January 19, 2017

Welcome Center Conference Room


8:00 a.m. Board meets for Tour - President Schiamara

8:05 a.m. Post Office Tour

8:15 a.m. Stables Tour

Putt-Putt Tour

8:30 a.m. Maintenance Facilities Tour

9:00 a.m. Lakes & Campground Tour

9:30 a.m. Golf Course Maintenance Facilities Tour

10:00 a.m. Pro Shop Tour

10:30 a.m. Lodge/Hotel/Villas Tour

Housekeeping Building

Community Center

Teen Center/Pool

Patio Theater

11:30 a.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. Executive Session

PRESENT: Randy Schiamara, Jack Stork, Rick Lueking, Mike Miller, Rocky Walker, Ron Ryder, Rene Castilla, John Neukom and Connie Saxton.

ABSENT: Maurice Stephens

2:00 p.m. Open Session-President Schiamara reported the Board has been in a regular annual Board Tour, touring all the facilities out here-very informative for the Board. We were then in Executive Session, discussing legal matters and employee matters.


1. Discussion & Possible Action-Finance Committee Approval-Director Castilla motioned to accept Tiffany McKinney, Janice Hall, Jim Hime, and Kathryn Guillory to serve on the Finance Committee. Director Lueking seconded his motion and all voted in favor.

2. Discussion & Possible Action-Lodge Update-President Schiamara reported there will be no action on this item as we have not heard back from the insurance company. Director Lueking stated the asbestos had been removed and mold company was in process of setting up containment. Last Sunday we had a three (3) day freeze snap and a pipe burst. It broke in the kitchen where pipe runs in the ceiling and was not wrapped-very confined area. Mold company took baseboards off, and then started cutting the sheetrock 2’ up. They stopped after someone brought up the asbestos report on the ceiling. The walls were tested and found to have asbestos in the kitchen. Work was stopped and insurance company was called. Right now we are waiting to hear from the insurance company. A new timeline will be updated when we know more.


1. Discussion of Goals – Roads-Director Stephens will

head up committee to prioritize and to work with county for oil/sand.

2. Assignment of Committee Chairmen-President

Schiamara appointed the following Chairmen:

Airport Committee: Director Lueking, to chair with the following to serve on that committee-Johnny Keown, John Bergdoll, Larry Ashpaugh, Lee Allen. Director Lueking made the motion for approval and Director Neukom seconded. Vote was unanimous.

Lakes: Director Ryder has volunteered to take this Committee. During the regular January meeting, the Board will vote on the committee members.

Leon County Sheriff: President Schiamara is the Liaison.

Wildlife: Director Walker volunteered to be the Liaison.

School District: Director Walker is the Chairman to work with the school district to move some of these lots. He motioned for John Shockey, David Lunceford, Miriam Lee, and Linda Field to form his committee. Director Ryder made a second and vote was unanimous.

Golf Course Maintenance-Director Stork, Liaison

Maintenance Department-Director Lueking, Liaison

Pro Shop-President Schiamara, Liaison

Roads Committee-Directors Stephens and Stork

Fire Wise-Director Ryder, Liaison

Animal Control-Director Stephens, Liaison

3. Discussion & Possible Action – Renewal of

Stables Contract-VOID (Note: Contract was not up for renewal-good for two (2) years).

4. Discussion & Possible Action – Approval of

General Budget-Director Castilla reported he has been working with Kelley since November. Health insurance increased; Leon County Sheriff’s contract increased $22,000 for 2017. Director Castilla passed out a handout of the annualized version of the 2017 budget. Total operating budget for all these departments is $2,509,469. We pulled out $25,000 for our capital budget. Overall revenue for 2017 totals $2,538,598 which leaves us uncommitted surplus of $4,129. A long discussion followed regarding the expense of 24/7 coverage by Patrol. Director Stork motioned to look at finances on a monthly basis and see where we stand, and if good, buy a patrol car. Director Ryder seconded the motion. After discussion, Director Stork withdrew his motion and Director Ryder seconded.

5. Discussion & Possible Action – Approval of

Capital Budget. Director Stork motioned to delay approval of capital and general budget until January 26th. Director Walker seconded his motion. Vote was unanimous.

6. Discussion & Possible Action – Approval of

Restaurant Committee Restaurant: Director Ryder is the Chair and motioned for Steve Brodine, Joyce Perkins, and John Shockey for his committee. Director Walker seconded. All voted in favor. Their purpose will be to find a new person to run the restaurant.

7. Discussion & Possible Action – ACC Committee-

Director Lueking will Chair the ACC. He motioned for his committee to consist of Floyd Garrison, Bill Johnston, and Jim Thornton. He needs to confirm with Ken Harvey and would like another Board member which Director Neukom offered.

Director Stork seconded. Vote was unanimous.

8. Discussion & Possible Action – Nominating

Committee-President Schiamara assigned Director Neukom as the Chair. Director Neukom reported most of the committee will have the same volunteers but are looking for one or two people for open positions.

9. Discussion Only – Roads-Director Lueking reported

we were approached by the County Rep. and the guy that makes this road mixture. In 2008, we bought oil/sand which lasted us for years. The proposal is they would use our sand for this mixture and to pay rent to store it here which would help with the cost of road repairs.

10. Discussion & Possible Action – Food Trucks-

Director Ryder reported the Mexican Food Truck out of Madisonville can come out Tuesdays and Wednesdays @ 4-7 p.m. The second truck is the B-B-Que who has a flexible schedule. The third is the Pizza Truck who is not sure yet on his schedule. According to Director Ryder, all of them have their own generators. Director Ryder made a motion to explore food trucks out here. Director Walker seconded the motion and vote was unanimous.

Members to be Heard:

Joyce Perkins: On the prepaid maintenance fees, are those funds available at the beginning of the year or do we take them out throughout the year?

Jim Thornton-1) Is the Contract with the Sheriff written with the understanding he can call a man off here if he needs to?

2) If we (the water department) cut into a road for a water repair, is that our responsibility or call Maintenance?

Kathleen Gose: Do you meet with Leon County Commissioners or Sheriff? Do we need a more current meeting with them to lay out our concerns?

John Shockey: I recall Hilltop Drive was a county road but couldn’t be manned.

Ann Falconer: Rick, was heat on in Lodge? Director Lueking replied “Yes.”

Joyce Perkins-Is the carpet upstairs going to be gone?

Adjourn: Director Walker motioned to adjourn; Director Neukom seconded it. Meeting was adjourned.


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