From:Pamela Iacono
Date: Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 8:26 PM
Subject: Format and Procedure for Minutes
Dear Committee Secretaries,
It has come to my attention that there is some confusion as to the duties and responsibilities of Committee Secretaries. I am hoping the information in this email will help clarify and streamline your work moving forward.
First and foremost, thank you for volunteering to work in this capacity. It's not an easy job. Effective immediately I ask that you follow the following format for minutes:
1). Minutes are due to the Clerk within 48 hours of your committee meeting. Please do not fail to abide by this rule as doing such is a violation of the FOIA that states: "The record of votes must be available within forty-eight hours of the meeting to which they refer."
2). Please use the attached template for submitting minutes. In an effort to increase efficiency and provide the public with more consistent reporting I ask that all secretaries follow the same exact format for recording minutes.
3). If your Chairman does not provide feedback on minutes that you have submitted to them for approval, you are required to submit the minutes anyway in draft format to the Clerk. In this instance, please cc your Chairman on the email to the clerk and submit the minutes within 48 hours of the meeting.
4). Once you have submitted the minutes to the Clerk, please provide an electronic copy of the minutes to every member of your committee for their review. Prior committee meeting minutes should be voted upon at each committee meeting. If the minutes are amended, please provide an approved amended copy of the minutes to the Clerk within 48 hours of the amended approval.
5). If you are no longer secretary for your committee, please notify the Moderator as soon as that change occurs. If you are unable to attend a meeting and a temporary secretary was appointed please notify the Moderator and the Clerk within 24 hours of thatoccurrence.
6). If leadership changes and/or membership changes take place on your committee please notify the Clerk and the Moderator as soon as possible.
You have taken on a largeresponsibilityand I thank you for yourdiligence. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Please respond individually to me via this email that you have read and reviewed the details.