University of Wisconsin – Green Bay
Student Government Association Student Senate Application
Please return applications to the Student Senate Office (UU 151B) or email to .Hand written applications will not be accepted.


  • Student Senator


  • Speaker of the Student Senate

Hours per Week

  • 3-5 hours minimum

Position Qualifications

  • Be a current student of the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay enrolled in a minimum of 3 credits.
  • Have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher.

Duties of a Senator

  • Attend the Senate meetings (every other Monday at 5:15pm)
  • Serve on two Senate committees comprised of other Senators and students
  • Serve a minimum of 2 office hours per week

Important Responsibilities of a Senator

  • Represent the students of UW-Green Bay on issues before Senate
  • Keep the students informed on topics before Senate and those discussed in Senate meetings
  • Be open to feedback from other students
  • Aid students with questions, concerns, and problems
  • Become familiar with SGA structure, University policies, and Robert’s Rules of Order

Personal Information

Name: ______

Email: ______

Local Address: ______

Local Phone: ______

Semesters remaining at UW-Green Bay: ______

Major(s): ______Minor(s): ______

Are you enrolled in three or more credits? ______Do you have a GPA of 2.0 or above? ______

General Information

Please complete this part of the application in a separate Word Document

  • Please list any co-curricular activities you have participated in or any offices you have held.
  • Why are you interested in being a Student Senator?
  • What strengths do you bring to Student Senate?
  • How do you feel you will benefit from your involvement with SGA?
  • How will the students of UW-Green Bay benefit by having you represent them as their Senator?
  • Please state any other information you think is relevant for this application.
  • Please rank all of the committees of SGA that you would be interested in serving on.
    1=most interested, 10=least interested

Rank / Committee / Description
Academic Affairs / This committee has primary legislative responsibility for review and recommendation of academic policies or any matters concerning academics at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay.
Community Outreach / This committee works to improve communication, outreach, and student engagement both between Student Government and the student body as well across the University as a whole.
Environmental Affairs / The Environmental Affairs committee seeks to promote sustainability on campus and work on projects that carry out the University's 'EcoU' mission.
Equity & Diversity / This committee works to create an environment that allows all people to feel comfortable on our campus, regardless of their sex, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, gender expression, etc., and to raise awareness about issues that minorities may face.
Health & Safety / The Health and Safety Committee at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay shall have primary legislative responsibility for review and recommendation of all matters of health, safety, and living climate.
Recreation & Athletics / This committee works to improve student experiences at the Kress Events Center and at UW-Green Bay Athletic events.
Student Resources / This committee advocates for any resource on campus for students. This encompasses the library, computer labs and various programs/events that encourage campus pride and encourages students to get involved on campus.
SUFAC / Segregated University Fee Allocation Committeeis responsible for distribution of segregated university fee monies and for overseeing the use of segregated fees. Review involves recommendations on increases, decreases, or the continuation of existing fees paid by the students each semester.
Union & Dining / This committee strives to improve student satisfaction of food and Union activities on campus by collaborating with the Director of the Union and the current food service provider. Senators are given the opportunity to propose Union/dining related projects to initiate on campus.
University Governance / The committee coordinates with the student body, political student organizations, and federal, state, and local politicians to maximize input and representation of student issues.

At your confirmation hearing, you will be asked to explain your reason for joining Senate. Please be prepared to answer questions such as these.

  • Give two specific examples where you personally provided leadership.
  • What is your greatest weakness and how will you improve it as a Student Senator?
  • Provide two specific things you would like to change or address at UW-Green Bay.
  • What does it mean to you to be a Senator?
  • What are three goals you hope to accomplish for the University?
  • Please describe two times in which you have worked well at completing a task with a group of people.

Signature: ______Date: ______

In order to complete your Senate application, you need to collect 50 signatures from UW-Green Bay students to ensure you have the support of students for your nomination. Any student can sign your form, but each student can only sign your form once.

I, ______am applying to become a Student Senator.
























