PBS Teacherline Fall Courses
(Please post or make copies for your campus teachers)
TeacherLine provides online professional development through facilitated and standards-based courses, supportive and collaborative learning communities, and exemplary Internet-based resources.
PBS Teacherline, in partnership with AISD and KLRU will offer several online courses this fall approved for credit through PDA. AISD will pay the $200.00 registration fee for the first 15 participants to register for each course. If you are interested in taking one of the following courses, please follow the directions below. You may only sign up for one course. For more information about courses and hours of professional development credit received, visit and click on COURSES.
All classes will begin October 19th and end around December 3, 2005. Registration will be on a first come first serve basis. The registration will only be paid for the first 15 participants that sign up for each course. There will be a stipend paid to participants who attend a mandatory orientation during the week before the course begins (tentatively scheduled October 12 at Palm Elementary) and who complete ALL course work including final projects and discussions.
Teacherline Registration Procedure:
You will need to email your name (first and last), email address, name of school & grade you teach, school & home phone numbers to Holly Custard at .
Information about orientation and PBS/PDA registration will be sent out later after you email Holly your intent to participant in a course.
Please email me if you have additional questions.
Vanessa Jones
Instructional Technology
414 6560
Here is the list of courses that begin October 19, 2005
TECH195:Teaching and Learning with Graphic Organizers: Featuring Inspiration© K-12 (30 hrs) (Vanessa Jones)
Now you can use electronic graphic organizers to help organize ideas, convey complex concepts, ease students through the steps of the writing process, and develop their mathematical and scientific thinking. Thanks to technology, it has never been easier to help students deepen their understanding by presenting information and concepts in a visual format that shows the connections between ideas. You will learn to apply electronic graphic organizers such as Inspiration©/ Kidspiration © across the curriculum, throughout all grade levels, in learning stations and labs. This course will equip you to expand and enhance student thinking and learning for presentations and personal productivity.
TECH 155:Collaborating on the Internet: Keypal Projects that
Promote Cultural Awareness for Grades 4-8 (30 hrs) (Bill Lewis)
Help students gain cultural awareness through collaborative keypal projects. In this course, each learner will design a collaborative keypal project for his or her own classroom. The Internet provides a way for students to participate in collaborative exchanges with their peers outside of the classroom, outside of the school, even outside of the country. This course is designed to help middle school educators use the keypal projects—the online equivalent of penpal projects—to give students opportunities to learn about and understand other cultures. Keypal projects allow students to explore culture, language, and geography in a fun and exciting way. Learners will design a collaborative keypal project for their own classrooms.
INST325: Using Assessment & Evaluation K-12 (20 hrs)(Todd Gratehouse)
First, you will investigate different types of assessment and evaluation, aimed at both your instruction and at student learning. Then you will become acquainted with the full array of assessment and evaluation tools—including rubrics, journals, formal and informal assessments, and portfolios. As you learn to properly integrate them into your curriculum, they will greatly enhance both teaching and learning. Your final task will be to create an effective rubric based on an existing student assignment.
Math 220: Count on It: Number Sense for Grades K-5 (15 hrs) (Vanessa Jones)
This course is designed to help elementary school teachers understand number sense, why it is important for elementary students to develop, and how to effectively assess what type of number sense students possess. Participants will examine lesson plans, Web resources and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards in order to help students develop a deeper understanding of numbers. Through these resources, learners will develop their own lesson plans for enhancing student learning using both traditional and technological manipulatives as well as other forms of technology. Learners will be challenged to design and implement a lesson, using activities and other pedagogical approaches they have developed in this course. Lastly, learners will reflect on student assessments and receive suggestions from other learners as to how to improve their lesson and their classroom practice.
Math 220: Count on It: Number Sense for Grades K-5 (15 hrs) (Juan Orozco)
This course is designed to help elementary school teachers understand number sense, why it is important for elementary students to develop, and how to effectively assess what type of number sense students possess. Participants will examine lesson plans, Web resources and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards in order to help students develop a deeper understanding of numbers. Through these resources, learners will develop their own lesson plans for enhancing student learning using both traditional and technological manipulatives as well as other forms of technology. Learners will be challenged to design and implement a lesson, using activities and other pedagogical approaches they have developed in this course. Lastly, learners will reflect on student assessments and receive suggestions from other learners as to how to improve their lesson and their classroom practice.