GLr, or Long Term Storage and Retrieval refers to the storing and efficiently retrieving of newly learned or previously learned information. The child is taught verbal labels that are paired with visual stimuli and , first, needs to learn these paired associations and then needs to recall them after a delay of about 20-25 minutes. Long term storage and retrieval is the broad ability both to store information in long term memory and to retrieve that information fluently and efficiently. The emphasis is on the efficiency of the storage and retrieval, not the specific nature of the information stored. ______'s standard score of ______places him in the ______range when compared to his age peers. This indicates that he scored in the ______percentile for his age group.

Gsm, or Short Term Memory refers to the taking in and holding of information, then using it within a few seconds. The child is presented with a set of stimuli and must reproduce the stimuli in the exact order they were presented. Short Term Memory is the broad ability needed to respond appropriately, an ability that requires apprehending and holding information in the immediate awareness briefly and then using that information within a few seconds, before it is forgotten. ______'s standard score of ______places his in the ______range when compared to his age peers. This indicates that he scored in the ______percentile for his age group.

Gv, or Visual Processing refers to the perceiving, storing, manipulating, and thinking with visual patterns. The child is presented with a problem that includes visual stimuli (often complex) and requires some type of spatial manipulation and nonverbal reasoning to solve correctly. Visual processing is the broad ability that allows one to perceive, manipulate and think with visual patterns and stimuli and to mentally rotate objects in space; this ability facilitates performance on tasks with visual-spatial stimuli. ______'s standard score of ______places his in the ______range. When compared to his age peers. This indicates that he scored in the ______percentile for his age group.

Gf, or Fluid Reasoning refers to the solving of novel problems by using reasoning abilities such as induction and deduction. The child is presented with a novel nonverbal problem, different from the kinds of problems taught in school, and must use verbally mediate reasoning to figure out the correct answer. The broad ability of fluid reasoning refers to a variety of mental operations that a person can use to solve a novel problem with adaptability and flexibility – operations such as drawing inferences, understanding implications, and applying inductive or deductive reasoning. Fluid reasoning, assisted by verbal mediation, is needed to solve the novel reasoning problems. ______'s standard score of ______places his in the ______range when compared to his age peers. This indicates that he scored in the ______percentile for his age group.

Gc, or Crystalized Ability refers to the demonstrating the breadth and depth of knowledge acquired from one’s culture. The child is asked a variety of questions that assess knowledge of words and facts, using a variety of verbal and pictorial stimuli and requiring either verbal (naming) or nonverbal (pointing) responses. Some items also require reasoning ability. Crystalized Ability reflects the amount of specific knowledge that a person has acquired within a culture, as well as the person’s ability to apply this knowledge effectively. In contrast to the efficiency of storage and retrieval, which is the focus of Glr, the broad ability of Gc emphasizes the breadth and depth of the specific information that has been stored. The person’s store of culture-based knowledge is dependent on the “investment” of other broad abilities while attending school and learing from life’s experiences. ______'s standard score of ______places his in the ______range when compared to his age peers. This indicates that he scored in the ______percentile for his age group.

FCI, or Fluid Crystalized Index measures the five broad abilities and is designed to measure general cognitive ability. ______'s standard score of ______places his in the ______range when compared to his age peers. This indicates that he scored in the ______percentile for his age group.