Life Group Discussion Questions
“The Lamb” – Week 1
Pastor Bill
May 21, 2017
Text: Genesis 4:1-10, 22:1-13
1. Metaphors for Jesus (Fill in the blank):
______of Judah (Revelation 5:5)
______of the world (John 8:12)
______of life (John 6:35)
______of God (John 1:29)
Discuss what you might think is the significance of each of your four answers (what is being said about Jesus with each one?).
2. Have you ever given thought to the progressive revelation regarding the Lamb throughout the Bible, and if so, share with the group. If not, this series will hopefully be very enlightening.
3. As you read Genesis 4:1-10, there is no specific mention of a lamb. Where might the lamb(s) be found in this passage?
4. There are different reasons why Abel’s offering was accepted and Cain’s was not. What are some of the reasons you have heard? Read I John 3:12 and discuss whether or not this might have anything to do with God’s response.
5. Focus on the second part of verse 7 starting with “sin is crouching...” God warned Cain and is warning us not to underestimate the power of sin, likening it to a predator. How so? And would you be willing to share an example of how you underestimated the power of sin at some point in your life?
6. Bill shared this quote: “After you’re done with sin, it’s not done with you.” Sin is good with any moral lapse that occurs in your life, but it isn’t satisfied with that. It desires to have you. Discuss what you think this means.
7. God approaches Cain on several occasions with probing questions trying to get Cain to look inside (before he murders his brother) and confess and repent (after the murder). Does God ask you probing questions in an effort to get you to self-examine, and if necessary, confess and repent? In what way do you give God an opportunity to do so?
8. Read Genesis 22:1-13. What parts of this passage were you familiar with? Any new insight that you gained? For example, were you familiar with the fact that numerous cultures practiced child sacrifice? What, if any effect do you think this had on Abraham?
9. Bill talked about the harsh reality of not being able to keep the standards that he has established as good and right. Let alone God’s standards. But he also said that he does not dread the day that he stands before God to be held accountable. Why? And are you with him?