Minutes of the held on Wednesday 17th September 2014

Present:-Sarah Field- Richards – Chair

Mike Handy

John Hill

Richard Mackie

Karen Montrose

Robin Palmer

John O’Hare

Jayce Hammond

Jackie Wheeler

Apologies:- Lindsey Riley

Rita Case

Carole Capper

Dr Chris Cope

Ian Hilton-Bailey

Minutes of the last Meeting:-

The minutes of the last meeting were read, accepted as accurate record and signed.

Matters Arising:-

There were no matters arising.

Action Plan:-

Bone Event:-

Lindsey has made the adjustments to the advertisement for the event, the group agreed to the changes. The name of the physiotherapist from Physio Needs is to be confirmed and Mike is looking into this. John O’Hare is to arrange that the advert is put into the October and November editions of the Village Magazine.

Arrangements for tea and coffee are to be confirmed at the next meeting. Posters for the event will be distributed around the local villagers. As before setting up for the event will take place on the night before, volunteers were asked for. Mike said that he was on holiday until the Friday before the event but would be here on the day. Sarah to compose a feedback form to be distributed at the event.

Health Leaflets:-

Jayce is to look into a carousal for the leaflets.

Practice Newsletter:-

Jayce continues with this project.

Any other business:_

Friends and family:-

Karen has spoken with the Project Manager and it was agreed that a Survey Monkey on the website would meet the criteria at present. Members of the P.P.G. were asked to ask patients at the Flu Clinic for permission to text them about the survey. There was an in depth discussion into the second question.

Rushcliffe Survey:-

John O’Hare answered this on line survey and was subsequently asked if he would go on a subcommittee. He attended the subcommittee meeting and the main problems appear to be the difficulty in making G.P. appointments.

New G.P Projects:-

Karen brought to the attention of the committee new proposed projects that will be in place by 2015 that will affect G.P’s.

A G.P to GP will be able to access a small snapshot view of patients medical notesto help them when treating patients not known to them ie- out of hours.

Patients to have on line access to a snap shot view of their own medical records.

Date of the Next Meeting:-

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th October at 5p.m.

Mike gave his apologies in advance.