INSTRUCTOR:Mr. Vander Sluis
TEXTBOOK:Allison/DeGaetano/Pasachoff, 2008. Earth Science, Holt.
The primary objective of this course is to provide the student with a better understanding of our natural environment. Physical Scienceis a graduation requirementfor those students who will not be taking Chemistry. Success in this course will be determined by a student meeting his or her responsibilities to be prepared for class each day; therefore, allowances must be made for study time. Homework provides the necessary practice with the topics and concepts that will be presented on quizzes, chapter tests, and the final exam; students must keep up on their homework to do well in the class.
In this course, subject matterwill be presented in a framework of classroom lecture, laboratory experiments, textbook reading, homework assignments, content literacy exercises, research projects, and assessment (tests and quizzes.)The curriculum is aligned with the California State Content Standards (Grades 9-12 Earth Science) and presented in accordance with the district pacing guide. Study topics include the scientific method, earth models, earth chemistry, rocks & minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorology, climate and climate change, astronomy, as well as an examination of California geology and resources.
- Homework is assigned several times per week; due dates will be posted.All assignments turned in late will receive reduced credit unless accompanied by an excused tardy slip. No late work will be accepted or graded after the due date, except for excused absences. Students will be allowed to make-up assignments within a time period that coincideswith the duration of their absence. Arrangements for missed tests and labs must be made with the teacher immediately upon returning to class; missed quizzes must be taken on the day of the student’s return to class – no exceptions. No make-up work for homework, tests, or quizzes will be allowed for unexcused absences and will receive a zero.
- Please use lined paper for homework assignments. Work should be neat and legible with answers clearly designated; if I cannot read your paper, I cannot grade your paper. Make every effort to use correct academic English.
- Please label your assignments with your name, date, class period, and the assignment information in the upper right hand corner. Unlabeled homework will receive zero credit. Lab reports should be written in black ink.
Laboratory experimentation is used to demonstrate key concepts. For most experiments, you will work in groups and be assigned a lab station and partner. Each group is responsible for the cleaning and care of all equipment used.The science department will charge a fee for broken glassware and damaged equipment. Safety rules and regulations will be described in detail and must be followed, with no exceptions. Students and parents will be required to sign a safety agreement form prior to the first experiment.
GRADESYour final grade will be based on total points earned from tests, laboratory reports, homework, quizzes, laboratory notebook, and projects. Tests include a final semester exam. The grading scale is indicated below:
91 – 100% / A
90 – 90.9% / A-
89 – 89.9% / B+
81 – 88.9% / B
80 – 80.9% / B-
78 – 79.9% / C+
62 – 77.9% / C
60 – 61.9% / C-
59 – 59.9% / D+
51 – 58.0% / D
50 – 50.9% / D-
Below 50% / F
Your grade will be approximately weighted as follows:
Tests / 45%
Projects & Class Notebook / 15%
Quizzes / 15%
Homework / 10%
LaboratoryClass Participation / 15%
Every effort should be made to attend class on a regular basis, ESPECIALLY ON LAB DAYS. The attendance policy adopted for La QuintaHigh School will be enforced, and all tardies will be recorded. Tardies will lower your citizenship mark and result in before-school detentions. Roll will be taken according to seating chart assignments; if you are not in your seat when the bell rings you will be marked tardy.
- Textbook and workbooks
- 1” 3-ring binder (clear view cover)**
- College-ruled paper
- Pencils and an ink pen (blue or black)
- Highlighter and colored pencils
- Glue stick
*If you are unable to obtain these materials, please speak to me.
As part of your semester grade you’ll be expected to keep a class notebook that will serve as a portfolio of your work and study guide. The grading rubric will be based on the percent completion, neatness, and organization. Progress checks will be made at the quarter. Additional information on your notebook setup will be provided in class.
Class starts each day with a warm-up activity that will be posted on the board. Warm-up responses should be completed on a single piece of paper labeled with the student’s name, period, and title (e.g., Weekly Warm-up: 9/12/11 – 9/16/11). Warm-ups will be reviewed in class and turned in on Fridays for credit.
Rule / Examples1. Be prepared /
- Bring the required materials daily, (textbook, paper, pencil/eraser)
2. Be respectful /
- To personal and school property
- Do not write or carve on desks or whiteboards
- Take care of your textbooks
- Do not touch belongings that aren’t yours
- For items discovered, bring them to the teacher
- To the teacher*
- Do not talk when the teacher is speaking
- Raise your hand to speak or request permission
- To each other: Remember the Golden Rule!
- Do not talk when another student is responding or presenting
- No name calling, character judgments, or racial/sexual commentary
- Use appropriate language: NO PROFANITY
- Turn off and store all electronics; cell phone ringers OFF during class, (refer to the school confiscation policy)
3. Be responsible /
- Be present and on time
- Accept the consequences of your choices regarding class work and behavior; don’t blame others
- Complete make-up work promptly
4. Follow directions /
- NO EATING IN CLASS; you may have bottled water at your desk
- Gum chewing is notallowed
- Follow all Classroom Procedures, (beginning of class, obtaining permission, dismissal, etc.)
5. Follow school rules /
- Refer to your student handbook or school website
- La Quinta’s academic integrity (cheating) policy will be strictly enforced
*Please pay attention to my non-verbal queues: a look, pause, or hand signal means you are interrupting the class and should stop immediately.
Procedure / What to doHomework /
- Homework is due in the file box in Room 402before your first class
- Work received after 8 AM on its due date will be considered late and be marked down by 20%, except with an excused tardy slip
- Homework will not be accepted after its due date, except for excused absences
Start of class /
- Pick up any handoutsas you enter class
- Check in with a study-buddy to obtain missed handouts from absences
- Sharpen your pencils before class begins
- Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings or you’ll be marked tardy
- Take out your materials and store backpacks and/or purses under your seat
- Update your planner and complete your Warm up Activity
- Wait quietly for teacher instructions
- Do not talk during announcements
All activities (whole class, individual & group) /
- When you see my hand or hear a bell, stop, face me, keep your eyes on me and pay attention; be ready for instruction, I will have something to say
- When you are responding, requesting permission, or need help, raise your hand
- Always ask for permission to leave your seat
- To leave class (e.g. bathroom, locker), raise your hand with your hall pass and wait to be acknowledged; sign out with me; go only to the place you have requested or you will be considered truant; sign in with me; put away your hall pass. Budget your allotted hall pass uses wisely.
Group activities (including lab work) /
- Group assignments are not negotiable or self-appointed
- Assemble in your assigned groups promptly
- Participate in your assigned work without being disruptive
- Keep discussions on-topic
Housekeeping /
- Dispose of your food/drink BEFORE you come to class
- Trash goes in the trash can or out the door with you
- Recycle plastic bottles (rinsed first if content was not water)
- Spills & breakage should be cleaned up prior to leaving class
- Put all materials back neatly and to their proper location prior to leaving class
- Notify the teacher of any damaged or non-functioning materials
Outside activities /
- Follow teacher instructions for moving to your assigned locations
- Participate quietly in the assigned work so as not to disrupt other classes
End of class /
- The teacher dismisses you, not the bell, not yourself; STAY SEATED until the teacher dismisses you
- Turn in any in-class work as you exit
(Please read, sign, and return this acknowledgement page to your teacher.)
I have read and understood the 2012-13 class syllabus and will abide by all classroom rules, policies, and procedures.
Student Acknowledgement
Name (printed)Period
Parent Acknowledgement
Name (printed)
Parent e-mail address