AECT’s Design and Development Division announces their Board Associate Program. The Board Associate Program is intended to provide leadership opportunities for early career members of AECT–graduate students, junior faculty members or practitioners entering the field –who are interested in moving into leadership roles within the Design and Development (D&D) Division. Board Associates will work with the D&D board and be mentored by the President and President-Elect, to orient them to the structure and operations of the division.

Expectations of the Board Associate

▪Participate as an ex officio member in monthly Design & Development Division board meetings (held by phone or web conference)

▪Assist board members on division activities and projects

▪Spend an average of 8 hrs/month in support of division leadership

▪Learn about division leadership–what it takes to make D&D the best possible division in support of its members


Successful applicants will…

▪be a graduate student in an Instructional Design & Technology (IDT) or related program, or be a junior faculty member or practitioner in the field of IDT or related field,

▪have performed well in their graduate studies,

▪have been a member of AECT for a minimum of one (1) year,

▪have attended at least one AECT conference, and

▪have clearly articulated goals for the associateship.

Board associate applicants should submit:

▪Cover letter discussing career goals and what they can contribute to the role as Board Associate for the Design & Development Division. (The cover letter should be limited to a single page.)

▪Board Associate application form

▪One (1) letter of recommendation from a faculty member who is also a member of AECT


All applications are due March30th of the application year. The cover letter, application, and letter of recommendation should be submitted to the current President of D&D. The D&D President for the 2016-17 cycle is ZahiraMerchant (). All materials must be submitted electronically via e-mail, in a single zip file.


EDUCATION / What is the name of the program and institution in which you are enrolled or have recently graduated from?
Institution Name & Program:
Department Chair:
Mailing Address:
Chair Telephone #:
Chair E-mail Address:
Area of Concentration:
Beginning with the most recent, list the higher education institutions you have attended:
Institution / From/To / Major / Degree / Credits / GPA
MEMBERSHIPS / 1. Are you currently a member of AECT?
Yes NoDate you became a member: .
2. List the AECT divisions or committees you are currently a member of.
3. List any responsible positions or elected offices held, committee service, or other involvement have had in AECT, AECT Divisions, and/or your educational institution:
4. What responsible positions or elected offices in AECT are you interested in preparing for in the next 2-5 years?
5. List any memberships in other professional associations and any responsible positions or elected offices held, committee service or other involvement:
6. List any responsible leadership positions you have held in extracurricular or community groups.
INTEREST / 1.Why are you applying for a board associate position in the Design and Development Division? What can you contribute to the division in this position?
2.What sort of leadership training would you like to receive as a board associate?
3.What are your career goals?
4.What are your strengths?
5.What are your weaknesses?
PROCESS / 1.Draft a cover letter discussing your career goals and what you can contribute as a Board Associate for the Design & Development Division. (The cover letter should be limited to a single page)
2.Complete the above application.
3.Obtain one letter of recommendation from a faculty member who is a member of AECT, speaking to your qualifications and potential contributions.
4.Create a single “zip file”containing items 1-3, and send via e-mail to the current D&D President no later than February 1st of the application year.
For 2016- 17, the D&D President is Zahira Merchant, email:

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