Tuesday10thSEPTEMBER 2013
PRESENT: Joe McTaggart, Karen Wood, Antoinette McNeil, Shona Thompson, Gill Redman, Shelagh Marr, Gwen Robertson, Sheena Ironside, Helen Cross, Louise Mackinnon, Kirsty Donaldson, Nicola Reith, Ali Odds.
APOLOGIES: Garry Cormack, Lynn Service, Cllr Graeme Clark, Trish Amundrud, David Shand
MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 19th SEPTEMBER 2012were approved. Proposer: Antoinette McNeil, seconder: Gwen Robertson.
CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: Joe McTaggart, Chairperson, welcomed those presentand, for the benefit of new parents, briefly outlined the responsibilities of Drumoak School Council, stressing that Drumoak School Council operate an Open Door Policy and welcome any contact from parents. All meetings of Drumoak School Council are public meetings, and parents are welcome to attend. The objective of Drumoak School Council is to help the school and its pupils by involving all parents and the wider community. He commented that his own elder son moved on from DrumoakSchool to BanchoryAcademy for the start of the 2013-2014 academic year and that he felt that DrumoakPrimary School had provided his son with excellent preparation for his secondary level education.
Joe thanked the Fundraising Committee and all those who had been involved in fundraising over the previous year, including Julia Shand, Susan McTaggart, Shelagh Marr, Karen Wood and Shona Thompson. Fundraising activities included a Valentine’s Disco, a Bingo Night, a Summer Fair and sale of Spree books. Involvement in all was good, with the Football tournament/ Summer Fair being of particular note.
Proceeds of fundraising last year were used for the following:
- Purchase of Wee Red Boxes for mental maths;
- North Lanarkshire Active Literacy scheme;
- School website;
- New benches for the playground;
- Playground clean up;
- Subscription to EducationCity;
- Engineering supplies;
- Class trips/rich tasks.
Fundraising plans for the coming year include sale of Spreebooks, and a ‘Ladies Night’ in the Church Hall on Friday 15th November, both organised by Shona Thompson.
With regard to the new school build project, Joe summarised the delays announced over the course of the last year, with disappointment:
11/12/2012: completion date announced to be October 2014
29/01/2013: completion date announced to be December 2014
20/08/2013: completion date announced to be August 2015.
Joe has written to the Director of Education expressing his disappointment that the Stewart Milne house-building development appears to be moving forward, but the school build keeps getting shifted back. The letter requested a written response and for the Director of Education to push for movement with regard to the school build.
There were no questions for the Chairperson.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Joe McTaggartgave a summaryof the financial report compiled by Shelagh Marr. A copy of the financial report is attached here. The current balance is £3386.93. The main expenditure item last year was for class/school trips and the main income item was from the Race Night. Joe thanked Shelagh for her work. Shelagh has now resigned her position as Treasurer.
Joe McTaggart agreed to continue as Chairperson of Drumoak School Council (having taken over from Peter Murray, in January 2013, after Peter had moved to Edinburgh) – proposer: Antoinette McNeil, seconder: Sheena Ironside.
Ali Odds agreed to continue as Minutes Secretary – proposer: Louise Mackinnon, seconder: Sheena Ironside.
Karen Wood will take over as Treasurer, replacing Shelagh Marr, who has resigned – proposer Antoinette McNeil, seconder: Louise Mackinnon.
Other members agreeing to continue on Drumoak School Council were Garry Cormack, Trish Amundrud (webmaster), David Shand, Louise Mackinnon, Nicola Reith, Antoinette McNeil, Shona Thompson and Gwen Robertson, with Helen Cross and Sheen Ironside as community members and Councillors Graeme Clarke and Peter Bellarby and local council members.
The Staff Representative will continue to be a rolling position, with a member of the School staff attending each meeting of Drumoak School Council.
Joe McTaggart thanked Shelagh Marr for all her work as Treasurer and also for all her involvement in being a Swimming Teacher for the Drumotters as well.
Joe McTaggart reiterated that Drumoak School Council has an Open Door Policy and that all meetings are open to the entire Parent Forum to proffer suggestions and comments. He considered that the Council continually needs new blood as children (and their parents) move up and on and eventually away from the School.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: To be arranged and confirmed to all members.
Financial report