Dining Services
Emergency Response and
Contingency Plans
June 2007
Emergency Response and Contingency PlansTable of Contents
3 / Emergency Procedure Flow Chart
4 / Campus Contacts/ Industry Contacts
5 / Manager Emergency Task List
6 / Emergency Feeding Plan
7 / Gas Leaks
8 / Bomb Threats
8 / Terrorism/ Hostage Situation
9 / Tornado/ High Winds
10, 11 / Power Outage
12 / Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
12 / Fire
13 / Lack of Water
13 / Food Shortage
13 / Food Borne Illness
14 / Campus Tragedy
14 / Student Riots/ Fights/ Intoxication
14 / Response to Theft
15 / Facility Shutdown
15 / Sewage Spill
15 / Snow Emergency Plan
16 / Myer Emergency Paper Supply List
Emergency Procedure Flow Chart
NameWork HomeCell
Mike Bierbower, Safety Manager361-1547 367-5926468-8013
Campus SecurityEMERGENCY 1111 Office = 361-1263
Mary Dolheimer, Media Relations 361-1587259-4961
Lori Hixon, College Relations361-1268 583-0975
Eileen Halter, Health Services 361-1169 285-9576
Sandy Spayd, Health & Counseling361-1123or1405 367-9132
Nancy Florey, Human Resources361-1406
Joe Metro, Plant Operations Director361-1408
Joe Yurkovic, Plant Operations361-1478367-7857
Company nameContactWorkHomeCell
John Gross (food)Brian Gross1-800-368-6800790-9531
John Gross (food)Scott Wagner1-800-368-6800432-9600
John Gross (food)Keith Hensel1-800-368-6800
Feesers (food)Jay Myers1-800-326-2828 104#805-6078
Sweet Arrow (water)Jim Okum901-4571
Good time (ice)1-800-673-2418
Harrisburg DairiesJason Collins233-8701554-5626
Kegels ProduceChristi Beazley392-6612 x644
Butterkrust Baking Co.Earnie Sholly1-800-692-7241957-3707
Terranetti’s (bread)Terry McMahon 1-888-251-5097
Coca Cola (soda)Jeff Lawrence 393-0631 x1293956005
Clarks (equipment)392-7550
Clarks (equpment)Bob Kelchner392-7550 (ext. 309)
United (equipment)Jack Betz1-800-692-7402554-5400
Edward Don (equipment) Kory Reddig 1-800-777-4366 x4709
College nameContactOfficeHomeCell
DickinsonCollegeKeith Martin245-1318
MessiahCollegeMark Wirtz691-6008
GettysburgCollegeDeb Hydock337-6331
MillersvilleUniversityEd Nase872-3443
ElizabethtownHigh School367-1533
DonegalHigh School653-1871
Masonic Homes361-1121
M&M Mars367-1500 or 653-1867
College Contact (emergency operation center) – Eric Turzai, Director
* Report to Campus Emergency Management Group
* Contact General Manager to initiate Dining Services emergency plan as needed
* Serves as department contact with Media Relations
* Keep VP-level informed of status of emergency
Accounting Duties – Eric Turzai, Director
* Informs staff that they must itemize any lost product due to emergency
* Organize all receipts & invoices of items purchased due to emergency
Industry Contact – Diane Ricedorf, Purchasing Manager for Dining Services
* If determined we need to call in assistance from industry, contacts
all parties involved and initiates the ordering of needed items
* Ensures proper delivery and receipt of goods
* Ensures invoice papers are given to Director
* Completes a Total Loss spreadsheet for the Director
Culinary Leadership – Charlie Downs, Residential Dining Chef/Production Manager
* Review menus-adjust as needed to feed customers according to food & staff available
* Organize production staff to create production plan for feeding of customers
* Ensure that proper records are kept concerning food production and loss
Set Up Leadership – Kathy Christopher, Catering Manager
* Organize staffing needed to set up emergency serving areas (buffet line)
* Contacts any clients if functions need to be cancelled due to emergency
Monitor Plan and Assign Tasks – Sherry Dunbar, General Manager
* Initiate the Dining Services emergency plan by assembling managers in
pre-determined location (corner office conference room)
* Assists Director in all aspects of emergency plan to ensure that
it is progressing as necessary to meet the needs of customers
* Ensures that all necessary tasks are assigned and progressing
* Assists with the follow up procedure to get back to business as usual
* Serves as Emergency Leader in absence of Director, and performs their duties
Employee Questions/Payroll – Lynda Hudzick, Office Manager
*Assists in contacting employees if necessary
* Serves as contact for all employee questions concerning the emergency and
assists in directing employees to the proper resource for those answers
* Acts as campus contact with College Relations concerning the emergency and
informing that department of information needed to be shared with campus
* Fields all employee questions concerning benefit time and time paid
during emergency
1.Utilize Marketplace generator supported areas. Close cash operations.
