Curriculum CommitTEE

Meeting Minutes

September 22, 2016



Stephen Milczanowski (for John Woodward)


Erick Aguilar

Pamela Brauda

Stacey Burns

Sheri Brown

Ranjan Chhibber

Sondra Evans

John Fields

Jeniah Jones

Nick Martino

Madison Owens

Rebecca Reeder

Jackie Rippy

Nancy Sutton (for Richard Greene)

Sarah Stuart

Patti McConnell (for Rich Turner)

Valerie Walker


Timothy Luke Brown

Joan Boyd

Matthew Collins

Nancy K. Webster

Dana White

Linda Woodard

J.R. Woodward


Rebecca A. Nelson


Stephanie Bernard

Sam Fischer

David Dagenais

Neal Henning

Karen Kelley


Labrena Bowman

Emma Davidson

Robin Halifko

Kathleen Ciez-Volz


Co-Chair Stephen Milczanowski called the Curriculum Committee to order at 2:43 p.m.

  2. Amended Proposal 2015-50: Medical Assisting Advanced (2315) (A.S.) New Program and New Courses

Presented by Professor Karen Kelley

Motion to accept and approve the proposal was made by Nick Martino and seconded by Sarah Stuart.

Professor Karen Kelley informed the Curriculum Committee that due to financial aid and SACSCOC approval timelines the implementation term as originally presented for fall 2016 is being amended to fall 2017. Professor Kelley indicated that during faculty review of original proposal submission it was determined that additional prerequisite courses should be added in order to allow students to progress through the program in a more efficient cohort style. She also clarified that several course learning outcomes originally identified as “program” were modified to “course” in order to properly align with similar courses within SCNS.

Dean Sondra Evans asked for clarification on whether the outcomes were related to prerequisites or course and program identifiers. Professor Kelley replied that courses which originally identified outcomes as programmatic were modified to course in order to align with the topics being taught within the course.

Professor Jeniah Jonesasked what provisions are being made for students who do not pass the exemptions throughout since this is a cohort program where students are expected to start and complete the program simultaneously. Professor Kelley replied that students have the opportunity to retake the course for which they did not receive a passing grade.

Professor Jeniah Jones asked how retaking a course within a cohort program would affect students financial aid standing. Professor Kelley replied that if a student fails a course academically, they are required to pay out-of-pocket for the re-take.

Professor Jeniah Jones asked if students who fail a course within their particular cohort are placed into a different cohort. Professor Kelley replied “yes,” students would not be able to progress within their original cohort if they are unable to pass a course academically and would then be placed with a new cohort within the program.

A vote was taken and the amended proposal was recommended.

  1. Amended Proposal 2015-66: Professional Pilot (2258) (A.S.) Program and Course Modifications

Presented by Program Manager Sam Fischer

Motion to accept and approve the proposal was made by Nancy Sutton and seconded by Jeniah Jones.

Program Manager Sam Fischer informed the Curriculum Committee that the courses ASC 1310 and ASC 2870 were included as part of the Professional Pilot proposal catalog page although the actual modifications to course outlines were listed within the Aviation Administration proposal. Program Manager Fischer stated that after taking into consideration the change in implementation term for the Aviation Administration proposal from fall 2016 to fall 2017 and maintaining the implementation term of fall 2016 for the Professional Pilot proposal, it was deemed appropriate to move the course modifications of ASC 1310 and ASC 2870 from the Aviation Administration proposal to the Professional Pilot proposal. Program Manager Fischer also informed the Curriculum Committee that the embedded private pilot courses which are currently offered as elective options within the Professional Pilot program are being removed at the directive of the Veteran’s Administration from which the program receives funding for VA students. He confirmed that in order to maintain VA funding for this particular group of students, the embedded private pilot elective courses must be removed from the program with an effective date of fall term 2016. Program Manager Fischer also confirmed that the VA will not allow any students to be “grandfathered” with taking these courses as part of their program of study and any program that includes these courses will lose VA funding status immediately.

