Trinity Lutheran church newsletter

501 S. Washington Ave., Albert LeaMN56007Web Site:

(507) 373-2466E-mail:


9:00 AM, Sundays
5:30 PM, Wednesdays

Holy Communion at all services.

Bus providedSunday for worship.

Call the church office, 373-2466, by noon

on Friday if you want a ride on the bus Sunday.

Nurseryprovided Sunday for worship.

Bring a friend to church,

This is a way you can share your love for Christ and for all people.

Dear Trinity Friends and Members,

Peaceful greetings.

NOVEMBER is a wonderful month -- full and rich in worship opportunities and congregational activities. We begin with All Saints Sunday (Nov 4) – the Church’s grand “Memorial Day” – as we remember all the faithful of God who now reside in the “Church Triumphant” with Our Lord, and especially those who have died within the previous twelve months. A special invitation to worship has been sent to the families of those who have recently died to welcome their presence as acknowledgment of their loved one is made by their individual naming and the church bell rung in their memory. Individual votive candles are lit in their memory and family members are invited to take that votive home with them after the worship service. And, as always, the singing and special music will highlight our worship on that day.

Sunday, Nov. 18, will be a full day as worship (9:00 AM) will include a special skit prepared by our Grades 5-7. And, following worship, during the Faith Formation hour (formerly called “Sunday School”), all families will be invited to make a Jesse Tree for use in their home during the coming Advent Season (which begins Dec. 2). And, following that activity, recognizing a thanksgiving opportunity, we will meet as a congregation for our annual Budget Hearing at 11:30 AM to preview our 2013 operating budget as proposed by our Church Council (NOTE: this is an unofficial congregational meeting; final budget approval will be made at our official annual congregational meeting on January 20, 2013).

THANKSGIVING EVE, Wednesday, Nov. 21 at 5:30 PM will feature a special worship opportunity to again gather the five local congregations of Trinity Lutheran, Ascension Lutheran, Salem Lutheran, Christ Episcopal and United Methodist Churches of Albert Lea. Trinity is the host congregation for this year’s worship gathering. Our guest preacher that night will be father Henry Doyle, who is currently serving Christ Episcopal Church as their Interim Priest. Each congregation is asked to bring four (4) pans of bars for the fellowship gathering following worship; Trinity will provide coffee and lemonade. Each worshipper is encouraged to bring a staple food item to be given to the Salvation Army for distribution to the needy.

We will then close out November with the culmination of our entire liturgical church year with the grand festival of Christ the King Sunday (Nov. 25). This festival of the Church is a relatively recent addition to the church year, adopted by us Lutherans in the late 1920s. It is a fitting conclusion to the church’s year of grace by celebrating the ultimate reign of Christ and his victory over death, yet awaiting the consummation of all things to come. Acknowledging Christ as our merciful ruler, we are given the commission to live in such a way that his reign may be known in our loving words and deeds.

Throughout the month there will be several other special opportunities for fun and service, including preparation for the Advent season and the beginning of a new church year. Elsewhere in this newsletter and in the weekly bulletin announcements will be such things as the putting up of our Christmas Tree, the setting up of the “Angel Tree” and other activities.

Wishing for you, this season and always …

Joy & Peace,

s/ Pr. Curtis Zieske

WE ARE INVITED … Our sister congregation, OaklandLutheranChurch, is hosting a meatball lunch and special speaker at 12:00 Noon on Saturday, December 1st. Lunch is at noon (free will offering) and Presentation at 1:00 PM. Teacher of the Year, Katie Smith, will speak on “Self-Regulation.” Ms. Smith specializes in Early Childhood & Family Education and currently teaches in the WinonaSchool District. She earned her bachelor’s degree from WinonaStateUniversity and her master’s in education from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Pastor Zieske has heard her speak at a meeting of our Southeastern Minnesota Synod’s Blue Earth River Conference and says that her topic will be of useful interest to young adults, parents, aunts & uncles, grandparents and anyone with a family. Ms. Smith introduces her topic of Self-Regulation saying:

One of the greatest predictors of academic success and success in all areas of life is self regulation. Very simply, self regulation is the ability to control your emotions, your hands, and your impulses. Lifelong students of self-regulation appreciate how difficult it is at times to wait your turn or to hold a thought, especially when we are excited. There are plenty of opportunities to practice self-regulation every day of our lives. Self Regulation is a muscle that needs to work to build strength. It will undoubtedly be easier to give kids what they want when they want it in the short haul, but parents will do better to keep the long range goal of self-regulation in mind, even when it is hard. Self-regulation often looks like patience and it is well worth the effort.

Katie Smith’s case stories and personal experiences will both delight and inform listeners with her humor and real life applications.

If you are interested in attending, please sign the interest sheet on the Opportunity Table by the church office door. Pastor Zieske will call ahead to let our good friends at OaklandLutheranChurch know that we will be attending and how many of us to expect.