a. Alter menus accordingly
b. Contact suppliers and change orders
c. Contact campus through Lori Hixon/College Relations
2.If Marketplace is unavailable, go to Myer Hall
a. Alter menus accordingly
b. Contact suppliers and change orders
c. Contact campus through Lori Hixon/College Relations
3.If Myer is unavailable, go to Leffler Chapel or Thompson Gym to serve meals
a. Contact suppliers for support and alter menus
b. Campus communication
c. Rent or borrow equipment for long term food preparation (use high school
if in the summer months)
d. Contact Consortium for assistance
4.In all cases save receipts and invoices for emergency accounting purposes
Gas Leaks
1. Call Plant Operations at x1408 to report the problem. If it is not during business hours, call Security at x1263.2. If security decides to evacuate the building, place all food that is in production in refrigerators. Pull food products from ovens, fryers, etc. and place into warmers or refrigerators. Everyone should assist in evacuating the areas. A Manager should perform a final walkthrough to ensure everyone is evacuated and the building is secure. In the absence of a manager, the Lead person will perform this task.
3. In general, windows should be left open and electrical equipment should NOT be turned on or off. If time permits, open flames (pilot lights) should be extinguished. Plant operations or security will see that the main gas valves are turned off.
4. Refer to Emergency Feeding Plan if during meal hours.
5. Once it has been determined that the buildings are safe, equipment can be turned on, students may reenter the building, and employees can return to work stations.
6. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dolheimer at x1587
Bomb Threat
- The person receiving the call should attempt to keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and get as much information as possible. Questions to be asked include:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb?
- What kind of bomb is it and what does it look like?
- What will cause the bomb to explode?
- Did you place the bomb and why?
- Note the following:
- Gender of the caller
- Description of the caller
- Any notable background noises
- Note the time of the call
3. Take notes while on the phone with the caller.
4. If possible, signal another person and have them call x1111.
5. If the building is evacuated, secure all food in production, shut down equipment, secure cash registers, and refer to the Emergency Feeding Plan.
6. All media contact should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Terrorism/ Hostage Situations
1. In the event that a situation involving terrorism or hostages occurs, call the dispatcher at x1111 immediately.2. The dispatcher will notify the local police.
3. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Tornado or High Wind Watch/ Warning
1. In the event of a tornado or high wind watch/ warning, the dispatcher will monitor the radio and/or television for additional weather updates and information. (NOTE: A WATCH is a condition where tornadoes are likely to occur. A WARNING is a condition where tornadoes have been sighted or seen on radar.2. If there is a tornado warning, select personnel will watch the sky. Tornadoes usually come from the west or southwest. If a tornado is sighted, make an announcement for all occupants to take cover.
3. Do NOT use fire alarms to alert occupants; it may cause them to run outside. Occupants should seek cover, NOT exit the building.
4. Occupants should seek shelter in the lowest parts of the building (NOT stay on the 2nd floor), preferably in small rooms or hallways. Face the wall and crouch down on hands and elbows with hands clasped together. If in Brossman Commons, occupants should move to the Body Shop, Manager’s Offices, Bookstore Hallway, Blue Bean Café Hallway. Occupant should AVOID the main walkway under the skylight.
5. Close drapes and interior doors, and stay away from windows.
- After the storm passes, check for injuries and administer first aid and/or medical treatment as necessary. Call the dispatcher at x1111 for serious injuries.
