Chapter 6
Cell Organelles Study Guide
How We Study Cells1. / Describe the principles, advantages, and limitations of the light microscope, transmission electron microscope, and scanning electron microscope.
A Panoramic View of the Cell
2. / Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
3. / Explain why there are both upper and lower limits to cell size.
4. / Explain why compartmentalization is important in eukaryotic cells.
The Nucleus and Ribosomes
5. / Describe the structure and function of the nucleus and briefly explain how the nucleus controls protein synthesis in the cytoplasm.
6. / Describe the structure and function of a eukaryotic ribosome.
The Endomembrane System
7. / List the components of the endomembrane system, describe their structures and functions, and summarize the relationships among them.
8. / Explain how impaired lysosomal function can cause the symptoms of storage diseases (Tay-Sachs).
9. / Describe the different structures and functions of vacuoles (central vacuole having enzymatic properties).
10. / Describe the structure of a mitochondrion and explain the importance of compartmentalization in mitochondrial function.
Evolution, Unity, and Diversity
11. / Discuss the evidence that supports the Endosymbiotic Theory.
Other Membranous Organelles
12. / Explain the roles of mitochondria and chloroplasts.
13. / Explain the role of peroxisomes in eukaryotic cells.
Cell Surfaces and Junctions
14. / Describe the structures of intercellular junctions in plant and animal cells and relate the structures to their functions
Describe the structures of intercellular junctions in plant and animal cells and relate the structures to their functions.
Chapter 11
Cell Signaling Study Guide
1. Define local regulation and explain why hormones are not local regulators.
2. Explain how hormones travel to target cells.
3. List and briefly define the three stages of cell signaling.
4. State where signal receptors may be located in target cells.
5. Describe the advantage of using a multistep pathway in the transduction stage of cell signaling.
6. Explain how the original signal molecule can produce a cellular response when it may not even enter the target cell.
7. Describe how phosphorylation propagates signal information.
8. Explain how protein phosphatases turn off signal-transduction pathways.
9. Define the term second messenger. Briefly describe the role of these molecules in signaling pathways.
10. Describe how cyclic AMP is formed and how it propagates signal information in target cells.
11. Describe how signal amplification is accomplished in target cells.
12. Explain how the cholera toxin disrupts cell signaling pathways.
13. What is Quorum Sensing? How is this related to antibiotic therapies?
Chapter 45
Endocrine System Study Guide
1. What are the chemical classes of hormones? Paracrine signaling molecules?
2. Describe the pathway for water-soluble and lipid-soluble hormones.
3. Explain why different types of cells may respond differently to the same signaling molecule.
4. Describe in detail the insulin/glucagon simple hormone pathway.
5. What is ADH and how is related to kidney function?