The Regular meeting of the City of Buffalo City Common Council was called to order by Mayor Russ Lorenz at 7:00 p.m. Roll call: Brach Seitz, Kevin Mack, Ben Holien, Lisa Schuh. Also present City Superintendent Stan Meier. The meeting was held as noticed. Motion Mack, second Schuh to approve minutes from the June council meeting. All yes, motion carried.

Recreation: Skating Rink shack roof was re-roofed. Looking to get new carpet yet for inside shack. Waiting on new quotes for tennis court re-surfacing. Also looking at leveling skating rink.

Building: Six permits issued. Judge has ruled that the Becker building is illegal and must be torn down by November 1, 2014.

Health & Safety: Issues with dogs barking continuously in the City. Complaints were addressed and will continue to monitor. Dogs that were reported to the County Sheriff’s Department for biting have been put down by the owner as far as we know. Still issue with beauty salon operating without a conditional use permit. Rabbit operation will go to Board of Appeals meeting July 24.

Cemetery: Issues with grave digging time discussed. Cemetery Committee will schedule a meeting.

Mayor: Part-time worker Marquardt has put his resignation in affective July 3. Will continue to advertise for a new part-time worker and look at what applications we have at the August meeting. Council gave Superintendent Meier permission to hire extra help if needed in the mean time at $10/hour.

Superintendent: FMCSA Manual needs updating. Consensus of council to wait on it.

Other Discussion: Holein explained that the bill for the scoreboard was paid through the City and the Little League reimbursed the amount back to the City. The entire amount for the new scoreboard was donated to the C-BC Little League by the Cochrane Cooperative Telephone Company. Council discussed updates of playground equipment and taking siren out of bell tower and replacing with electric ringer for old bell. Consensus of council to send thank you to all involved in the 4th of July Celebration. Also thanked Meier for all his hard work on getting the park ready for the celebration.

Motion Seitz, second Mack to pay bills. All yes, motion carried.

Motion Mack, second Holien to adjourn meeting. All yes, motion carried.

Jenny Ehlenfeldt, Clerk