Hart County Water & Sewer Utility Authority
Board of Directors Meeting June 16, 2008
The Hart County Water & Sewer Utility Authority met June 16, 2008 in the Hart County Cooperative Extension Service Building. Chairman Dave Stafford called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Chairman Stafford called the meeting into session with Vice Chairman Wade Carlton, Secretary/Treasurer Larry Haley, Jerry Cleveland, Michael Partlow, Director Pat Goran, and Legal Counsel Walter Gordon present. Guests attending the meeting included HCWSUA employee Kathy Breffle, Hart County Commissioner Ken Brown, Hart County resident Jerry Cannady, Hart County Fire Chief Jerry Byrum, and Jerry Hood from EMI.
Approval of agenda
Mr. Stafford asked for a motion to accept the agenda and Mr. Haley so moved. Mr. Carlton seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0.
Approval of May 19th regular meeting minutes
Mr. Haley made a motion to accept the minutes as previously mailed and Mr. Partlow seconded it. The motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Carlton abstaining.
Financial report
Mr. Goran presented the financials.
Old business
Southwestern system expansion
Mr. Goran explained that Mr. Stafford and he had met with Jerry Hood of EMI and Angela Steedley of The Steedley-Hosey Firm regarding grant possibilities for this project area. Mr. Stafford signed the agreement and the requested addendum for engineering and grant writing services reviewed and approved by Mr. Gordon.
Old 29 project
Mr. Gordon informed the Board that the BOC had agreed by a vote of 5-0 that after HCWSUA spent $500,000 on this project then the BOC will spend $500,000 of the allocated SPLOST III funds in December 2008 and the remaining amount as needed beginning in January 2009. Some discussion occurred regarding the timing of invoices from the contractor. The Board agreed to move forward with getting the necessary permits, working on easements, and moving towards getting a final bid package together.
Potential water supply agreement with Royston
Mr. Goran informed the Board that he is still waiting on a draft from the City of Royston’s legal counsel.
Water master plan / hydraulic model status
Mr. Hood reconfirmed with the Board that the final version should be ready by the first part of July.
Proposed Savannah River Club development
Mr. Gordon explained that he had met with Hart County Administrator Jon Caime regarding this project and that the Board of Commissioners had already approved this subdivision. Mr. Gordon suggested that the Authority move along with this project as it is, and that the Authority consider compelling developers to install taps on future developments.
Revisions to County’s subdivision ordinance
Mr. Gordon suggested that Mr. Goran and Mr. Caime decide on some possible meeting dates and times and coordinate a meeting of the committee.
Annual maintenance / tapping contract
Mr. Goran reported that bidding for this was advertised in the Hartwell Sun last week and will run again this week with bids being due by 4:00pm June 27, 2008.
New business--None
Public comments
Director’s comments
Mr. Goran asked the Board if they were interested in petitioning EPD regarding loosening of the watering restrictions. Mr. Goran also informed the Board that Marty Fulgrum of Shoal Creek Construction who had been awarded the contract for J Bird Lane had been hurt and would not be able to work for 4-6 weeks per his doctor. No action was taken on either issue.
Members’ comments
Upcoming meetings - July 21st, August 18th
Mr. Cleveland made a motion to adjourn and Mr. Haley seconded it. The motion passed 5-0.
David Stafford, Chairman Larry Haley, Secretary/ Treasurer