Key Terms and Ideas: Fill in the blanks or provide a definition in your own words.

1. In cellular respiration oxidation, hydrogen is transferred from glucose to oxygen.

2. Substrate-level phosphorylation is a simple transfer of a phosphate group from the substrate molecule to the ADP.

3. Glycolysis is an anaerobic process; no oxygen is required for this process to occur.

4. The electron transport chain occurs on the inner membrane of the mitochondria.

5. Chemiosmosis is the mechanism of coupling electron transport and energy release to facilitate ATP synthesis.

Key Concepts & Making Connections

1. Describe the conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl CoA. Note the products and reactants as well as the location of this reaction within the cell.

Mitochondrial matrix; the answer is the very top equation in the picture (pyruvate + nad+ + coa-sh -> acetyl-coa + nadh + co2)

2. Describe the steps in the citric acid cycle pictorially. Only provide the names of important carbon compounds. List out the net products and wastes from this reaction.

3. How does the electron transport chain work? What drives the ETC? What types of proteins are generally found in the ETC? What exactly is chemiosmosis?

Oxygen drives the ETC. cytochromes. Chemiosmosis is the mechanism of coupling electron transport and energy release to ATP synthase

4. How does ATP Synthase work?

Using the proton gradient made by the ETC

5. Differentiate between alcohol and lactic acid formation. Function of fermentation?

Regeneration of NAD+

Multiple Choice

1. The first law of thermodynamics means ______; the second law of thermodynamic means ______.

a. light energy can be harnessed to produce more energy by plants; as disorder increase within a system, more heat is released into the surroundings

b. Catabolic and anabolic reactions increase the disorder of the universe; light energy can be transformed into chemical energy within large molecules

c. Animals can convert potential energy within bonds to kinetic energy to run; forming complex sugars releases the most random form of energy

d. As a surroundings disorder decreases, the system’s disorder increases; as someone holds a ball over a ledge, it drops.

e. A, C, and D

2. Spontaneous reactions

a. Have a negative ΔG

b. Have less useable free energy at the end

c. Have more complex substrates than products

d. A and B

e. All of the above

3. What is not a purpose of the investment phase of glycolysis?

a. To create a high energy bond that enables ATP to be made.

b. To phosphorylate the compounds in order to eventually make ATP from substrate level phosphorylation.

c. To create compounds with less free energy.

d. to phosphorylate the compound by dephosphorylating ATP

e. None of the above

Fill out the table below.

Glycolysis / Pyruvate breakdown / Citric Acid Cycle / Electron Transport Chain
Takes place in: / Cytoplasm / Mitochondrial matrix / Mitochondrial matrix / Inner membrane space
Start with: / glucose / 2 pyruvates / 2 Acetyl CoA / 2 NADH from glycolysis
2 NADH from pyruvate oxidation
6 NADH from citric acid
2 FADH2 from citric acid
End with: / 2 pyruvates / 2 acetyl CoA / oxaloacetate / Atp and metabolic water
Co2 produced: / 0 / 2 / 4 / 0
ATP produced: / 2 / 0 / 2 / 28
NADH produced: / 2 / 2 / 6 / 0
FADH2 produced: / 0 / 0 / 2 / 0

How much ATP would be produced if:

a. 4 glucose molecules underwent cellular respiration. 32x4 = 128

b. 2 glucose molecules underwent fermentation. 4

c. 4 acetyl CoA molecules were completely metabolized. 3x4 = 12NADH, 4x1 = 4 FADH2, 4x1 = 4 ATP

12x2.5 = 30, 4x1.5=6. 40 atp total

d. 3 pyruvates were completely metabolized.

3 pyruvates -> 3 acetyl CoA = 3 NADH

3 acetyl CoA -> citric acid = 9 NADH, 3 FADH2, 3ATP

12x2.5= 30, 3x1.5= 4.5

30 + 4.5 + 3 = 37.5 ATP

What is the difference between obligate and facultative anaerobes?

Obligates cannot live with oxygen, facultative can.

How does phosphofructokinase help to regulate the process of cellular respiration?

Inhibitors: ATP and citrate

Activator: AMP