Department Chairs Committee

Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2007

9:00 a.m. in Room 4380

PRESENT: Kelly Asta, Dan Benard, Howard Carpenter, Debbie Dawson, Tim Farrow Ann Lindsay, Rick Margelis, Al Moss, Brian Olson,Wanda Scott, Barbara Taraskiewicz Jim Taylor, Ron Young

ABSENT: Dennis Bertch, Ken Bouma, Mary Dey, Connie Edlund, Steve Louisell

Lee Marsh, Ron Miazga Marie Rogers, Theo Sypris, Nancy Taylor

GUEST: Steve Ott

  1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Rick Margelis.
  1. Approval of February2007 Minutes – Motion made to approve the minutes by Ron Young; seconded by Wanda Scott; motion carried.
  1. Review of Agenda
  1. Old Business - None
  1. New Business -None

5.1.Course and Curriculum Council – None

5.2.Board of Trustees Action - None

5.3.Course Inactivations- None

5.4.Course, Program Revisions

5.4.1. Steve Ott distributed a memo regarding adding the hybrid alternative strategy toCOM 113, Interpersonal Communication. The change to the syllabus reads: ‘Alternative Strategy – Hybrid. Hybrid combines classroom and online learning. A home computer (or one in KVCC’s Computer Lab) is required.’ Steve hopes this new hybrid format can be offered beginning Fall 2007. Motion to accept this changewas made by Al Moss; seconded by Tim Farrow; motion carried.

5.4.2 Al Moss distributed a copy of the syllabus for RCP 126. The American HeartAssociation no longer accepts the professional rescuer certification from the American Red Cross as a prerequisite for the basic life support for health care providers’ course. The syllabus will be revised to reflect this change. The statement: ‘The American Red Cross Professional Rescuer CPR course will also meet the prerequisite’ will be removed from the syllabus.

5.5.New Courses – None

5.6.Programs – None


5.7.1.Class time minutes – Rick spoke to Denise Blanchard and Bill Lay to clarify the change in class minutes in the Fall 2007 class schedule. Due to the Thanksgiving break (Wednesday evening, Thursday and Friday) the class times on these days needed to be adjusted (2400minutes/credit hour are required). Adjustments to class times may be required in future semesters also.

5.7.2.Textbook/Bookstore – Theo informed Rick that due to the personnel changes in theBookstore, the proposal regarding textbooks is tabled for now.

5.7.3. Wanda inquired about the process regarding online courses. Gail Fredericks is the person to contact for information about this procedure. Instructor training is also provided.

5.7.4. Jim introduced Kelley Asta, our Surgical Technology instructor.

5.7.5. Jim announced that the occupational outcomes assessment meeting will beheld at 10:30 a.m.today in this room, 4380.

5.8.Part-time Faculty – None

5.9.Adjournment – Motion to adjourn was made by Ron Young; seconded by Dan Benard; motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 a.m.

Our next meeting will be on Friday, April 6, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 4380.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Farquharson