ColColumbia No. 1 Fire Department


Incident Operations

Guideline Reference:06


Subject:Helicopter Landing Zones

Revised:January 1, 2006


To provide a ready source of information and policy to safely land a helicopter when needed in time of emergencies.



A.Depending on the type of incident, a specific type of helicopter may be requested. Lifelion Aeromedical Services is first due helicopter in area for medical lifts. State Police helicopter is first due in region for S & R incidents.

B.If dispatched for landing zone stand-by in the Borough, establish with incident commander who will communicate with the helicopter, the incident commander or OIC of landing zone. Preferably the OIC of the landing zone should have all communications with the aircraft.

C.If dispatched for landing zone standby out of the Borough, the OIC of station 8-1 will have full communications with helicopter, unless zone officer of incident states otherwise.


A.An area approximately 100'X100' is requested for landing zone area. One cone will be placed on all four corners and one additional cone will be placed on side which wind is coming from. Landing zone must be secured to prevent bystanders and EMS/Fire personnel from entering zone when aircraft is approaching.


B.All members of the fire department should be in full turnout gear, with SCBA on (Not in use), including eye protection.

C.Largest dry chemical or Purple K fire extinguisher available should be removed from apparatus and manned during landing and take off. NO HOSELINES should be removed during take off or landing.

D.All loose objects should be secured by landing zone personnel.

E.When aircraft has landed the OIC of the LZ will contact the incident commander and seek further instructions if needed.

F.Never approach the helicopter until told to do so by a member of the flight team or the OIC of the LZ.

G.Approach and depart only from the front of the helicopter, always in view of the pilot.

H.Loading and unloading of patients and equipment will be at the direction of the flight team and OIC. Flight team may contact EMS crew for a brief patient report.

I.Only personnel assisting with the stretcher are to accompany the flight team back to the aircraft.

J.Do not lift anything above shoulder height.

K.All personnel should exit LZ from the same way they entered.

L.OIC of the LZ will communicate with the pilot when all personnel are clear of the aircraft.

M.After aircraft is in the air, the OIC of the LZ will contact the incident commander and request if there services are needed any longer.

N.If incident commander suspects he may need a helicopter but is not sure, he may place the aircraft on standby which simply alerts aircraft crew of possible assist to your incident. It is preferable that EMS is consulted prior to requesting a helicopter.

O.The ideal location for the LZ will be free of obstructions including trees, wires and building. The LZ will also be in a relatively level location.


A.The only vehicle with emergency lighting in use will be the engine standing by for the landing zone. All other vehicles will shut off there lights if near the scene and if possible.

B.On the four corner cones of the LZ, 1 single flare per corner will be placed to illuminate the corners.

C.No lights will be shined on the aircraft while attempting to land.

D.After the aircraft is safely on the ground, 1 light may be placed to illuminate a path to the aircraft.

E.If available, 1 person will be placed approximately 75' from LZ on each side of LZ to prevent personnel and bystanders from entering LZ.

  1. Light tower will NOT be raised during landing of aircraft. Minimal use of lights will be used to illuminate the LZ during the helicopter landing.


If the Columbia No. 1 Fire Department is dispatched to assist a mutual aide department with an LZ, the OIC of the responding 8-1 piece of apparatus will keep in constant communications with the designated command as to the status of the helicopter.


1.It is imperative that constant communications is kept with the incident commander or with the assigned helicopter to the incident.

2.When heavy radio traffic is happening at the incident, the OIC assigned to the landing zone will contact the incident commander for utilization of a second channel. It is preferred a second channel is utilized.

3.The OIC of the LZ will communicate as much pertinent information on the LZ to the pilot of the incoming helicopter. This information will include but not be limited to obstructions near and around the site, type of terrain landing on etc.


1.It will be the responsibility of each member to exercise the appropriate control dictated by his/her rank in the implementation of this operational guideline.

2.It will be the responsibility of the Incident Commander or the OIC to request a helicopter for a medical emergency or for a search and rescue detail. The incident commander will make proper notification to county control on specific type of helicopter needed, i.e. (medical-Lifelion, S & R State Police).