Website Tutorial for Registered Persons
Accessing and managing your SACAP profile is paramount to optimise your engagement, interaction and experience in dealing with SACAP. Maintaining your profile and both personal and professional information is your responsibility and you have all the tools at your disposal to now do so.
To access your profile you need to use your username and password, initially provided to you by SACAP or as changed by yourself at a later stage
We are all human and it may occur that you have forgotten or mislaid your log in information, either your username, password or both
Follow these easy, quick steps to reset your password. In need contact SACAP for further assistance on Telephone: + 27 11 479500 or Email SACAP at i
Step 1
Log onto the SACAP website at
The login box is in the header section of the website, right, at the top. SEE ARROW BELOW
Step 2You will be routed to the password reset page, as you can see below. You can then enter your USERNAME, but if you have forgotten that too, simply enter your email address (it however has to be the email address registered on your profile)
To make sure you are who you are and not a spammer, please answer the easy anti spam question on the page and then submit your password reset request by clicking on the RESET PASSWORD button, as per the red arrow above. Please take time to read the instructions/guidelines on the page
See example below of correctly entered information in the password reset page, in this case using email address (assuming you have forgotten both username and password.
Step 4Upon submit, you will receive confirmation your password reset request has been submitted and an email has been sent to your email address on record with SACAP.
(Now please return/monitor to your email inbox to access the email - this should not take more than a few minutes)
Step 5Your password reset request will generate an email to your email inbox on record/registered with SACAP. Wait to receive that email. Once received it will look like this:
From this email, simply click on the RESET MY PASSWORD NOW! Link. See red arrow above for guidance.
(Once you click on that link, you will be redirected back to the SACAP site where you will be able to A) retrieve your username in case you forgot that too, as well as B) reset a new password. Remember PASWORDS must be 8 characters long, alpha-numeric and contain at least one number)
Step 6Enter your new 8 digit password, containing at least one number. You may use lower and upper case as you see fit
Final Step
You are now ready to access your profile again and continue to use the system and access all the restricted areas reserved for Registered Persons. Use the username visible on the page and newly created password to sign in to your password. If you have problems, contact SACAP to assist you over the phone to reset your password and access your profile
CONTACT SACAP if you need further assistance, also visit the website for further/other tutorials on how to manage your registration with SACAP