7. If there is a possibility of structural damage, wait for assistance before attempting to leave the building.
8. Do NOT reenter buildings until they have been cleared for occupancy.
9. Be aware, that if the community experiences extensive damage, emergency assistance may take awhile to arrive.
10. It may be necessary for Plant Operations or Security to disconnect the gas and electricity to buildings that have sustained damage.
11. Refer to the Emergency Feeding Plan.
12. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Power Outage
1. Call x1111, assign someone to serve as Timekeeper. This person should record the current time and notify the manager on duty at each ½ hour increment.2. Managers and staff should check on employees and occupants to ensure everyone’s safety.
3. Assign someone to review student schedules in each location. Have them write down who is scheduled to report to work within the next few hours and call each of them. These student employees are to be told they are expected to report to their shifts as scheduled to help with any tasks, and to be at their stations as the power may return soon. Assign someone to log student work times (in and out) so they will be paid properly.
4. Generator-supported areas include main kitchen and Centerplate. If these do not come on, call Mike Bierbower’s cell phone at 468-8013.
- At the ½ hour mark without power:
- Continue service as much as possible in the Marketplace, close the cash operations, and assign staff to assist in moving product or helping other areas. Secure cash registers.
- Assign employees to unload products in Jay’s open-air cooler. Place onto cart and put in walk-in cooler.
- Assign employees to monitor and record cold food, refrigerator, and freezer temperatures every 15 minutes. As temperatures reach the danger zone, product should be moved to walk-in units.
- Limit refrigerator and freezer access, as much as possible, to retain proper temperatures.
- Assign someone to gather chafers, sternos, and emergency supplies from Myer and bring to Marketplace. (Some chafers should be in Body Shop area store room) Get chafers set up and lit immediately, so they are hot and ready for hot food as needed.
- Assign someone to gather portable salad bars and ice them as needed.
- At the 1 hour mark without power:
- Contact Mike Bierbower (x1547 or cell 468-8013) or Security (x1263) for update on emergency and estimated time frame.
- Prepare communication for the campus. Contact Lori Hixon (x1268) and ask him to email and voicemail to the campus the emergency meal schedule. (For example: “the power is out, please bear with us as we cope with this emergency. Dinner will be a limited menu at the Marketplace from 5-7pm. The Jay’s Nest and BBC are closed.”
- Empty Jay’s Nest ice cream freezer and place into bakery walk-in freezer. Identify other areas to check where food items may need to be moved.
- At the 2 hour mark without power:
- If it looks to be a long-term power outage, (extending longer than four hours, call the management team in for a planning meeting. Make plans accordingly in order to serve guests.
- When the power comes back on:
- Check EVERY piece of equipment to ensure that it came on and monitor the temperatures.
- Determine which foods are safe to consume. Record all food disposed of for insurance purposes. Give records to Accounting Manager.
- Communication reopening information to campus through Lori Hixon.
- Reopen all facilities as scheduled.
Three Mile Island Nuclear Incident
1. The Elizabethtown College Emergency Management Group will handle the emergency as it relates to college students and personnel.2. In the case of an evacuation, ElizabethtownCollege students (without transportation) will be transferred to Franklin and MarshallCollege. They will provide temporary accommodations for those individuals whose homes are located within the plume exposure pathway EPZ or are unable to make immediate arrangements for movement to selected destinations.
3. Students will be picked up at the designated pick up point (which are Myer, Founders, and Leffler Chapel) by private auto or bus and transported to Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster using routes: Mt. Joy Street or College Avenue to Market Street to Cloverleaf road to Rt. 283 East to Rt. 30 East to Harrisburg Avenue and go to F & M’s Alumni Sports and Fitness Center.
4. Dining Services is responsible for placing all equipment in “shut-down” status and for transporting emergency feeding items to F & M.
Fire and Fire Alarms
1. When fire alarms sound, cash areas should be secured, food items in production should be placed in refrigerators or warmers, and employees should evacuate using the closest entrances/exits. Managers should assist student in evacuation, employees should assist employees paying particular attention to the disabled. One Manager should perform a final walk-through to ensure the facility is vacant. In the absence of a manager, the Lead person should perform this task.2. The Director of Dining services should be the contact with security who will relay information to the fire department in terms of important records, etc.
