Beliefs Concerning Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual People*

Directions for participants:

Use a check mark in the appropriate space to indicate your level of agreement/disagreement with each statement. Respond with your initial reaction. You will have 5 minutes to complete this activity.

SD = Strongly Disagree D = Disagree A = Agree SA = Strongly Agree


1.  Sexual Orientation should not be protected by ______
civil rights legislation

2.  Gay, lesbian and bisexual people should have the legal ______
right to adopt children

3.  It is always best for a child to be raised by married male and ______
female parents

4.  Religious people can not accept homosexuals ______

5.  Homosexual and Bisexual people should not be allowed to work in ______
jobs or fields involving children

6.  “Chosen Families” (biologically unrelated support networks) should be ______
recognized & affirmed by child/youth/family agencies

7.  It is appropriate to place a child with gay, lesbian or bisexual ______
foster parents ONLY when no other homes are available

8.  Matching a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT) youth with a ______
GLBT mentor is a good way to provide support to these youth

9.  Sexual Orientation can be changed with therapy ______

Questionnaire: Fact or Myth?

Circle your answer

1)  Most gays and lesbians can be identified by their Fact Myth
mannerisms, clothes, and/or appearance

2)  In homosexual relationships, one partner is always Fact Myth
“male” and the other “female”

3)  Homosexuality is an mental illness caused by Fact Myth
poor parenting and other environmental factors not conducive to
“normal” sexual development

4)  People who are sexually abused grow up to be Fact Myth

5)  Gays and lesbians are oversexed and indiscriminately Fact Myth
promiscuous, especially the men

6)  The majority of parents reject their sons and daughters Fact Myth
when they find out they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)

7)  Most child molesters are gay Fact Myth

8)  LGBT teachers/clinicians can influence the Fact Myth
the sexual orientation of youth in their care

9)  Most Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual people do not conform to Fact Myth
socially-based gender roles

10) Most teachers/clinicians are able to identify the LGBT Fact Myth
students/clients in their classrooms or caseloads

11) Orientation can be changed with reparative therapy Fact Myth

12) Gay, lesbian and bisexual people can’t be fired Fact Myth
just because they of their sexual orientation in most states

13) Domestic partnership benefits are legally mandated for Fact Myth
homosexual partners in most states

14) Bisexuality is not a “real” orientation Fact Myth

15) LGBT people are unable to form long-term Fact Myth
committed relationships