Chart 3: Action plan
A: Philosophy

The school’s educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.

Objective / Actions / Date to be achieved / Person/group responsible for achieving this objective / Budgetary implications / Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards achievement of the objective
The school builds its work according to the requirements of the IB.
The school implements the PYP program according to the “Programme standards and practices”
The action plan is based on the objectives drawn from the “Programme standards and practices”
The action plan continues to be updated according to the IB recommendations from the previous evaluation process( consultation visit)
The school has taken self study in order to successfully comply with the requirements.
The school embraces and enhances international mindedness within the school community
Practices focussed on:
The school develops and promotesinternational mindedness and allattributes of the IB learner profile across the school community.
Theschoolpromotesresponsibleaction within and beyond the schoolcommunity.
The school places importance onlanguage learning, including mothertongue, host country language and otherlanguages.
The School participates in the IB worldcommunity
The school supports access forstudents to the IB programme andphilosophy / Continue to embed the School’s GuidingStatements, and the ethos of inclusion and international mindedness into all theworkthatwedo :
Review of the promotion of the LP attributes.
Focussing on its visibility across school and the context of different areas and age levels.
Create a database of the different mothertongue groups formed in the widercommunity in order to support newstudents and families in making connections to these groups.
Meeting with students and parents during the year at weekends.
Support mother tongue languageprogrammes through providing space andtime for parent run mother tongue groups
Family Competitions to make communication easier
Actions to help each other to communicate, to help other children or to make our environment better.
Further develop teacher understanding ofsupporting mother tongue teaching strategies, utilising the expertisewithin the school to lead PD in this area.
Continue to promote participation in the IB community by encouraging teachers toaccess the OCC and completing IBtraining. Supporting teachers in theirapplications to become workshop leaders / 2015-2019
2015-2019 / All the teachers
Teachers of primary school,
Secretary, Tutors
Teachers, specialists,
Vice -Principal
PE teachers, Arts teachers, Arrangers
All teachers
Coordinators, Teachers / The school community embraces inclusion and internationalism through their actions and responses
Teachers and students demonstrate the attributes of the learner profile in different contexts (including specialists lessons such as P.E). Displays of the LP are visible around the school linked to context and student understanding.
Newsletter produced for parents
Database in place and language clusters evident in class lists.

Teachers attend IB recognised courses.Interested teachers are supported in their application to be workshop leaders.

B: Organization

B1: Leadership and structure

The school’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.

Objective / Actions / Date to be achieved / Person/group responsible for achieving this objective / Budgetary implications / Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards achievement of the objective
All school policies and procedures are reviewed and updated to ensure alignment with the PYP.
Practices focussed on:
.The school develops and implements policies and procedures that support the programme:
-1.Academic Honesty policy
-2. Special Educational Needs policy
- 3.Language policy.
-4.Assessment policy
The pedagogical leadership of the school leads to the successful implementation of the Primary Years Programme and is supported by the school’sgoverningbody
Practices focussed on:
1. The school has developed systems to keep the governing body informed about the on-going implementation and development of the programme.
2. The school carries out programmeevaluation involving all stakeholders / Develop an academic honesty policy thatis consistent with IB expectations
Develop Special Educational Needs policy
Develop the programmes for the students whose mother tongue is not the language of instruction
Make final amendments to the Assessment policy ensuring it reflectschanges made to reporting to parents
Carry out a stakeholder survey withinformation gathered from parents,students, teachers and support staff.
Toinform the school on stake holderperception of the success of theimplementation of the programme as wellas other organisational systems within theschool. / 2015-2019
2015-2019 / Teacher Librarian,
Principal, English teachers
Vice-principal, Teachers, Tutors
Coordinator / Academic honesty policy is established and reflects school practice. (Discussed at the students’ meetings each year. Teachers and students follow this policy)
Special Educational Needs policy is established at school.(tutors, classroom teachers and psychologists help the students and parents)
If necessary the school is ready to conduct the lessons to teach the students the language of instruction
Assessment policy aligns with current practice on reporting to parents(see” Assessment Report”)

Coordinator reports to the Principle and the Governing body of the school according to the plan. ( see the Reports to the Governing body)
Stakeholder survey is completed by a significant number of the community with the data received and analysed to inform further strategic planning.

