□  Brushwork visible and good variety.

□  Thick paint in spots.

□  Color variety.

□  Multiplicity of Color.

□  Accents present.

□  Highlights present and not overplayed.

□  Transparent and opaque paint relationships present.

□  Interesting shapes and areas well represented.

□  Good eye path and flow.

□  Is there something I consider arty.

□  Is the thick paint is the light thick enough.

□  Are there areas look dull and overworked?

□  Are there dirty areas in the painting.

□  Are there chalky areas in the painting.

□  Is there a dominant color harmony.

□  portrait: are the eyes, nose & mouth aligned.

□  Do the objects in the painting have good space relationships and natural space in size relationships.

□  Good edge variety.

□  Are the lights fractured?

□  Are the darks fractured?

□  Are there escapes?

□  Are there enough light bridges?

□  Is there sense of connected light in the painting?

□  Is part of the painting left to the imagination unfinished?

□  Advancing and receding planes reading correctly

□  Was the original concept, mood, feeling conveyed.

□  Is there any part of the painting that does not look deliberate.

□  Has the painting been signed and varnished?

How to use this checklist:
I like to glance over this checklist before I even start the painting to make sure that I have my concept and head in the right place. I use the check list going forward and look at it maybe two or three times during the painting to make sure that I'm staying on track with the original concept and then again I look at the checklist when I'm 95% of the way finished as a final check to make sure that I don't have any big problems.

Note: this checklist is designed for me and my style of painting. I recommend you create your own checklist for your own style and your own concepts for your art. This should act as a good jumping off point in the meantime.

Copyright 2014 Daniel Edmondson www.OilPaintingWorkshop.com