Chapters 12-16 TKAM
Chapters 12-16- Read over break with the following Common Core style questions answered in sentence form on loose leaf.
Chapter 12
- Visualize the political cartoon of Atticus that the children see in the Montgomery Advisor. It may help to draw the cartoon. What do you think the cartoon is saying about Atticus?
- Describe the interaction between Lula and Calpurnia. What does their interaction suggest about racial tensions in Maycomb County?
- What does Scout notice about the way Calpurnia speaks when she is around members of her own community? How does Calpurnia explain her reason for adjusting her language in different settings?
Chapter 13
- Describe the way Aunt Alexandra views other people. How does Scout believe she defines “Fine Folks”? Does Scout agree or disagree with her? Why?
- How does Aunt Alexandra believe Atticus has failed as a parent? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
- How do Scout’s actions during her father’s speech about her being a product of “several generations of gentle breeding” directly challenge what her father is saying? How does she react to his criticism of her behavior? How does Atticus respond when he realizes the effect that his words are having on his daughter?
Chapter 14
- What does Scout mean when she says, “I felt the starched walls of a pink cotton penitentiary closingin”? What is ironic about her statement? What does her choice of descriptive language reveal about her feelings about becoming a lady?
- What is Scout referring to when she says that Jem, “rose and broke the remaining code of our childhood”? Why do you think Jem breaks this code? Did you think he was right? Explain your answer.
- How can you tell Scout is beginning to see things from other people’s perspectives? How does this help her relate to others?
Chapter 15
- Based on the parts of conversation Scout overhears, why do you think the men come to visit Atticus? Cite a specific quote from the text to support your answer.
- Why was Mr. Underwood waiting in his office with a shot gun? What do you think would have happened if the children had not shown up when they did?
Chapter 16
- Who is Mr. Dolphus Raymond? Summarize the gossip about him.
- What do Jem’s remarks about Dolphus reveal about racial prejudice in Maycomb? How much African-American blood did it take for a person to be a victim of discrimination?
- What does Scout realize when she overhears the conversation about her father? Why is this realization confusing?