B2: Resources and support

The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.

Objective / Actions / Date to be achieved / Person/group responsible for achieving this objective / Budgetary implications / Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards achievement of the objective
The school is well resourced forsuccessful implementation of thePrimary Years Programme
Practices focussed on:
1. The governing body allocates fundingfor the implementation and ongoingdevelopment of the programme.
2. The school provides qualified staff toimplement the programme.
3. TheschoolensuresthatteachersandadministratorsreceiveIBrecognisedPD.
4. The school provides dedicated time forteachers collaborative planning andreflection.
5. The physical and virtual learningenvironments, facilities, resources andspecialised equipment support theimplementation of the programme.
6. The library / multimedia / resourcesplay a central role in the implementationof the programme.
7. The school ensures access toinformation on global issues and diverseperspectives.
8. The school allocates resources toimplement the Primary Years Programmeexhibition. / Carry out successful recruitment ofqualified teaching staff for the academicyear 2016 -2017
All the teachers received recognised professional development( see the document Professional development).
8 new teachers will attend the seminars in 2016-
Successful induction programmes are inplace including relevant IB recognisedtraining for all new teachers to the school
Seminar “Assessment in the primary school according to the recommendations of IB policy of assessment”
On-line Seminars
Provide teachers and curriculumcoordinators with suitable release time toplan and implement the programme
Establish operations for the new libraryspace including the environment,resources, staffing, workflow, policystatements, timetabling and jobdescriptions
Provide a healthy budget for purchase ofmaterials to support the implementation ofthe programme, including digitaltechnologies
Review and plan upgrade of ICT systemmaintenance
Identify design features and functionalaspects necessary in a 21st centuryclassroom / 2015-2019
2015-2019 / Vice-principal, organiser
Finance Manager
The Head of Primary School
All teachers
Principal, Teachers, Librarian
Principal, Vice-principal, Finance committee
Vice principal
The Head of the school / See Financial report. / The school provides qualified staff toimplement and further develop theprogramme.
Professional development opportunities forall staff members are available.(Vice-Principal, new teachers),(8 new teachers have been hired.:1 teachers of English,1 teacher of German,5 teachers of primary school, 1 – specialist(arts)
The timetable provides suitable releasetime for collaborative planning.
1-Year Monday 7.45
2-Year –Tuesday 7.45
3-Year – Wednesday 7.45
4-Year – Thursday 7.45
If necessary the teachers meet for the collaborative planning after the lessons/
Seminars are conducted during each holidays (half-term, term)
Specialist teachers and curriculumcoordinators receive additional release days,to support curriculum development.
Roles and responsibilities are establishedwith clear procedures in place.
Review of the impact of the librarydemonstrates the effectiveness of itsenvironment, programmes and collection.
The school is well resourced with digital andphysical materials to support theprogramme
System is maintained and long-termprovision identified
Classroom design process is undertakenwith input from teachers and SMT.
All classrooms, including shared areas areRefurbished

C: Curriculum

C1: Collaborative planning

Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the Primary Years Programme.

