Choose one (or a combination) of the optionsbelow to create your presentation. You have a variety of presentation options (using technology, video, or live action) but your presentation must be INFORMATIVE and INTERACTIVE (get the audience involved/engaged—how is up to you!)

TIME REQUIREMENT: 10-12 MINUTESfrom START to FINISH (from the time you stand up to present).


1.DEBATE: Many novels have two clear “sides” to the story. For this option, you will clearly identify the two sides and have the characters from the story engage in a debate using details from the novel as evidence in support of your position. One team member should be the debate moderator.

2.WRITE A PARODYof several key scenes from your novel. You need to act out the scenes (live or video) and include commentary to explain the significance of the scenes.

3. PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR A FILM BASED ON YOUR BOOK: This could include promotional posters, radio and television commercials, red carpet events, etc. Remember, this is not just about creating a poster – it’s a campaign to promote your film to a broad audience

4.PUPPET SHOW: Make simple puppets (stick puppets, finger puppets, paper bag puppets, and so on) or complex puppets (marionettes) and present the story or an exciting scene from it. Also, you need to include commentary to explain the significance of the scenes.

5.NOVEL COURT: Hold a "mock trial" to permit one of the characters to defend what s/he has done in some controversial scene. Let members of the class deliberate as the jury and arrive at a verdict. Also, you need to include commentary to explain the significance of the scenes.

6. TALK SHOW: Present a "talk show" with a host and several characters from your novel. Be sure the questions are probing and the responses true to the characters. The interview should reveal important facts about the text.

7. ACT OUT a few of your favorite scenes (live or video). Be sure to included commentary explaining the background and significance of the scenes portrayed.

8. QUICK SKETCH using a whiteboard and time-lapsed video with voice-over


10. PECHA KUCHA image-based presentation. Choose one word/concept from the text and find 20 images for it (a mix of horrible, beautiful, poignant, and joyful). Then come up with an essential question to answer about the word. For each of your 20 images you will speak for only 20 seconds (set timer on PPT). Here is a link for more information and examples:

11. YOUR IDEA If you have another idea for how you would like to present your material, write it here and get teacher approval: _______



Approved: ______

We are going to do ______.

Group member names: / Individual Jobs: / *Grade
(1-5) / *Teacher’s
1. / +
2. / +
3. / +
4. / +
5. / +
6. / +

Team Scores:5432-1

Time Management (10-12 Min.): On-time 30 sec. +/- 1 Min. +/- Over 1 Min. +/-

Logically Organized/Planned:




Note: Team Score will be averaged with Individual Score for your grade