Medical terminology (Non Dual) 2014-2015

Instructor: Angie Band RN. BSN

Phone:864- 504-7005 or 864-579-2810

Office Hours : 7:45-8:10am and 12:30-1:30pm. Monday Wednesday & Friday.(Other times by appointment only.)

Class times:1st Block= 8:10am-9:35am

2nd Block= 9:55am_11:42am

4th Block= 1:30pm-3:07pm


Welcome to Medical Terminology. I am very excited to have you in my class this semester. I believe that students that enroll in health science related classes are among the brightest and the best and are truly at an advantage when it comes to the success of their future endeavors. My hope is to be a guide into the world of healthcare and I look forward to this semester. As a registered nurse, I have gained valuable clinical experience that I integrate into the classroom through stories and activities. This will be my 10th year teaching Health science and my fifthyear teaching at Daniel Morgan Technology Center. I am looking forward to an enriching and challenging semester as I look forward to teaching each one of you.

Course description:

Credit 1 unit/ 1 semester- This course covers the medicals terms, including the roots, prefixes and suffixes with an emphasis on spelling, definitions and pronunciations.


A portion of each test will to be answered using a scantron plus a section to be completed on an answer sheet. Spelling will count on all tests.

Test #1:Chapters 1,2,3

Test #2:Chapters 4,5,6

Test #3:Chapters 7,8

Test #4:Chapters 9,10,

Test #5:Chapters 10,11

Test #6:Chapters 13,14, 15

***Please note that you will have a chapter test each week.

***Final Exam will be cumulative with all multiple choice questions

Grading Policy: High School Grade Calculations

Final Grades:Nine-Week Grades: calculated as follows

First nine-weekgrades:40%DCE/ Classwork15% Second Nines weeks : 40% Quizzes 25% Final Exam: 20% Professionalism/Participation 10% Test and Project Grades 50%

A= 93-100: exceeds expectations B= 85-92: Meets Health Science Standards and expectations C= 77-84:Passing Grade but fails to meet some standards

D= 70-76 Passing, but only meets minimum standards

F= 69 and below: Failing, Does not meet Minimum standards

A= 94-100 B= 85-93 C= 75-84 D= 70--++74 F= Below 70

EXAM EXEMPTION POLICY:Exam exemptions are at the discretion of the DMTC instructor. When exemptions are allowed, the instructor will follow Broome High School and Spartanburg High School exemption policies. Certification exams may replace final exams as believed suitable by the instructor and administration.

Required Text:Leonard, Peggy, C. , Quick and Easy Medical Terminology: Sixth Edition, Saunders/ Elsevier.

Companion CD uses games to present information in a different format.

Two audio CD’s Will help you practice the pronunciations.

Required Supplies: Notebook: 1 ½ inch Binder or larger, black or blue pens, notebook paper, and approx 2000-2500 flash cards will be used throughout this course. *You will be given further supply needs for specific projects. You must bring your Tablet or apple pc, pencil or pen, textbook and paper to class each day

Classroom Policies and Procedures:

  1. Phones are not allowed- Turn them off and cell phones must be put away. Cell phones are not to be seen in class at all. Failure to abide by this policy will result in your phone being place in the phone basket to be picked up after class. (See Handbook)
  2. Be Professional: You are the future of Healthcare and you must conduct yourself in this manner.
  3. Be Prepared: Come to class prepared to learn. This is not a time to apply make-up, snack or gossip with friends. Have books, worksheets and supplies ready for the day. Each day will began with Flashcard time. Please come in prepared to participate.
  4. Be on time: If you are not in the class when announcement is made to take attendance, you will need to go to the office to get a tardy slip. A student who arrives late for class must report to the office for a tardy slip before being admitted to class. Students who arrive late to DMTC must enter through the front entrance. All other outside doors will be locked. All tardies are reported to the home high schools.
  5. Participate: Be an active participant in class discussions and activities
  6. Be safe: Ask first. Equipment can only be used after proper instruction and with teacher’s permission.
  7. Personal grooming- You should be dressed and groomed before entering the classroom.
  8. Respect Everyone: This includes your classmates and your teacher.
  9. Following directions: Students must follow directions the first time they are given.
  10. Clean up and take pride in your classroom:: Make sure that the room and your area is neat and clean before leaving the classroom.
  11. No Eating or Drinking in class-No trash placed in trash containers that are drink or food related.

Consequences/Discipline Policy:

1st Offense: Verbal warning 2nd Offence: “Better Choices” Form with a call to parent. 3rd Offence: Detention DMTC (my classroom) 4th Offence: Referral to administration**POLICIES FOR MAJOR INFRACTIONS WILL BE FOLLOW AS STATED IN THE DMTC HANDBOOK.

Daily Procedures: Homework and Quizzes

  1. There will be chapter exercises in the text as well as chapter packets that will be completed for each unit.
  2. Two professional articles assignments are required. Directions will be given with assigned dates.
  3. One medical report assignment is required. You will be given a medical report that will be used in this assignment. This assignment will be due toward the end of the course.
  4. Classroom Courtesy:
  1. Please ask permission to leave the room. You will be given 5 bathroom excuses to be used during class for the semester. After these are used, you will have points deducted from the professionalism portion of your grade.
  2. Show respect to others through your actions and your words.
  3. You must attend class and have all of you materials daily as this course is fast pace and it is difficult to catch up once you get behind.
  4. Medical Terminology requires repetition of information. The use of a “study buddy” and flashcards is an excellent way to learn.
  1. Quizzes and tests:
  1. Students will frequently have chapter quizzes to test their knowledge throughout the semester.
  2. Unit tests will be administered at the end of each unit studied.(see above)
  1. Dismissal: Teacher will dismiss class. Do NOT pack up during class.


Students are strongly encouraged to join and bean active members in the Health Occupations Students of America Organization. HOSA is a national organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA members will be involved in community events that provide them with the opportunity to develop skills and leadership roles. The students will also have the opportunity to compete in various competitive events at the SC State HOSA Convention. You may check the state website at or the national website at for more information.

Additional Information:

Class Participation/ Professionalism: Classroom participation is mandatory for this class. Health care providers often have to work as teams to accomplish their mission. Students are therefore encouraged and required to work as team members to accomplish a task or assignments. Daily Participation grades are given for attitude and professionalism.

Absences and make-up work: Please be aware that the state requirements for course credit allow a maximum of five (5) absences during the school term that is not excuse by a doctor or the principal. Missed assignments must be made up. It is your responsibility to complete work that you have missed and make the work up ASAP. This is a fast-paced course and you will be given a calendar with all required work detailing the due dates. You are expected to be prepared to take the test or quiz up no later than one day after your return. Any classroom work is expected on the day of your return. Failure to turn in assigned classwork will result in a lower grade.

Extra Help: If you need extra assistance with your classwork, Please ask! I am here to help you be the best you can be. My goal for you is to be successful in this course and make a good grade. I have set office hours listed on this sheet and will be happy to meet with you at other times if needed. Please give me 24 hour notice.

Signature page for Medical Terminology

Please have your parent or Guardian sign this sheet and return to class.

I have read, discussed and understand the course syllabus

Student (print) ______



Parent/ Guardian (print):______

Signature: ______

Date: ______