Objective / Actions / Date to be achieved / Person/group responsible for achieving this objective / Budgetary implications / Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards achievement of the objective
Systems are in place through whichall teachers plan and reflect incollaborative teams.
Practices focussed on:
1. Collaborative planning and reflectionaddresses the requirements of theprogramme
2. Collaborative planning and reflectiontakes place regularly and systematically.
3. Collaborative planning and reflectionaddresses vertical and horizontalarticulation
4. Collaborative planning and reflectionensures that all teachers have anoverview of students learningexperiences
5. Collaborative planning and reflection isbased on agreed expectations forstudent learning
6. Collaborative planning and reflectionincorporates differentiation for studentlearning needs and styles
7. Collaborative planning and reflection isinformed by assessment of student workand learning
8.Collaborative planning and reflectionrecognizes that all teachers areresponsible for language development ofstudents
9.Collaborative planning and reflectionaddresses the IB learner profile attributes / Continue to identify the conceptualunderstandings, skills and attributes thestudents are to gain from each unit clearlyin the initial planning sessions.
Collate and share student work samplesin each year group for moderation, to helpinform future planning and assessment.
Analyse work samples more rigorously toidentify evidence of learning in relation tothe concepts embedded in the centralidea.
Single Subject Teachers meet with class teachers to plan how they are linked to prior to start of the unit.
Single Subject Teachers meet with the PYP to plan collaboratively, developing school based scope and sequence docs / 2015-2019
2015-2019 / The head of Primary School
The coordinator
Single-subject teachers
Single-subject teachers / 10000 USD / Planning is accessible for all teachers
Planning days and meetings are established with written curriculum documentation produced.
The work with unit planners is completed identifying conceptual understanding, skills, and attitudes that will be focused on across the unit.
Teachers organise times to collaborate on planning and reflection in units with authentic links. Planning documentation is in place that reflects this collaboration.

C2: Written curriculum

The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.

Objective / Actions / Date to be achieved / Person/group responsible for achieving this objective / Budgetary implications / Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards achievement of the objective
Our written curriculum is developed topromote high standards and reflect IBPhilosophy
Practices focussed on:
1. The written curriculum iscomprehensive and aligns with therequirements of the programme
2. The written curriculum is available tothe school community
3. The written curriculum builds onstudents’ previous learning experiences
4. The written curriculum identifies theknowledge, concepts, skills and attitudesto be developed over time
6. The written curriculum incorporatesrelevant experiences for students
7. The written curriculum is informed bycurrent IB publications and is reviewedregularly to incorporate developments inthe programme
8. The written curriculum fostersdevelopment of the IB learner profileattributes / Review the balance of the five essentialelements (Knowledge, Concepts, Skills,Attitudes, Action) across the POI
Create and review Scope and Sequencedocumentation that aligns with the PYP,embed these across the POI, andevidence/reference is made to these inthe planner and curriculum information.
Focus areas:
Mathematics (aligned to the ESF Scopeand Sequence) created and reviewedthroughout the academic year
English (aligned to the ESF Scope andSequence) created and reviewedthroughout the academic year
Digital Literacy embedded and alignedwith the School’s Information Literacyscope and sequence
The Arts:
Visual Art / 2015-2019
2015-2019 / The head of Primary School
The coordinator
Single-subject teachers
English language teachers
Head of PE
Teachers / Supply day costs
Supply day costs
Supply day costs
Supply day costs
Supply day costs / The changes have been made in the written curriculum of all the subjects according to the documents.( see on the site of the school)
English Mapping docs created and implemented inline with the ESF English Scope and Sequence

C3: Teaching and learning

Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.