HOLYLAND PILGRIMAGE Pastor Zieske is in the beginning planning stages of a Holy Land Pilgrimage for early November 2013. A pre-planning information time is scheduled for Sunday evening, Nov. 11 at 6 PM at GraceLutheranChurch, and Monday evening, Nov. 12 at 7 PM at TrinityLutheranChurch. Pastors Todd Walsh and Curtis Zieske will host these one-hour information sessions featuring two short video presentations with stories of their previous pilgrimages as well as addressing your questions. Please consider this your invitation and feel free to invite your friends and neighbors.


Linda tuttle-olson writes…

Tues., October 16, 2012

Greetings to my Church family,

Fall has always been my favorite time of the year and even though I am away from home I find that still to be true. The mountains that surround this West Virginia campus are filled with trees that are glorious with color. The weather has been such a treat with the cooler temperatures and beautiful blue sky. It has been just over one year now since I came to serve my sentence and amazingly that time has gone fast. I am praying that the remaining 18-19 months left will go just as fast. This past year has brought so many changes for me, I am learning to accept my need for others and to finally acknowledge that there is good in me. That good has been fostered by the people in my life who have cared and loved me and by my God, who has been with me every step of the way.

Here, I have been part of a diverse community. Not everyone here is like myself. I have interacted with people of other races and from other parts of the country, with people of other faiths and with those who profess no faith at all. There are rules here and we are forced to ‘get along’ to some degree. But, the goal for me is to work together not because there are rules and laws, but because as a group of people together we want to become bigger than the sum of our parts and yet we want to respect each one of those parts.

Being on this journey in this season of my life I have spent so much time on myself and I have needed to do that. But when I come home it is time to look to the needs of others. Just as I have gone through trouble, and I have felt shame, embarrassment and pain, it is time to recognize the need and pain in others and to be sympathetic to their needs. Many people have been very kind to me and did not judge me, so I will continue to see the good in others and never judge them, but simply help them. I have not come upon this spiritual journey by chance. God knew this was what was needed in order to help me heal. I now have a unique vision and I believe what I have learned and continue to learn is a rare gift.

I pray for all of you a Blessed fall season, and look forward to the day in the not so distant future when I will again be home with the family I love and with my church family.

As always, I remain,

Linda Tutle-Olson

Youth and Family Ministry

Family Faith Formation - Christian Education

Blessing Service for Faith Miles Stones #1, 2 and 3 will be Sunday, November 4 during the 9:00 AM worship. Families in FMS #1 “Early Childhood Faith” learn to bless their babies to sleep every night and will receive a Blessing Blanket for their child. Families in FMS #2 “Little Lutherans” learn to add prayers to the nightly routine of blessing and children receive The SPARK Story Bible. Families in FMS #3 “School Days” learn how to share daily “highs and lows” in their nightly routine of blessing and prayers. Children receive an “I can read Bible story book.”

Children and families participating in the Faith Miles Stones programs are:

FMS #1 “Early Childhood Faith”

Grace Goskeson and parents Trent & Abby Goskeson

FMS #2 “Little Lutherans”

Ian Christenson and parent Nicole Goskeson

Graham Goskeson and parents Trent and Abby Goskeson

Kolter & Korbyn Johnson and parents Nick and Heather Johnson

Kaiden Verness and parents Jeramy and Melissa Verness

FMS #3 “School Days”

Madison Lowman and parents Rick and Tracy Lowman

Kalia Register and parents Trevor and Samantha Register

Stella Skogheim and parents Chris and Tara Skogheim

Children will sing on Sunday, November 11! Children in grade Precious 3’s through grade 2 should gather in Jacobsen Hall at 8:45 to warm up their voices for 9:00 AM worship.

Look at the Donut and NOT the Hole! Youth in grades 5 – 7 will be doing a “skit sermon” on Sunday, November 18. All youth should meet in Jacobsen Hall at 8:30 AM before 9:00 AM worship.

What’s a Jesse Tree? The Jesse Tree is named from Isaiah 11:1: “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”

During the days of Advent you can discover Jesus’ family tree, important ancestors, the prophets who foretold of His birth and other important Bible stories that lead up to the birth of Jesus by going through the Old Testament.

Come and make a Jesse Tree! The Jesse Tree Eventis on Sunday, November 18.

Donut Time will begin at 10:00 AM after worship in Trinity Hall.

Begin making your family Jesse Tree at 10:30.

This is a FAMILY EVENT that is fun for children and adults!

There is NO COST to make a Jesse Tree. However, there is one Jesse Tree per/family.

There will be a short Christmas program practice at the end of the Sunday school hour.

Angel Tree Program – The Christmas tree that will hold all the ANGELS for the Angel Tree Program will be ready for shoppers on Sunday, November 27! There will be 150 angels on that Christmas tree! Look for it near the Sunday school office.

Show Jesus’ love by sharing! U can make a difference!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks be to God for his precious love and blessings! Sunday, November 25 is a holiday weekend. There will be no Sunday School. Family Faith Formation resumes on Sunday, December 2.