3. Refer to the Emergency Feeding Plan.
4. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer x1587.
Lack of Water
1. If water is not available in any meal facility, the menu should be adapted for that meal.
2. If the problem will continue for more than one meal, Dining Services should bring over all 5-gallon water jugs from Myer and obtain 5-gallon water jugs (Sweet Arrow) from Harrisburg Dairies (717-901-4571) and continue service.
Food Shortage
1. Assess shortage and determine need.2. Contact vendors and local institutions to make arrangements for emergency pick up or delivery and/or exchange.
3. Set up food rationing plan.
4. Create menu that allows RDA of calories per student. Ask Health Services to assist with this task.
Food Borne Illness
1. If a guest claims that they are experiencing a food borne illness, record his/her answers to the following questions:- Name, Address, Phone Number.
- What are the symptoms?
- What did you eat?
- What location and what time?
- How long after eating did you get sick?
2. Notify campus Health Services and all of management of the situation.
3. If two or more individuals complain of illness, contact the Health Department to notify them of the outbreak.
4. Take a “HACCP look” at the foods in question all the way back to when they were received.
5. Discuss all aspects of the situation with all management and employees, train them on necessary changes, and remedy situation so that outbreak does not occur again.
6. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Campus Tragedy
1. If a tragedy occurs on campus, dining Services will provide food and beverage as required by the Emergency Management Group.2. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Community Tragedy
1. If a tragedy occurs on campus, dining Services will provide food and beverage as required by the Emergency Management Group, and/or Campus Officials.2. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Student Riots/ Fights/ Intoxication
1. In the case of a student riot, fight, or intoxication, any employee in dining Services should call Campus Security at x1111 to report the incident.2. Dining Services employees should attempt to identify participants and secure cash drawers.
3. Dining Services employees are NOT to get involved in the incident.
4. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Response to Theft (updated info Fall 2004)
1. If an individual is suspected of theft, a manager should approach the individual and ask if their items have been paid for.2. If the individual cannot verify the sale, the manager should get all valid information possible from that individual or witnesses.
- Campus Security should be called at x1111 to report the situation and ask for assistance.
4. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Facility Shut-down
1. In the case that the dining facility is shut down due to health reasons or biological reasons, management and employees should do everything possible to remedy the situation immediately so that service can begin again.2. Refer to Emergency Feeding Plan.
3. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Sewage Spill
1. If a sewage spill occurs in the facility, it should be shut down immediately.2. Refer to Emergency Feeding Plan
3. The facility must be cleaned, sanitized, and fumigated as necessary.
4. Invite the Health Inspector in to review the facility before it opens.
4. All media contacts should be made through Mary Dohlheimer at x1587.
Snow Emergency
1. When students are in session, Dining Services must have food available for them.2. In the case of a snow emergency, all employees who are able must report to work. If additional help is needed, the phone communication chain should be used. The Market place is the first to open for business. The Cash Operations will open as full-time and student employees are available. Cash Operation students will help in the Marketplace as needed until their facility is open.
3. If food and beverage deliveries cannot be made, the menu should be adapted in order to utilize the food on site.
Dining Services Emergency Plan for Power Outage (2004)
Supplies to store in case of long-term without power
(Administrative Supplies budget line)
amount / 3000 ppl
PAPER SUPPLIES: / Amt/case / cost/case / 1 day
Clamshells / 500 / 88.25 / 6
Combo packs (f,k,s,s&p,nap) / 250 / 15.55 / 12
12 oz cup / 1000 / 21.24 / 2
sterno / 24 / 23.11 / 2
coffee stirrers / 750 / 1.26 / 1
Line napkins
Tea Bags / 1000 / 27.04 / 1
Decaf Tea Bags / 500 / 20.97 / 0.5
Creamer (powdered non-dairy) / 1000 / 13.41 / 3
Sugar packets / 2000 / 7.56 / 2
Equal packets / 2000 / 25.01 / 0.5
Sanitizer tablets (bottle) / 1 / 3.65 / 0.5
Disposable rags (box of 150) / 1 / 33.84 / 0.6
Vinyl gloves (large) / 1000 / 40.58 / 0.5
variety of canned soda