Objective / Actions / Date to be achieved / Person/group responsible for achieving this objective / Budgetary implications / Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards achievement of the objective
Teaching and learning at GSG Schoolmeets the diverse needs of all students.
Practices focussed on:
1.Teachingandlearningbuildsonwhatstudents know and can do
2.Teaching and learning differentiatesinstruction to meet students’ learning needsand styles.
Build a community of learners who canarticulate and demonstrate the qualitiesof effective learners
Practices focussed on:
1. Teaching and learning engages studentsas inquirers and thinkers
2. Teaching and learning supports students tobecome actively responsible for their ownlearning
3.Teaching and leaning develops studentattitudes and skills that allow for meaningfulstudent action in response to students’ ownneeds and the needs of others
4. Teaching and learning engages studentsin reflecting on how, what and why they arelearning
5. Teaching and learning encouragesstudents to demonstrate their learning in avariety of ways.
6.Teaching and learning develops the IBlearner profile attributes
7.Teaching and learning promotes theunderstanding and practice of academichonesty
Value and promote student leadershiр
1.Teaching and learning develops studentattitudes and skills that allow for meaningfulstudent action in response to students’ ownneeds and the needs of others
2. Teaching and learning fosters astimulating learning environment based onunderstanding and respect / Furtherdevelopandimplementtheuse of formative and summative assessment practices
Assessment Policy to inform teaching and learningthinking and assessment capablelearning to improve learning andaddress the needs of the students
Modeling and supporting teachersstrategies into classroom practice.when building their studentslearning power.
Further reflect upon and improve theExhibition unit to ensure students areengaged in meaningful action as partof their collaborative inquiries
Implementation of the Academic Honesty Policyand establish practice across theschool
Promote academic honesty by allstakeholders and establish it as partof the information literacy curriculum.
Continue to increase opportunities forstudent leadership and student voice,building leadership capacity acrossthe school. / 2015-2019
2015-2019 / The head of Primary School
Single-subject teachers
Teachers, Librarian
Teachers, Librarian
Teachers, Parents, Students / Effective use of formative and summative assessment isevident in all contexts across the school
Teachers plan the research taking onto account what students know and can do.
Teachers use different forms of organization of students during the lessons : groups, regrouping, work in pairs.
Teachers use different methods to engage students as thinkers and inquirers.
Teachers use different visual audio materials to help the students with the different perception.
Staff Meeting Schedule
Exhibition unit planner reflectionsAction taken as part of the Exhibition isenduring, significant and meaningful
Academic Honesty Policy
The changing of the forms of doing research work give the opportunity for each of the students to develop leadership qualities.
Council work and voice including charity/fundraising
Increase in amount of Inter-house activities and events and numbers of students involved
Increase in amount of Year 4 students asking on positions of responsibility

C4: Assessment

Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.

Objective / Actions / Date to be achieved / Person/group responsible for achieving this objective / Budgetary implications / Evidence of achievement
or of progress towards achievement of the objective
Effective assessment practices areused across the school to informteaching and learning.
Practices focussed on:
1. Assessment at the school aligns withthe requirements of the programme(s).
2. The school communicates itsassessment philosophy, policy andprocedures to the school community.
3. The school uses a range of strategiesand tools to assess student learning.
4Theschoolprovidesstudentswithfeedback to inform and improve theirlearning.
5. The school has systems for recordingstudent progress aligned with theassessment philosophy of theprogramme.
6. The school has systems for reportingstudent progress aligned with theassessment philosophy of theprogramme.
7. The school analyses assessment datato inform teaching and learning.
8. The school provides opportunities forstudents to participate in, and reflect on,the assessment of their work.
9. The school has systems in place toensure that all students can demonstrateconsolidation of their learning through thecompletion of the Primary YearsProgramme exhibition / Provide parents access to theassessment policy through the schoolwebsite
Review assessment practices across theschool reflecting an alignment with theAssessment policy.
Establish 2 two-year temporary leadershipposts with a focus on assessment andvisible learning. (Also see section C3 ofaction plan)
Analyse assessment data duringcollaborative planning time to informteaching and learning. E.g. moderatework samples using continuums (firststeps/maths rubrics etc.) triangulate withstandardised data.
Use First Steps as a resource formoderating writing and setting targets infirst of the month books across theSchool.
Establish reporting of studentachievement to parents, that aligns withthe ESF essential agreement onreporting, through a range of differentformats including:
• School reports on the Gateway
online reporting system
• Digital Portfolios
• Three-way Conferences
• Student led Conferences
• Other Work samples / 2015-2019 / The head of Primary School
The coordinator
Single-subject teachers
English language
Teachers / Assessment policy is presented to parents
Lesson observations.
Unit planners.
Report on assessment practices.
Posts are filled with an assessment teamestablished
Student information gathered, analyzed andused to improve teaching and studentlearning.
Teachers using first steps to moderate firstof the month books.
Online reporting is established on Gatewaywith UOI reports accessible to parentswithin two weeks of the completion of theunit.
Year groups have established whichlearning outcomes are reported throughonline reporting