October 2 – Monday

Escort - noun - protection or guidance on a journey

A US destroyer escort matches wits with a U-boat captain in the north Atlantic.

October 3 - Tuesday

Cunning – adjective – getting what is wanted in a clever and deceptive way

She was cunning enough to fool me and take my money.

October 4 - Wednesday

Revel - verb – to take great pleasure or delight

While at the five-star hotel the family reveled in luxury.

October 5 - Thursday

Lament - verb – to feel or express sorrow or regret for

Feeling lonely, he lamented the absence of his wife.

October 6 - Friday

Abduct – verb – to take away by force

The girl was abducted by kidnappers.

October 9 – Monday

Epic – noun - a story about a hero or exciting events or adventures

The football game was an epic battle between two great teams.

October 10 - Tuesday

Hostile – adjective - not friendly; relating to an enemy

Her suggestions were given a hostile reception by the angry crowd.

October 11 - Wednesday

Frantic – adjective - emotionally out of control; feeling or showing a lot of fear or worry

They made a frantic search for the missing child.

October 12 - Thursday

Rebellious - adjective – fighting against a government; refusing to play by the rules or regulations

The rebellious teenager yelled at his parents when confronted.

October 13 - Friday

Clandestine - adjective - done with concealment especially for purposes of deception

Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years.

October 16 – Monday

Finesse – noun - skillful handling of a situation

She handled the interviewer’s intrusive questions with finesse.

October 17 - Tuesday

Gargantuan – adjective – very large or tremendous in size

The creature from the sea was of gargantuan proportions.

October 18 - Wednesday

Savage – adjective - not domesticated or under human control

While hiking through the jungle, he encountered many savage beasts.

October 19 - Thursday

Tactless – adjective – tending to offend or upset people

He made a tactless remark about how the woman's dress looked homemade.

October 20 – Friday

Awe – noun – a strong feeling of fear or respect and also wonder

The people are in awe of the king.

October 23 – Monday

Dullard – noun – a stupid and uninteresting person

He was often mistaken for a dullard because he never said much in the discussions.

Surreptitious - adjective - done, made, or acquired by stealth; secretive

A private investigator was good at taking surreptitious pictures for his client.

October 24 - Tuesday

Sanctuary – noun– a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter

The refugees found sanctuary when they crossed the border.

October 25 - Wednesday

Speculate – verb – to think about something and make guesses about it

She can only speculate about her friends’ motives.

October 26 - Thursday

Stealth – noun - a secret, quiet, and clever way of moving or behaving

The fox use stealth and cunning to hunt its prey.

October 27 - Friday

Mercenary – adjective - working or acting for money or another award

The mercenary fighters fought hard to capture the city.

October 30 – Monday 11

Wangle – verb - to get something by clever methods or by persuading someone

He wangled a free ticket to the show.

October 31 - Tuesday

Complex - adjective – composed of many interconnected parts

New Jersey has a complex highway system.