AQA – English Language Paper 1 (new spec)
Question / AOs covered / What does Q assess- what do students need to look for / Marking bands, where marks are awarded.1.List 4 things from () about () / AO1 Implicit/explicit, select and synthesise evidence
2.How does the writer use language to describe ()
You could include the writer’s choice of:
- Words and phrases
- Language features and techniques
- Sentence forms
Look for sentence length to enhance mood, adjectives to enhance description, patterns in words or phrases, imagery (simile) adding to overall piece / Level 4 (7-8 marks)
Analyses effects of LANGUAGE, quotes and terminology sophisticated or confidently
Level 3 (5-6 marks) - CLEAR understanding
Explains effect of choices, relevant quotes, terminology accurate
Level 2(3-4 marks) - Understanding of language
Attempts to comment on effect , relevant quotes, some terminology
Level 1 (1-2 marks) - SIMPLE awareness
Offers simple comments language/quotes/terminology
3.Think about the whole text. It is a story about ()
How has the writer structured the text to bring it to life for the reader?
You could write about:
- Why the writer changes the focus as the extract develops
- Any other structural features that you think bring it to life for the reader
paragraph level-topic change, single sentence paragraphs,
sentence length-sentence length
POV – 1st person. Child/adult - Genre of writing: autobiography. How text begins – general or focussed
Does the text shift location/character-why? Is it descriptive/dialogue? How does structure manipulate reader. Does reader sympathise with events? Is there something funny, sad, scary, eventual in the event or stands out odd compared to the rest of the text? / Level 4 (7-8 marks)
Analyses effects STRUCTURAL, examples and terminology sophisticated or confidently
Level 3 (5-6 marks) - CLEAR understanding
Explains effect of choices, relevant examples, terminology accurate
Level 2(3-4 marks) - Understanding of language
Attempts to comment on effect , relevant examples, some terminology
Level 1 (1-2 marks) - SIMPLE awareness
Offers simple comments structure / examples /terminology
4.To what extent do you agree that the characters/setting in this extract have/has something interesting about them/it
You could discuss
- Your own impressions of the ()
- Evaluate how the writer has created these impressions
- Support your opinions with quotations from the text
How does the choice of language/ structure make events/characters come to life. Try to mention all characters in an extract how do they combine to overall effect?
Does one character/setting/description stand out? Why? / Level 4 (16-20 marks) – critical evaluation will be perceptive and detailed evaluation, explains views, analysis of effects of writer’s choices, relevant quotes
Level 3 (11-15 marks) –critical evaluation clear and consistent Clearly evaluates, and explains views, clear explanation of effect of writer’s choices, some relevant quotes
Level 2 (6-10 marks) Some evaluative comments, attempts to evaluate, gives (an) example, attempts to comment on writer’s choices, some quotes to support
Level 1 (1-5 marks) simple personal comment – simple evaluation, simple example, simple mention of writer’s choices, simple reference to text
Year 8 / Writing a story
AO5 – content and organisation
Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, style and register for different forms purposes and audiences, organise info and ideas using structural and grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of texts. (24 marks) / U Level 4 (22-24 marks)content convincing and crafted, organisation is structured developed complex and varied – communication convincing, tone, style matched, ambitious vocab and linguistic devices, highly structured complex ideas, fluently linked paragraphs, discourse markers, varied inventive structural features
L Level 4 (19-21 marks)content convincing and crafted, organisation is structured developed complex and varied – communication convincing, tone, style matched, extensive vocab and linguistic devices, structured complex ideas, linked paragraphs, discourse markers, varied effective structural features
U Level 3 16-18 marks)content is clear and chosen for effect, organisation is engaging connected – Consistent clearcommunicationand effective, tone, style matched to audience/purpose, increasing vocab chosen, linguistic devices, detailed connected ideas, coherent paragraphs, discourse markers, effective structural features
L Level 3 (13-15 marks)content is clear and chosen for effect, organisation is engaging connected-Clearcommunication tone, style matched to audience/purpose, vocab chosen, linguistic devices, connected ideas, coherent paragraphs, discourse markers, usuallyeffective structural features
U Level 2 (10-12 marks)content is successful and controlled organisation is linked/relevant and paragraphed -Some success, attempts to match audience/purpose, vocab chosen and linguistic devices, variety of linked ideas, some use of paragraphs, discourse markers, structuralfeatures
L Level 2 (7-9 marks) content is successful and controlled organisation is linked/relevant and paragraphed – -Attempted success, attempts to match audience/purpose, vocab chosen and linguistic devices, variety of linked ideas, attempted use of paragraphs, discourse markers, structural features
U Level 1 (4-6 marks)content is simple, organisation is simple and limited – Simple awareness of meaning, simple vocab, simple sense of purpose/audience. Random paragraphs, some linked ideas, simple structural features,
L Level 1 (1-3 marks)content is simple, organisation is simple and limited - some meaning, simple vocab, occasional sense of purpose/audience. No paragraphs, unlinked ideas, no structural features,
AO6- Technical Accuracy – must use range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect with accurate spelling and punctuation / Level 4 –(13-16 marks) sentence consistentlysecure, consistently accurate, wide range punctuation accurately used, full range of sentence forms, secure grammatical structures, high level spelling, extensive and ambitious vocab
Level 3 –(9-12 marks) sentence mostly secure, mostly accurate, range punctuation mostly accurately used, varietyof sentence forms, controlled grammatical structures, generally accurate spelling, increasing vocab
Level 2 (5-8 marks) sentence mostly secure, some control punctuation, attempts sentence forms, some accurate spelling, varied vocab
Level 1 (1-4 marks) occasional sentence demarcation, some punctuation, basic spelling, simple vocab