S/Coreen Johnson, Youth & Family Ministry



By Bev Jackson Cotter

and Erna Berthelsen

"She opens her hand to the poor, and reaches out

her hands to the needy." Proverbs 31:20

For superb lefse, delicious soups, wonderful pies and desserts, and lots of great conversation, we thank you!

The annual Soup & Pie Lunch and Supper this year was another big success. We want to especially thank co-chairmen Donna Oliva and Joyce Hoium and all of the other committee chairs: Decorating - Joyce Hoium, Dining Room- Phyllis Tavis, Sharon Herfendal, Laurie Hovendick, Lefse Sales - Sue Fink, Jan Drews, Kelly Gleason, Eleanor Wangen, Ticket Sales & Traffic - Barry Oliva, Publicity - Karen Nelson and Nancy Jensen. And, what would we do without the culinary skills of Joy Johnson and Greg Andersen? Then there are the people who set tables, dished up soups, wrapped silverware, filled coffee and water carafes, baked and dished up pies and desserts, cleaned trays, sold tickets, washed dishes and all of the other duties that made the event run so smoothly.A big thank you toall.

Speaking of Thanks, last month we neglected to thank Ione Varenhorst for coordinating the Undie Sundays. The Salvation Army distributes these gifts to a variety of different venues throughout the city, and tells us that they are much appreciated.

Please mark Tuesday, November 13, 6 p.m. on your calendar. This is the date for the annual Thankoffering Dinner. Pastor Zieske will provide the Bible Study and install the TLCW officers for next year, and Greg Andersen will prepare the dinner. The cost is $8. Please make your reservation by November 7 by calling the church office 373-2466, Erna Berthelsen 373-7725 or Bev Jackson Cotter 373-4748. Also, you are asked to bring a food shelf item and two offerings, one for the Thankoffering and the other for your regular Circle offering.

We are working on the TLCW Booklet for 2013. Please check your name in last year's booklet and if you wish to make any changes, call Phyllis Tavis 373-3069. Thank you!

Dates to Remember:

Wed. Nov 7Last date to make your Thankoffering Dinner reservation

Tues. Nov. 13 Thankoffering Dinner

Wed. Nov. 14 Sewing Day



Dear Ladies, Gentlemen and Young People

who worked for the Soup and Pie Event:

We would like to thank you for your time and effort you gave during the Soup and Pie Luncheon and Dinner.

It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces and willing hands. Whether you worked one hour or twenty hours or donated pies or anything else, it was greatly appreciated.

TrinityLutheranChurch has GREAT volunteers

s/ Donna Oliva and Joyce Hoium, co-chairmen

Soup, Pie and Dessert Event


Altar guild

The Altar Guild met on Monday, September 24. At this meeting it was decided to change our meetings to the fourth Sunday at 10:30 instead of the fourth Monday for the months of January, March, September and November. Our picnic will remain on the fourth Monday in June at 6:00 PM. We will try this schedule for one year in hopes of making it possible for more members to attend meetings. This schedule will start in January 2013. Our November 2012 meeting will be Monday, November 26, 6:30 PM.

Another change agreed upon was that Greg Andersen will take care of filling the candles for us. This will be very helpful. Thank you Greg.

s/ Katie Jacobsen, Assistant Directress


Quilts...... 50

Blankets...... 2

Personal Care Kits...15

Body Care Kits.....23

School Kits...... 44

s/ Joan Mattick

We do not need containers for the kitchen at this time. There are plenty. s/ Greg Andersen

Ladies … Please continue to bring your used, clean nylons to the red box by the office. The St. John’s craft department is in great need of them for pillow stuffing. Thanks. s/ Pat Goldman

Ladies … Please pick up your plates, pie tins, and cake pans on the shelf above the coat rack outside Trinity Hall.

Notes from the Library----

This is just a very short note to tell you that several new books have been added to the library. There have been several donations of Christian books and they are always welcome. The complete list of the new books is posted on the bulletin board in the library.

I would especially call your attention to the series of books written by Thomas Kincaid. There are 11 in the series and are located on the top shelf of the Christian Fiction.

If you have any requests or suggestions about what is in the library please let me know!

s/ Karen Nelson, Librarian


Ushers needed

Several of us are getting too old to really continue.

My last request for volunteers provided – ZERO – responses. This is not like Trinity’s reputation.

The work is not hard. Ushers serve four months out of a year.

If you can help, please call:

  • Mary at church, 373-2466
  • Bob Goldman, 373-1409 or 373-9197
  • Randy Holland, 373-6775

Thanks. s/ Bob Goldman

What are You Thankful For?

It never ceases to surprise me how much my church family means to me and my family. There is not a Sunday that goes by that someone doesn’t ask me how Parker or Sam are doing with their college experiences. I am so appreciative of the support, guidance and encouragement that our congregation provided to my children. They say it takes a village to raise a family and you were there for us; THANK YOU! I only pray that I will have the opportunity to pass on the good works to other families in our congregation and community.