Professor Jeniah Jones asked how the changes presented would affect students currently enrolled in the program and/or students who have already taken the courses and have them listed as part of their catalog year. Program Manager Sam Fischer explained that if a student has already taken the courses, there would be no affect, however if a student decides to keep his/her catalog year as a program which contains these courses, they will be given the option to take the courses at another location (“on their own”) or via a Continuing Education Credit and/or through a private pilot training school outside of the College. Program Manager Fischer explained that students who have not completed their program of study will be given the option to enroll in the updated program of study in order to secure continued VA funding status.

A vote was taken and the amended proposal was recommended.

  1. Amended Proposal 2015-67: Aviation Administration (2360) (A.S.) New Program with Course Modifications Replaces Aviation Operations (2354) (A.S.)

Presented by Program Manager Sam Fischer

Motion to accept and approve the proposal was made by Nancy Sutton and seconded by Jeniah Jones.

Program Manager Sam Fischer informed the Curriculum Committee that due to financial aid and SACSCOC approval timelines the implementation term as originally presented for fall 2016 is being amended to fall 2017. He also stated that after taking into consideration the change in implementation term for the Aviation Administration proposal from fall 2016 to fall 2017 and maintaining the implementation term of fall 2016 for the aforementioned Professional Pilot proposal, it was deemed appropriate to move the course modifications of ASC 1310 and ASC 2870 from the Aviation Administration proposal to the Professional Pilot proposal.

A vote was taken and the amended proposal was recommended.

  1. Amended Proposal 2015-68: Aviation Maintenance Administration (2365) (A.S.) New Program with Course Modifications Replaces Aviation Maintenance Management (2150) (A.S.)

Presented by Program Manager David Dagenais

Motion to accept and approve the proposal was made by Nancy Sutton and seconded by Rebecca Reeder.

Program Manager David Dagenais informed the Curriculum Committee that due to financial aid and SACSCOC approval timelines the implementation term as originally presented for fall 2016 is being amended to fall 2017. Program Manager Dagenais explained the new program is being offered at 60 credit hours while the daggered program is offered at 83 credit hours. He also stated due to FLDOE curricular frameworks, the current program, Aviation Maintenance Management has been daggered for deletion with academic year 2017-18 being the last cohort of students permitted to enroll in the program. The new program, Aviation Maintenance Administration will be replaced by the daggered program because after academic year 2017-18 no new students may enroll in the daggered program.

A vote was taken and the amended proposal was recommended.

  1. Amended Proposal 2015-69: Aviation Airframe Mechanics (5712) (PSAV) New Program with Course Modifications Replaces Aircraft Airframe Mechanics

Presented by Program Manager David Dagenais

Motion to accept and approve the proposal was made by Nancy Sutton and seconded by Rebecca Reeder.

Program Manager David Dagenais informed the Curriculum Committee that due to financial aid and SACSCOC approval timelines the implementation term as originally presented for fall 2016 is being amended to fall 2017. He also stated due to FLDOE curricular frameworks, the current program, Aircraft Airframe Mechanics has been daggered for deletion with academic year 2017-18 being the last cohort of students permitted to enroll in the program. The new program, Aviation Airframe Mechanics will be replaced the daggered program because after academic year 2017-18 no new students may enroll in the daggered program.

A vote was taken and the amended proposal was recommended.

  1. Amended Proposal 2015-70: Aviation PowerPlant Mechanics (5734) (PSAV) New Program with Course Modifications Replaces Aircraft PowerPlant Mechanics

Presented by Program Manager David Dagenais

Motion to accept and approve the proposal was made by Nancy Sutton and seconded by Rebecca Reeder.

Program Manager David Dagenais informed the Curriculum Committee that due to financial aid and SACSCOC approval timelines the implementation term as originally presented for fall 2016 is being amended to fall 2017. He also stated due to FLDOE curricular frameworks, the current program, Aircraft PowerPlant Mechanics has been daggered for deletion with academic year 2017-18 being the last cohort of students permitted to enroll in the program. The new program, Aviation PowerPlant Mechanics will be replaced by the daggered program because after academic year 2017-18 no new students may enroll in the daggered program.

A vote was taken and the amended proposal was recommended.


Regular Meeting: October 20, 2016 at 2:30 p.m., Administrative Offices 405 (Board Room); the deadline for submitting proposals for this meeting is September 26, 2016.


A motion to adjourn was made by Nick Martino and seconded by Nancy Sutton. The meeting was adjourned at 3:02 p.m.