District 9650


Adopt A School


We invite you to support the Adopt A School Project by putting together a very useful

“Student/Teacher Resource Box”

Please remember:

  • Size of box is important
  • Materials are shared
  • A balanced selection is


Rotarian Sue Moran (Rotary Club of Inverell) &

volunteer Jenelle Neich (Inverell) distributing

books at Railaco Kraic School in Timor Leste

Resource Box


  • 20 x exercise books
  • 10 x rulers
  • 1 x ream of paper ##
  • 30 x lead pencils
  • 20 x blue biros
  • 20 x red biros
  • 2 x pencil sharpeners
  • 6 x 12 coloured pencils
  • 6 x erasers
  • 1 x pack Blue Tack
  • 6 x pair scissors
  • Coloured paper for craft
  • 1 X compass
  • etc. etc

## If items are being delivered by a

FAIM team as paper is oftencheaper

to buy in recipient country

Adopt A School Expansion

As from 2011 Adopt A School Kits will be expanded into a new Student/Teacher Resource Box to include a great variety of material. Additionally the overall program will also be expanded to encompass schools in Timor Leste in addition to the original Tafea area. Further expansions are planned into Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands in subsequent years

A more extensive overall program is also planned from 2011 for participation of Rotary Volunteer teams (FAIM) offering support to schools in all areas through the provision of maintenance upgrades and general improvements

Substitute Items

Can I change the quantities? Of course

Can I put in pre-loved pencils, rulers etc? Yes

Unused letterhead paper OK? Great

Coloured paper? Why not

Storage Bags

These could include:

Big & small pencil cases, library bags, small fabric shoulder bags, draw string packets

& bags

They can be home made, pre-loved, any fabric

Making them could be a good project

Big Budget Items

Large felt pens for “big books”, one good pair of scissors, stapler & staples, library tape

Top up the Box

With more paper, cardboard, writing things,

pieces of fabric, scribbler pads

Can I add ...... ?

Some extra items such as rubber bands, coloured paper, exercise books writing pads bread packet tags, drawing pins, sticky tape,

Cut outs & outline drawings, common shapes, animals, people, etc suitable for Christmas, birthday & postcards?

Yes, of course!

Please pack and seal in small carton

i.e. 5 pack A4 paper carton readily available from schools and offices 320x220x280

All boxes should be the same size. Materials will be shared by similar group sizes

Label boxes “Student/Teacher Resource Box” District 9650 RAWCS Adopt A School Project

Mark the name of the club or group which provided the donation and provide a contact

address for return correspondence

Contact your local Rotary Club to have them arrange delivery to a District 9650 Adopt A School address

Now make contact with:

District 9650 Adopt A School Co-ordinator contact as

per RAWCS Committee

contact list & District Directory or