WPCS Council Meeting held 5thApril 2013
Summary Report
This report summarises the main points that were discussed during a meeting of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society Council that took place on Friday 5th April 2013.
Trustees were asked to stand in memory of the late Mr V. Thomas, Fydlyn stud and Mrs E. H. Hughes of the Llwyfo stud.
Minutes of the Council meetings held on 4th and 19th February 2013 were confirmed as correct, subject to minor amendments.
It was reported that a meeting had been arranged between the President, Mr Edwin Prosser, the Chair, Mr Steve Everitt and the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society for 24th April 2013 to consider the future of the Pavilion and its re-development. Mr Prosser will report back to Council at its May meeting. It was further agreed that the Society should have a Type 3 asbestos survey undertaken of the Pavilion in the event that it will need to be demolished at some point in the future.
The Principal Officer reported on a meeting held with the Rare Breed Survival Trust in Stoneleigh on 18th March, attended by herself, representing the Society, and members of the Hill Pony Improvement Societies. Whilst it had provided an opportunity for all parties to air their views, it was apparent that the RBST would not be reverting their decision to remove rare breed status from the semi-feral Section A hill ponies. An interesting research document had been supplied to the Society by Aberystwyth University however that noted distinct genetic differences in native hill ponies and lowland breeds. Whilst the research had been conducted on the Carneddau ponies, the possibility of extending the research to the semi-feral Section A hill ponies was being explored.
A competition had been held on the Society’s Facebook page for pictures for the 2014 calendar and Christmas card. It was decided that the office would select the photographs to be used and would proceed with production of both items.
The Advisory Group presented a report on performance Sire Ratings, developed by Mrs Sarah Page, which is being forwarded to the Judging and Showing committee for further consideration.
A consultation document on Fly Grazing and Abandonment of Horses and Ponies (DEFRA/National Equine Welfare Council/Welsh Government) was provided to trustees for feedback.
A report was presented on the BHS Breeds committee meeting held on 21st March 2013 and the agenda for the JMB meeting to be held on 8th April 2013 was circulated.
Information was also circulated from the Welsh Government in relation to key actions being under taken in light of bute residues being found in horse meat and clarification on procedures that PIOs should adopt to ensure effective operations.
Four responses were received to the Society’s Request for Quotation for the provision of legal services, with Geldards LLP being successful. Geldards will henceforth be the Society’s appointed legal advisers.
A review was undertaken of the Area Associations and Advisory Group and it was decided that at the end of the current 3 year tenure, the Advisory Group will cease, with the Society working closer with the Area Associations in lieu. The Society will also seek to gain a better relationship and understanding with its members by continuing to conduct Open Forums across the UK. A 3-year draft proposal for the staging of Open Forums will be presented to Council at the May meeting.
Individual trustee appraisals were undertaken for the first time this year and trustees were provided with their individual results. An appraisal of Council’s performance was also undertaken and a report circulated on the results. It was decided that the board (Council) appraisal would be discussed at the Governance review day which will be held within the next few months.
It was decided that the SEW committee should put forward a proposal to Council for a set format for future Journals, which will include application forms for the Prizewinners section.
It was decided that the Society would adopt a similar policy to that of the BSPS whose rulebook bans posts on social media sites and forums that could damage the reputation of the Society, its members, officers and staff.
Correspondence had been received regarding the clash of dates between the Society’s Judges Conference and HOYS and it was decided to refer this matter back to the Judging and Showing committee.
The Society had received a letter from HOYS stating that despite immediately submitting an application to take part in the Interactive Feature Area at the show in 2013, it had been unsuccessful. The Society will therefore not have a presence at HOYS this year.
It was decided that the collection taken at the AGM would this year be awarded to the hardship fund in aid of those members that had lost animals due to the recent sever snowfall in.
A letter had been received from the Queen thanking the Society and all concerned for its kind message of Christmas greetings during her Diamond Jubilee year. It was further stated that “As your Patron, Her Majesty much appreciates your thoughtfulness and sends her best wishes for 2013”.
Finance & HR
Bundles of 2010, 2011 and 2012 Journals are to be offered to new members for a discounted rate of £10 plus p&p.
It was decided that Gift Aid forms would be placed on every seat at the AGM to again encourage members to Gift Aid their membership subscription. It was also agreed that the Chair of Finance & HR should report the decreasing interest in the Welsh Stud Book to members at the AGM, with less than 200 of the latest volume having been sold.
It was agreed that two surplus complete sets of the Welsh Stud Book that are currently held by the Society be sold by auction at the forthcoming Fayre Oaks and Cob Sales (one set to be sold at each).
The security of rare and valuable items were discussed in light of closure of the bank safe deposit facility and it was decided that the Society should investigate the possibility of fire-proofing an entire room as current fire-proof facilities were full. The Society’s offices are fully alarmed and secure.
It was confirmed that the Society will enable on-line payments for services such as registrations, transfers, stallion licences etc. via the Society website, using the current secure on-line payment method (SagePay).
The Society’s revised Financial Policy and Procedures was adopted and will be available for members to view on the website (Society Documents).
It was agreed to award £700 to the Welsh Part-bred Pony Group, with communication to be sent to the National Welsh Championships Show to request that they complete an application for the £800 usually supplied via the Part-bred Group.
The provision for members to purchase a standard template Web page where they can promote their stud using pictures and text that is fully editable by themselves was agreed, for a one-off cost of £50. This will be linked to the Stud Directory. It was agreed that the Chair of Finance would report this to members at the AGM.
It was confirmed that discounts for Area Associations on the bulk purchase of stock from the office should only apply to the purchase of Christmas Cards and Calendars.
Services, Education and Welfare
Council agreed to provide a duplicate Transfer of Ownership book that members can buy to record the sale of their animals. The top sheet should be provided to the purchaser and will include information on how to formally record the transfer with the Society via return of the Passport plus necessary fee, whilst the bottom sheet is for the vendor’s personal records. A single sheet offering the same facility will be available for free download from the Society website for those members who do not sell many animals.
Mr Graeme Cappa, past of Trading Standards, had recently attended a SEW meeting and had provided excellent information on the limitations of the role of the Society in welfare issues. It was agreed that the information supplied by Mr Cappa should be put on the Society website as it was very helpful. Mr Cappa will be receiving the Society’s trophy for Welfare at the AGM on the 6th April 2013 in recognition of the welfare work he has undertaken for Ponies and Cobs.
It was agreed that the Anglo Welsh register would be open for registrations as from 1st January 2014. It was further agreed that the retiring President would work with the SEW committee and office to launch the register at the forthcoming Royal Welsh Show 2013.
The maximum age for the Young Ambassador has been increased to 30 years.
The Society is exploring the possibility of having a customised App developed for the Society that can be used to record Pony/Cob relevant information.
68 new members were accepted to the Society.
Anna L. Prytherch, Principal Officer
18th April 2013