

Fawcett: p.94 Fawcett: ‘Mr Byron. Mr John Winston Byron?’ to p.98 Fawcett: Good Day Mr Byron.’

Write down everything you can think of about what this passage tells us about Fawcett. You might want to think about:

·  The importance of Fawcett’s language.

·  The significance of Mr Hands.

·  What this episode tells us about Johnny’s attitudes to women.

Dawn: p.64 Dawn: ‘What the hell are you doing, John?’ to p.66 Johnny: ‘If it ain’t broke.’

Write down everything you can think of about what this passage tells us about Dawn. You might want to think about:

·  The importance of Dawn’s questions.

·  The significance of Mark.

·  What this episode tells us about Johnny’s relationship with Dawn.

Dawn: p.68 Dawn comes over. Does a couple of lines. to p.71 Johnny watches her.

Write down everything you can think of about what this passage tells us about Dawn. You might want to think about:

·  Why Dawn and Johnny kiss.

·  Drug-taking and Dawn’s moral authority.

·  What this episode tells us about Johnny’s relationship with Dawn.

Delivery Guide Jerusalem
Version 1 2 Copyright © OCR 2016