Role:Compliance Manager
Job Purpose:
To lead on compliance ensuring that there is strong governance in place and that the organisation is fully compliant with all regulatory requirements with a specific focus on Care Quality Commission(CQC) and General Data Protection Regulations(GDPR). To establish effective methods of monitoring complianceto evidence outcomes and to ensure that there are clear consistent methods in place and assurance at all levels. To support the development of effective relationships with regulatory bodies and to co-ordinate organisational learning and improvement where required.
This role will make a difference by….
Providing specialist input in respect of regulatory compliance. Acting as a subject expert on CQC regulations and GDPR. Working in partnership with managers to make quality and compliance everybody’s business. Making the connection between compliance, performance and outcomes. Facilitating organisational learning. Joining up good practice.
Duties and responsibilities:
To provide consistent and inspirational leadership to the organisation at all levels, ensuring all staff and volunteers are motivated, empowered, valued and performing to their full potential
Leadership and management of the Compliance Team (CQC, GDPR and Health and Safety)
Regulatory Compliance Support
Develop, manage and deliver an annual audit and inspection schedule as agreed with the Persona Leadership Team with the intention of driving forward service improvement and allowing identification, management and mitigation of risk
Lead on a schedule of Quality and Compliance Audits in line with regulatory, contractual and company requirements.
Manage and undertake quality and compliance reviews and mock inspections as part of the organisation-wide compliance programme using Key Lines of Enquiry to assess whether services are safe, effective, responsive, caring and well led.
Undertake pre-audit research and collation of data to support a holistic audit approach.
Record, analyse and report findings from audits and quality reviews producing detailed reports with clear recommendations and actions focussed on continuous improvement
Work in partnership with managers to produce time scaled action plans in line with audit and review findings, supporting company-wide continuous improvement.
Immediate reporting of serious non–compliance and risk issues to the Persona Leadership Team.
Provide guidance and advice on policies, procedures and supporting documentation within a quality and governance framework.
Ensure the most up to date policy and associated documents are used appropriately in practice.
Promote and share best practice and innovation across all teams including but not exclusive to SCIE, CQC, SfC and NICE.
Undertake and support Compliance and Quality Development workshops and training as required.
Work in partnership with managers to proactively manage the relationship with quality assurance, commissioning and regulatory bodies to ensure that the organisation is presented in a consistent and positive light.
To support managers in preparing for inspection.
To work with managers to understand feedback and outcomes of inspection and to develop action plans for areas of improvement and monitor achievement against these.
To oversee the organisation’s approach to CQC registration ensuring there is clarity around registration requirements, registered managers in post and that any gaps are understood and auctioned.
To support registered managers in identifying and sharing information which maintains their knowledge and skills and enables continuing professional development.
General Data Protection Regulations
To be the company’s Data Protection Officer leading on General Data Protection Regulations.
  • To inform and advise the organisation and its employees about their obligations to comply with the GDPR and other data protection laws.
  • To monitor compliance with the GDPR and other data protection laws, including managing internal data protection activities, advise on data protection impact assessments; train staff and conduct internal audits.
  • To be the first point of contact for supervisory authorities and for individuals whose data is processed (employees, customers etc).
Health and Safety
Provide management support and oversight to the Health and Safety and Building Compliance Officer
Maintain a broad overview of health and safety regulatory frameworks as they apply to the organisation as a social care provider and employer
Provide Senior Management with succinct and timely reports in respect of quality which include clear recommendations and actions and focus on continuous improvement
Produce reports on quality and compliance for consideration by the Board and to attend Board where required
Policy Review and Development
To maintain master documents of all operational policies and procedures and to ensure that these are regularly reviewed by the management team, co-ordinating working groups to update them at the point of review and leading on writing them where required
Undertake research and horizon scanning in respect of operational policy development, legislation, regulation and best practice initiatives that the organisation needs to consider and proactively advising on this
Provide training for operational staff on key areas identified e.g. how to undertake audits
Be effective in accountable decision making
Provide support and advice which is professional, of an excellent standard and is appropriately tailored to the business

Person Descriptor:

You’ll have a systematic approach and a real eye for detail. You’ll be able to design systems which are simple and user friendly and work in synergy with the operation of the business rather than being another thing to do. You’ll have a passion for governance. You’ll be credible with regulators, inspectors and management and able to manage relationships skilfully. You’ll understand how compliance, quality and outcomes all connect and be able to make sense of this within the organisation. You’ll have good research skills and stay abreast of the latest thinking.

Person Specification:

Essential Attributes
Qualification and Knowledge
  1. Good understanding of Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards, Mental Capacity and Safeguarding and how these apply to provider services
  2. Good knowledge of Care Quality Commission essential standards and what these mean in practice
  3. Good knowledge of General Data Protection Regulations requirements
  4. Good knowledge of NICE guidelines
  5. Knowledge of the regulatory framework in respect of Health and Safety

  1. Experience of working to and being inspected against, regulatory standards
  2. Experience of maintaining effective relationships with regulatory bodies
  3. Quality assurance activity in operational services
  4. Professional experience and knowledge of data protection law
  5. Developing and reviewing policies
  6. Advising other professionals
  7. Developing action plans and monitoring achievement
  8. Experience of managing compliance systems
  9. Experience of undertaking audits and gathering evidence to demonstrate compliance and outcomes against specified criteria

Skills and Abilities
  1. Able to develop effective relationships with a range of people
  2. Able to design user friendly systems which complement the operation of the business
  3. Able to influence and motivate people to tackle issues in a timely manner
  4. Research skills
  5. IT skills
  6. Data analysis skills to identify themes, patterns, gaps
  7. Succinct and professional report writing skills

Quietly and calmly assessing situations and supporting managers to respond. You take a measured approach and are able to be clear on the areas which need focus. You understand the challenges that operational services face and you’ll make yourself a support to them – not a hindrance. You work off your own initiative and are comfortable determining a workplan that ensures you fulfil your objectives
Desirable Attributes
Qualification and Knowledge
  1. Level 5 qualification or equivalent in a relevant discipline e.g. health and social care, nursing
  2. Level 5 qualification in an academic subject based around data analysis such as Maths

  1. Experience of working as a Registered Manager
  2. Experience of working in an inspection or quality assurance role

Values and Behaviours:
Our values are the principles by which we behave towards everyone around us including customers, colleagues, carers, family members and other professionals.
R / Respectful
Treat others with respect and dignity
Listen with an open mind to the views and opinions of others
Communicate politely with the right tone and language
Handle confidential or sensitive information with discretion
E / Enthusiastic
Are positive, have fun and put 100% energy into each day
Celebrate success and be proud of what is achieved
Ensure skills and competence are maintained and developed
Uphold strong work ethics around attendance and reliability
A / Adaptable
Willing to change or try different things
Adapt my style and approach where this can create a better outcome
Adapt each day to ensure it meets the needs of those I work with
Help each other out
C / Caring
Treat others with kindness and understanding
Appreciate the difference in others and value everyone
Have empathy for others and give emotional support
Work to agreed standards of quality
H / Honest
Speak up when it matters
Take responsibility for my actions
Act in a way that is consistent with what I say
Resolve tension or conflict through listening and talking it through