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It's a spirit of a dead person that can't find rest and walks around frightening people to death. You may hear its moans and groans or see its pale figure. Its favourite word is "Boo!"

You will find it under the pentagram.

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It is orange. It consists of a pumpkin with a horrible face cut in it and a candle inside.

You will find it under the mask.

_ _ _ _ - _' - ______

It's a body of a person who died in ancient times. The body was carefully prepared and wrapped in long pieces of cloth. As a result, it didn't rot, but dried. Magic powers can wake it up, and then you'd better run away!

You will find it under the magic wand.

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This creature usually hides in dark corners. It will paralyse you with its poisonous bite. Then it will wrap you in a cocoon and hang you in its web for a few days until your body turns into juice, which it will drink.

You will find it under the big rat.

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This person has magic powers and is fond of making magic potions and flying on a broomstick. Be careful!

It may turn you into a frog or a snail.

You will find this person under the black cat.

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This spooky building is often visited by ghosts and other horrible creatures. No wonder people don't want to live in it.

You will find it under the large pumpkin.


This large container belongs to a witch. It is used for preparing magic potions from different plants and parts of animal or human bodies.

You can find it under the broomstick.


Now go back to the desk where you started and use the letters you've written down to decipher the word. The letters are mixed up. You must put them in the right order.

Write your word on a sheet of paper and give it in.

Card A

Read the instructions carefully before you begin the game!

Remember to move as quietly as possible, or the horrible creatures will wake up and catch you!

In this game you must:

1. Find the right picture.

2. Remember how to spell the word in the picture and write out the letter marked with a square.

3. Read the instructions under the picture and look for the next one.

4. When you have collected all the letters, put them in the right order to get a word.

5. Write down the word and give it in.

Now read the instructions and find the first picture:

This small creature flies at night. Be careful because it may fly noiselessly to you when you are asleep and suck your blood. When day comes it sleeps upside down in a dark cave.

You will find it under the big bone.